APPENDIX G –Congratulations

from around the world


WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1000
2 Jul 2012

Dear Air Force Weather Professionals:

For 75 years, Air Force Weather has provided outstanding support to the Nation. The daily efforts of your superb men and women have helped to guide the course of history.

Since your beginnings on July 1, 1937, in the Army Air Corps, we have benefitted from weather warriors operating in all of our major combat and humanitarian relief operations. In addition, your leadership in areas ranging from hurricane reconnaissance to observing and forecasting solar activity has saved countless lives and allowed us to evaluate and plan for impacts to our numerous air and space systems.

You have a distinguished heritage, and the Air Force Weather team can be justifiably proud as you celebrate this significant milestone. I am confident that Air Force Weather's future will be characterized by the same high standards of excellence that have marked your performance in the past. Happy 75th!



In 1987, the following letters were sent to

Brig. Gen. GeorgeE. Chapman and the men and women of AWS.[1]


WASHINGTON, District of Columbia

1 July 1987

I am pleased to send my congratulations to the men and women who comprise the Air Weather Service as you celebrate your Golden Anniversary.

For 50 years you have done an outstanding job supporting America's military forces and originating many of the major advances in the science of meteorology. The Air Weather Service plays a vital role in the decision making process of military commanders by providing necessary weather information. You also perform a crucial function by aiding civilian meteorologists with accurate and timely weather reports through the use of, satellites, radar, and air reconnaissance.

I salute the men and women of Air Weather Service for a job well done. With your continued dedication and professionalism I am sure that the forecast of the Air Force will always be "clear and a million.” Again, congratulations and God bless you.

Ronald Regan


July 1st is a great day for the Air Weather Service and the United States Air Force. You and your people can be justifiably proud of a distinguished heritage and extensive contributions made in the defense of our country.

I join the men and women of the Military Airlift Command in saluting you and your many accomplishments as you celebrate this special day. All our best for a grand 50th anniversary.

Gen. Duane H. Cassidy


On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Air Weather Service, I extend my heartiest congratulations to you and all the men and women of Air Weather Service. During the past years, I have observed your continued progress in providing weather service tailored to our many complex weapon systems. The high degree of professionalism and dedication displayed by your people, in particular those of the 3rd WeatherWing here at Offutt, has given us the weather support necessary to keep pace with the rapid process of change in today's developing aerospace era. I am confident that the future of your organization wi11 be characterized by the same high standards of efficiency that have marked its performance in the past.

Gen. John T. Chain, Jr.


Congratulations to the men and women ofthe Air Weather Service on the occasion ofyour 50th anniversary. Since 1 July 1937, youhave provided outstanding weather supportthat has contributed to our ability to win warsand preserve peace. I am confident the next 50years will be even more productive. Happyanniversary.

Gen. Robert D. Russ


On behalf of the United States Air Forces inEurope, I congratulate you on the 50th anniversaryof Air Weather Service. Weather isa critical consideration in planning andexecuting military operations, particularly inthe European theater. Because of this, themen and women of the Air Weather Service,who have served so diligently through theyears, have had a special importance inliping guide the course of history. Thankilly,they have done their job superbly, andtheir record of accomplishment in supportingour military forces and our NATO allies isexemplary. Today that fine tradition is aliveand well in Europe, through the dynamicefforts of the men and women of your 2ndWeather Wing. They are top professionals,and we need and appreciate them.

Air Weather Service has compiled a proudrecord of 50 years of outstanding service. Mayyou meet the challenge of the future with thesame fine spirit and dedication. HappyBirthday!

Gen. Charles L. Donnelly, Jr


On behalf of the PACAF family, I extend myhearty congratulations to you and all membersof your command as you celebrate 50years of outstanding service. The manysignificant achievements of the men andwomen of Air Weather Service have contributedto the successful accomplishment ofthe Air Force mission in the Pacific. Yourprogramming efforts to improve equipmentand support to the weather-sensitivetechnology of this command are particularlypraiseworthy. I have full confidence in theability of Air Weather Service and the 1stWeather Wing to continue your outstandingsupport to this war-fighting command.

Gen. Jack I. Gregory


Congratulations to the men and women of the Air Weather Service as you celebrate your command's 50th anniversary on 1 July 1987. AWS personnel contribute significantly to the successful accomplishment of the systems acquisition mission. Our dependence upon the weather service continues to grow; from the effects of icing on cruise missiles and B1-B development, to atmospheric scattering and absorption of laser beams, we rely heavily upon accurate, reliable weather data. AFSC is grateful for your fine record of support, and I have every confidence you'll rise to the challenges of the future.

Gen. Lawrence A. Skantze


The men and women of the Air ForceLogistics Command join me in extending ourheartiest congratulations during your 50thanniversary celebration. Air Weather Servicehas met the challenge of military weathersupport around the world and into space. May your future efforts be as distinguished as the first half century.

Gen. Earl T. O’Loughlin


Throughout my flying career I have been keenly aware of the invaluable contribution of the members of the Air Weather Service. Weather forecasting is a cornerstone to safe flying operations. Here in Alaska, where the weather is traditionally hostile to both ground and air operations, we are especially dependent upon timely and accurate environmental data.

Due to the increasing recognition of Alaska's strategic importance, we are being asked to perform increasingly challenging missions. We must operate aircraft routinely in some of the world's worst flying weather; maintain and improve our long-range detection capability through a series of radar upgrades; and the newly formed 6th Infantry Division (Light) must train in arctic field conditions to support JTF-AK operations. The men and women of the 11th Weather Squadron have consistently responded superbly to the ever-increasing demands placed upon them, and will, no doubt, excel in the future.

Thus, it is with the greatest of pleasure that. I congratulate the Air Weather Service for 50 years of distinguished support to Air Force and Army operations. Please accept the sincere best wishes of the Alaskan Air Command for continued success.

Lt. Gen. David L. Nichols


On behalf of the Air Training Command, Icongratulate you and the personnel of AirWeather Service as you celebrate your 50thAnniversary on 1 July 1987. We in the "FirstCommand" can certainly speak to thecriticality of weather support to our business.I can also attest to the superb job your peoplein the 24th Weather Squadron have done insupporting our flying training mission formore than 25 years. As we look to thechallenge of the future, I am confident the AirWeather Service will continue to display thesame dedication, enthusiasm and professionalcompetence it has shown these past 50 years.Again, my personal congratulations on thisnoteworthy achievement.

Lt. Gen. John A. Shaul


My heartiest congratulations to you and themen and women of Air Weather Service onyour organization's 50th Anniversary. AirUniversity and its predecessor, the Air CorpsTactical School, have greatly benefited fromthe superb support provided by Air WeatherService during the last half-century. The trulyoutstanding support by your staff weatherofficers, weather forecasters, and weatherobservers has been indispensable to our management of the U.S. Air Force'sprofessional education system. My bestwishes for the continued success of your proudorganization, and for another half-century ofclose cooperation.

Lt. Gen. Truman Spangrud


On behalf of the men and women of the AirForce Communications Command, Icongratulate Air Weather Service on its 50thAnniversary of dedicated service to ournation. Our people serve side-by-side withyours around the globe, meeting the challengeof supporting myriad commands with widelyvaried, constantly changing missions. We aredeeply proud of our long, close associationwith Air Weather Service and its people; andhave accomplished much during your richhistory and have served our nation well.Again, congratulations on this momentousoccasion and best wishes for continued success.

Maj. Gen. John T. Stihl


On behalf of the Electronic Security Command,I congratulate you and the dedicatedmen and women of Air Weather Service on theoccasion of your 50th anniversary. Theprofessional and dedicated weather supportthat Air Weather Service has provided to ESCin our first eight years is greatly appreciated.With units scattered at 90 locations in 11countries around the world, we are verydependent on the day-to-day weather serviceprovided by your detachments. Tasking adjustments,resource allocation, and missionmanagement all rely on timely, accurate, andcomprehensive weather data. Withoutquestion, this support has been outstanding.

Again, congratulations on this notable occasion,and best wishes for continued success.

Maj.Gen. Paul H. Martin


Air Force Space Command extends sincerecongratulations to all members of AirWeather Service on the occasion of the 50thAnniversary of your organization.

For half a century, Air Weather Service hasbeen a leader in technological innovation insupport of operational forces. As the militaryway in space environmental support to thesensor and satellite systems which are key tothe Air Force Space Command mission.Currently, our cooperative roles in theDefense Meteorological Satellite Programstand as prime examples of the use of space asa medium for military support activities.

Air Force Space Command extends theirbest wishes for the next 50 years to the menand women of the Air Weather Service.

Maj. Gen. Maurice C. Padden


Our warmest congratulations to you and allyour people on the occasion of the 50th Anniversaryof the Air Weather Service. Thisyear also has special significance to us inNORAD as we celebrate the 30th Anniversaryof our binational command. Since our inceptionin 1957, Air Weather Service hasprovided superb support to our many weathersensitive aerospace defense operations.

We look forward to your continued supportin the future. From your many U.S. andCanadian friends in NORAD, our best wishesfor continued success.

Gen. Julia L. Piotrowsk


On behalf of all United States servicemenand servicewomen in the United StatesEuropean Command, I extend mycongratulations on the occasion of the halfcenturyanniversary of the Air WeatherService, and add my personal best wishes forthe future.

Your services have been valuable to all of us— from the soldiers in the field during exercisesto the airmen supporting flyingoperations. Perhaps more visible, but no lessimportant to morale, have been the dailycontacts on the Armed Forces Radio andTelevision Service and in the Stars andStripes. On several recent occasions, our jointoperations have required the support of theAir Weather Service resources and personnel.The results have been predictablyprofessional and contributed to successfuloperations.

May your next 50 years be equallyprosperous as we work together in the defenseof our nation and our allies.

Gen. Thomas C. Richards


It is my great pleasure and honor to offermy personal congratulations to Air WeatherService on its 50th anniversary.

During the past I have observed the continuedgrowth of tailored weather servicesupport to the U.S. Army. Forces Command isparticularly indebted to all the personnel ofthe "Fighting" Fifth Weather Squadron whohave supported our operations and fieldexercises in the Far East, Europe, theCaribbean, and the United States.

Your people have kept pace with ourchanging requirements in the face of a growing threat and have greatly contributed to the successful worldwide operations of this Command.

Gen. Joseph T. Palustra Jr.


Please accept my sincere congratulationson the occasion of the 50th anniversary of theAir Weather Service. Your organization has along history of providing exceptional supportto the United States Readiness Command. Wehave consistently received accurate weathersupport tailored to our requirements indiverse environments from the Arctic toCentral America. I want to particularlycongratulate the First Weather Squadron, mystaff weather office. Their support, both in garrison and in the field, has been outstanding,and will undoubtedly continue as we transitionto the United States Special OperationsCommand.

Gen. James J. Lindsay

U.S. Army Europe and 7th Army

Congratulations to you and the members ofyour command on the 50th anniversary of theAir Weather Service. Your hard work andprofessionalism have made weather service inthe United States Army, Europe, the bestever.I thank you for your support and wish youcontinued success.

Gen. Glenn K. Otis

U.S. Forces, Korea

The United States Forces Korea is made upof soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. Weall rely heavily on accurate, timely weatherinformation to make our operations flowsmoothly, effectively, and safely — in peaceas well as war.

I want to add my heartfelt congratulationsto the men and women of the Air WeatherService for so faithfully assisting us here inKorea. Fifty years and going strong. Keep upthe good work!

Gen. William J. Livsey

Air Force Academy

It is a pleasure to extend our sincerecongratulations to you and all members ofyour command as you observe the 50th Anniversaryof the Air Weather Service. For halfa century, the services of your command havecontributed immeasurably to the successful accomplishment of the Air Force mission.Such an achievement is possible only throughthe superior professionalism and dedication ofall the people of Air Weather Service. I amconfident the coming years will see your command achieve ever greater successes as itadds to its proud tradition.

From all of us at the United States Air ForceAcademy, our sincerest congratulations andbest wishes.

Lt. Gen. Winfield W. Scott Jr.


All soldiers, sailors, Marines and airman ofU.S. Central Command join me in extending ahearty congratulations to you and all membersof the Air Weather Service on your 50thanniversary. I also note that July 1, 1987marks the 50th anniversary of the FirstWeather Squadron. They have providedsuperb weather support to the United StatesCentral Command, to include an extensive exercise program which has taken us from theSouthwest United States to Southwest Asia. Inall instances, your forecasters provided theweather assessments necessary for thiscommand to make sound operationaldecisions. Again, congratulations on thismemorable occasion; meet the challenges ofthe future with the same spirit of outstandingservice.

Maj. Gen. H.D. Penzler


We at United States Southern Commandextend our heartfelt congratulations to youand all the men and women of the Air WeatherService on the occasion of your 50th anniversary.Here in Panama, we are particularlyindebted to the members ofDetachment 25, 5th Weather Wing. As ouroperations greatly expanded in recent years,these professionals provided outstandingcommand and field support to Headquarters,USSOUTHCOM, as well as our Army and AirForce components. Having responsibility forCentral and South America, we have a diversemission. The on-going war in El Salvador andthe conflict in Nicaragua are certainly toppriorities. Recently, we supported counterdrugoperations in Bolivia and providedearthquake disaster relief in Ecuador.Weather was often a critical factor, and Det.25's support was key to operational success.On routine missions in 1986, we made adocumented savings of over 1.5 million dollarsdue to accurate forecasts. I'm sure a lot ofeffort by many members of your organizationhelped make this possible. We appreciate yourinvaluable support, and offer best wishes ofcontinued success ... congratulations!

Rear Admiral Richard C. Ustick

7th AF (PACAF)

The Air Weather Service has made full useof the technological advances during the last50 years by being farsighted and by continuallyupgrading their product. The increasedability of the AWS to provide accuratecritical mission planning data hasprecipitated a direct increase in the safety andefficiency of combat air power.

My personal thanks are echoed throughoutSeventh Air Force as we congratulate you onthe 50th anniversary of the Air WeatherService. Your knowledge gives us power.

Lt. Gen. C.C. Rogers Jr.

Kansas ANG

I wish to take this opportunity to extend mycongratulations to you and all members ofyour command on the upcoming 50th anniversaryof the Air Weather Service. Themembers of your command have alwaysdemonstrated outstanding professionalismand dedication to the difficult task of serving and forecasting the weather. The 35L_Infantry Division has always received excellentsupport from the 127th Weather Flight.I have been most appreciative of their fineefforts since I spent a very rewarding civiliancareer in the weather field.

I am sure the quality men and women of theAir Weather Service will make the future ofweather support as progressive and outstandingas the first 50 years has been.

Once again, I extend the congratulationsand best wishes for the Kansas NationalGuard to you and your command on thisremarkable achievement.

Maj. Gen. Ralph T. Tice


We at the National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) are honored toacknowledge the celebration of the United StatesAir Force's Air Weather Service 50th Anniversary.