/ Rotary Messenger
Rotary Club of Eau ClaireEditor: Jerry ReineckeMarch 23, 2009
In This Issue
  • Club Assembly
  • Group Study Exchange Team from the Philippines to Visit
    Eau Claire
  • Greeters and Classification Talks Schedules
  • Dave Anderson – Guest of Janine Wildenberg and Prospective Member
  • John Stoneberg – guest of Holly Hart and Prospective Member
Leaves of Absence
  • Bob Schmidt
    (1/13/2009 – 4/13/2009)
  • Jack Bartingale
    (2/2/2009 – 4/20/2009)
  • Peter Scobie
    (3/1/2009 – 5/7/2009
  • Ron Dulitz
    (1/11/2009 – 5/11/2009)
  • Glenn Horejsi
    (1/1/2009 – 5/31/2009)
  • None
The4-Way Test
Of the things, we think,
say or do:
  1. Is it the ‘Truth’?
  2. Is it ‘Fair’ to all concerned?
  3. Will it build ‘Goodwill’ and ‘Better Friendships’?
  4. Will it be ‘Beneficial’ to all?
Our Calendar
March 30 – Foster Care Program in Eau ClaireCounty by Sherill Jahr and Carole Cedzidlo, Foster Care Coordinators
April 6 – Aging & Disability Resource Center by Lisa Wells, Family Caregiver Support Program
April 13 – The Foreclosure Process by Aaron Brunette, Haselwander Realtors GMAC Real Estate
April 18 – District Assembly in Wisconsin Dells
April 20 – Vocational Service Day… Field Trip to the ChippewaValleyMuseum hosted by Director Susan McLeod (Meeting begins at 11:30 AM)
April 27 – Eau Claire Area School District Budget by Superintendent Dr.Ron Heilman and Executive Director of Business Services Daniel Van De Water
May 4 – Group Study Exchange Team from the Philippines
May 11 – Bolivian Water Project by Rotarian Andrew Dane. Also Scholarships Awarded.
Officers/Board of Directors (2008-09 Rotary Year)
President – Don Huebscher
President-Elect – Jacqe Lahn
Vice President – Jon Niebergall
Secretary – Sara Antonson
Exec Sec / Treas – Jerry Reinecke
Past President – Sam Stagliano
Avenues of Service:
Club – Angela Hite
Community – Bob Schmidt
International – Mark Morse
Vocational – Marcia Van Beek
Contact Us
Rotary Club of Eau Claire
P.O. Box 671
Eau Claire, WI 54702-0671

Don Huebscher, President

Jerry Reinecke, Exec Sec & Treas

Rotary District 6250

Rotary District 6250 Newsletter
/ Club Assembly Summary
The following are some of the matters covered at the Club Assembly:
  • District Assembly – Our District 6250 Assembly will be held on Saturday April 18 in Wisconsin Dells. Break out sessions, including the areas of membership, fund-raising and youth exchange, are scheduled. All Rotarians are encouraged to attend. President Don Huebscher and several others from both our Club and the Morning Club plan on attending.
  • District Conference – Our District Conference will be held in Wisconsin Rapids from May 1-3. Don and others are planning on attending, and will be bringing the Group Study Exchange Team back to Eau Claire.
  • Annual Fund Raiser – Sammie Bostrom and Susan McLeod have volunteered to co-chair next fall’s annual poinsettia, chocolates and coffee sale fund raiser. Thank you to Vicki Hoehn and Lisa Stelter who have handled this job for the past several years and have done an outstanding job.
  • “Red Badge” program – In an effort to get our newer members more involved in club activities, we have kicked off a new “Red Badge” program. Under the leadership of Sam Stagliano, our newer members have been divided into two groups. Each group has been provided with $750 and asked to recommend a community project where these monies can be invested.
  • PETS – Jacqe Lahn, our President Elect for the 2009-10 Rotary Year, recently attended our District’s President Elect Training Session, a/k/a PETS. Jacqe thanked the Club for providing her the opportunity to serve as our President and to attend the training. Dean Dickinsen, a member of one of the LaCrosse Clubs, will serve as our District Governor for 2009-10.
Jacqe reported that Governor Elect Dean has established three areas of focus for next year… membership growth and retention, a community service day for all Rotarians in May 2010, and the creation of a “traveling brass bell” that will actas a tool to help raise monies for Polio Plus.
  • Avenues of Service Reports – Each of the Avenue of Service Chairs that were present provided a brief report on their ongoing activities:
  • Club Service – Angela Hite will be using the results of the recent member survey to help plan this year’s Recognition and Installation Banquet. The goal is to have an enjoyable and meaningful banquet on a date that will entice more members to attend.
  • Vocational Service – Marcia Van Beek and Susan McLeod are busy planning our second vocational trip of the Rotary Year. On April 20, our meeting will be held at the ChippewaValleyMuseum. Last October, we visited the Boys & Girls Club to see their facilities and to learn how the programs positively impact kids.
  • International Service – Mark Morse and his committee are busy planning for the visit of this year’s Group Study Exchange team from the Philippines (see next article). Mark also reported that the fight to eradicate polio continues to be an emphasis of the Rotary Foundation. Finally, Mark noted that we hope to join with the Chippewa Falls Club in helping to fund a water project in Bolivia.
  • Youth Exchange –Robin Shih reported that both of our exchange students are enjoying their year and are doing extremely well… Oliver Goulet in France and Kevin Spinner from France here in Eau Claire.
For next year, Tom Kosaba will be headed to Japan… which was his first choice, and we are anxiously awaiting news of who will be our Club’s inbound student.
  • Financial Statements – Jerry Reinecke reviewed the financial statements pointing out some of the highlights including the fact that our Club’s fund balances were approximately $38,000 at February 28. Of that amount, approximately $21,000 has been committed to fund a number of projects and programs
Group Study Exchange Team from the Philippinesto Visit Eau ClaireBeginning May 3rd
(Thank you to Mark Morse for orchestrating the GSE team visit to the ChippewaValley)
During their one month visit to our District 6250, the Group Study Exchange (GSE)Team fromthe Philippines(District3790), will spend several days in the ChippewaValley. On Sunday May 3, the team will travel from our District Conference in Wisconsin Rapids to Eau Claireto be hosted by the two Eau Claire Rotary Clubs. Their visit will include vocationaltrips, some site-seeing, and presentations at Rotary Club meetings.
At our Monday, May 4 Rotary meeting, we will have the opportunity to meet the Philippines team and listen to their presentation about their home country and their visit to Wisconsin.
In a recent email to our District, the GSE Team Leader conveyed the following greetings and picture:
Hi! I hope this email finds everyone in the best of everything.
I'm Past President Ricoflor Cristobal or BOYET for short. I am a member of the Rotary Club of Olongapo, located in OlongapoCity where the former USNaval Station in Subic is located. I am honored to lead the Group StudyExchange team from our district (3790), cultural type, to your district.
Since this is the very first time that our district is having a culturalgroup, my team, composed of musicians and singers, is eager to experiencethe benefit of this RI Foundation program.
PP Linda Winter, our district GSE chair, has done a great homework in preparing a beautiful itinerary for your team.
We are already in the process of applying for our US Visas.
To the right is the picture of my team. (center with yellow tie -that's me, Boyet; from left clockwise: Amsky Ramos, Ethan Ventura, Roland Fronda, Emerald Ventura(wife of Ethan) and Frances Alcantara.
My regards toeveryone.
Yours in Rotary,
To learn more about the Rotary Foundation’s GSE program, go to GSE, and follow the links to other web pages.
Greeters and Classification Talks Schedule
Date / Greeters / Classification Talks
March 30 / Kris Becker and Marje Bunce / None
April 6 / Jean Chilson and Chris DeBruyckere / None
April 13 / John DeRosa and Sara Antonson / None
April 20 / None – Vocational Service Field Trip to the ChippewaValleyMuseum / None
April 27 / Brian Doudna and Mike Ehr / None
May 4 / Joe Eisenhuth and Gary Gilger / None
May 11 / Jane Gobler and Holly Hart / None

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