EC-69/INF. 16.3, ANNEX VI, p. 9
Annex VI - Evolution of WMO Programmes by Congress
(available in English only)
First Congress
19 MARCH-28APRIL 1951
Budget Appendix to Resolution 26, p. 28
Standardization and comparison of instruments used in the international meteorological network ( ~4%)
Technical Publications (~70,6%)
Cloud Atlas (~25%)
Technical Assistance to under-developed countries (~0,4% = 1000 US$)
Second Congress
Part IV of Budget ("Regular Programme")
A. Printing of publications
B. Operational and Technical Development Fund
C. Comparison of instruments
Third Congress
1-28 APRIL 1959
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[iii] / Decided not to adopt a regular technical assistance programme of the WMO, p. 27
Policy concerning the technical programme of the World Meteorological Organization for the Third Financial Period [p. 70]
Publications programme, p. 71
Fourth Congress
1-27 APRIL 1963
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS [iv] / The concept of the World Weather Watch (WWW) was generally commended as an exciting development [p. 18]
No separate programmes, budget not divided according to programmes!
(Annex VII to Resolution 39, p. 190)
DECIDES that the activities within the various fields of the technical programme of the World Meteorological Organization during the Fourth Financial Period shall he based on the statements contained in the annex to this resolution [Res 17, p. 61]
Annex V p. 132
Fifth Congress
3-28 APRIL 1967
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[v] / 1. World Weather Watch (Programme)
1.1. World Weather Watch Implementation Programme [p. 66]
1.2. World Weather Watch Research Programme [p. 69]
2. International Visiting Scientist Programme [p. 72]
3. Voluntary Assistance Programme [p. 24] - NEW
4. Publications Programme [p. 34, 84] in Part IV Supplementary programme [p. 153]
CAe WG on Tropical Meteorology as a forerunner for GARP [p. 27]
Budget Annex X to Resolution 33 [p. 248]
Part III Programme of Technical Activities
Part IV Regional Activities
Sixth Congress
GENEVA, 5-30 APRIL 1971
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS [vi] / 1. WMO programme in operational Hydrology
2. World Weather Watch programme [p. 17]
3. Programme on research, education and training
3.1. Global Atmospheric Research Programme GARP
4. Programme on the Interaction of Man and his Environment
5. Observational and instrumental support programmes (e.g. comparison programmes p. 36]
6. Technical Cooperation Programme established by WMO
6.1. Voluntary Assistance Programme
7. Publication programme [p. 50]
WMO Tropical Cyclone Project
Public information policy [p. 64]
TOP 2.5 Scientific and technical structure of the Organization p. 8-15
Budget Annex IX to Resolution 24 [p. 133]
Part III
A World Weather Watch
B Programme for Education, Training and Research
C Programme on Interaction of Man and his Environment
D Technical Co-operation Programme
E Programme supporting activities
Seventh Congress
GENEVA, 28 APRIL- 23 MAY 1975
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[vii] / 1. Global Atmospheric Research Programme GARP [p. 22]
2. Weather Modification Programme [p. 26, Resolution 12]
3. WMO operational Hydrology Programme
4. Weather Resources Development Programme
5. WMO Voluntary Assistance Programme VAP [p. 57]
6. Publication programme
7. World Weather Watch programme [p. 11] – small p
8. Meteorology applications and environment programmes [mainly activities]
8.1. Meteorology and environment programme [p. 40]
9. Hydrology and water resources development programmes
9.1. Operational Hydrology Programme [p. 45]
9.2. [Participation in) Water resources development programmes [p.48]
10. Technical cooperation and training programmes
11. Regional programmes [p. 66] (= Regional Offices)
12. Publications programme [p. 69]
13. Public information programme [p. 69] and adoption of policy [p.135]
Tropical Cyclone project [p. 28, 100]
(Support to) Research and development programmes [p. 18]
Budget Annex X to Resolution 40 [p 178]
III. Scientific and technical programme:
A. World Weather Watch
B. Research and Development Programme
C. Meteorological Applications and Environment Programme
D. Hydrology and Water Resources Development Programmes.
IV. Technical Co-operation, Regional and Training Programmes
V. Programme supporting activities
Eighth Congress
GENEVA, 30 APRIL-25 MAY 1979
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[viii] / 1. Tropical Cyclone Programme [p. 119]
2. Long term and Expanded programme of oceanic exploration
3. WMO Programme on research in Tropical Meteorology [p. 138]
4. World Climate Programme [p. 147] - NEW
a. Climate Data Programme (COP);
b. Climate Applications Programme (CAP);
c. -Climate Impact Study Programme (CIP);
d. Climate Change and Variability Research Programme (CRP).
5. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme
5.1. Operational Hydrology Programme
5.2. Hydrology Operational Multi-purpose Sub-programme HOMS [p.150]
5.3. Water Resources Development Programme [p. 152]
6. Voluntary Cooperation Programme - change from Voluntary Assistance Programme [p. 161]
7. Technical Cooperation Programme
8. Publications programme [p. 165] – small p
9. World Weather Watch
10. Regional programmes
11. Education and Training Programme (with separate sub-programmes on Services , Projects and Fellowships! p. 78, 80, 81)
12. Meteorological Applications and Environment Programme [p. 24] with activities in aviation, marine meteorology, participation in LEPOR [p.30], agriculture and desertification [p. 32], energy and special applications [p. 33], environmental pollution monitoring BAPMoN [p.34]
13. Research and Development Programme
13.1. WMO/ICSU GARP [p. 43]
13.2. Weather Modification Programme [p. 45, 144]
13.3. Programme on Short, Medium and Long range Prediction Research [p. 137] - NEW
14. Publications programme
15. Public information programme
16. Instruments and Methods of Observation activities [p. 49]
Ninth Congress
GENEVA, 2-27 MAY 1983
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[ix] / 1. WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Programme
2. WMO Programme on Instruments and Methods of observation
3. Tropical Cyclone Programme [p. 162]
4. World Climate Programme
4.1. World Climate Applications Programme
4.2. World Climate Data Programme
4.3. World Climate Research Programme
4.4. World Climate Impact Studies Programme
5. WMO Programme on long range forecasting Research [p. 158]
6. WMO Programme on Short- and Medium-range Weather Prediction Research (PSMP) [p. 152]
7. Tropical Meteorology Programme
8. Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Research Programme [p.169]
9. Operational Hydrology Programme
10. World Weather Watch Programme
11. Agricultural Meteorology Programme
12. Education and Training Programme
13. Regional Programme
14. Voluntary Cooperation Programme
15. Public information programme
16. Publications programme [p. 192]
Marine meteorological activities
Tenth Congress
GENEVA, 4-28 MAY 1987
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[x] / 1. World Weather Watch Programme
1.1. Instruments and Methods of observation Programme
1.2. Tropical Cyclone Programme
2. World Climate Programme
2.1. World Climate Data Programme
2.2. World Climate Applications Programme
2.3. World Climate Impact studies Programme
2.4. World Climate Research Programme
3. Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme
3.1. Programme on Short and Medium–range Weather Prediction Research
3.2. Programme on long range forecasting Research
3.3. Tropical Meteorology Research Programme
3.4. Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Research Programme
3.5. Clouds Physics and Weather Modification Research Programme.
4. Applications of Meteorology Programme
4.1 Aeronautical Meteorology Programme.
4.2 Agricultural Meteorology Programme
4.3 Marine Meteorology Programme
5. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme.
5.1 Operational Hydrology Programme
6. Education and Training Programme [p. 137]
7. Regional Programme [p. 73]
8. Technical Cooperation Programme [p. 78]
9. Voluntary Cooperation Programme [p. 79]
10. Publications Programme [p. 83]
Public information programme [p. 84]
Eleventh Congress
GENEVA, 1-23 MAY 1991
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[xi] / 1. World Weather Watch Programme
1.1. Instruments and Methods of observation Programme
1.2. Tropical Cyclone Programme
2. World Climate Programme
2.1. World Climate Data Programme
2.2. World Climate Applications Programme
2.3. World Climate Impact Studies Programme
2.4. World Climate Research Programme
3. Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme
3.1. Programme on Short and Medium–range Weather Prediction research
3.2. Programme on long range forecasting Research
3.3. Tropical Meteorology Research Programme
3.4. Programme on Physic and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification Research
4. Application of Meteorology Programme
4.1. Public Weather Service Programme - NEW
4.2. Agricultural Meteorology Programme
4.3. Aeronautical Meteorology Programme.
4.4. Marine Meteorology and Associated Oceanographic Activities Programme
5. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme.
5.1. Operational Hydrology Programme
5.2. Programme on Water Related Issues
6. Education and Training Programme
7. Regional Programme
8. Technical Cooperation Programme [p. 43]
9. Voluntary Cooperation Programme [p. 43]
10. Publications Programme [p. 46]
11. WMO Public Information Programme [p. 52]
p. 91: 3.3.03 GAW
p. 25: 3.3.1
Since its inception in 1992, GAW has matured and developed into a programme [WMO website]
Twelfth Congress
GENEVA, 30 MAY–21JUNE 1995
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[xii] / 1. World Weather Watch Programme
1.1. Instruments and Methods of observation Programme
1.2. Tropical Cyclone Programme
2. World Climate Programme
2.1. World Climate Data And Monitoring Programme
2.2. World Climate Applications and Services Programme
2.3. World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Programme
2.4. World Climate Research Programme
3. Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme
3.1. World Weather Research Programme
3.2. Tropical Meteorology Research Programme
3.3. Programme on Physic and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification Research
4. Application of Meteorology Programme
4.1. Public Weather Service Programme
4.2. Agricultural Meteorology Programme
4.3. Aeronautical Meteorology Programme
4.4. Marine Meteorology and Associated Oceanographic Activities Programme
5. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme
5.1. Operational Hydrology Programme
5.2. Programme on Water Related Issues
Decides to maintain the Hydrology and Water Resources Programme for the period 2016–2019, as described in the Abridged Final Report with Resolutions of the Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress (WMO-No.1077), Annex II – WMO Programme descriptions;
1. Education and Training Programme
2. Regional Programme
3. Technical Cooperation Programme [p. 52]
4. Information and Public Affairs Programme [p. 59]
5. Voluntary Cooperation Programme [p. 100]
6. Publications Programme [p. 103]
Thirteenth Congress
GENEVA, 4–26 MAY 1999
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[xiii] / 1. World Weather Watch Programme
1.1. Instruments and Methods of observation Programme
1.2. Tropical Cyclone Programme
2. World Climate Programme
2.1. World Climate Data And Monitoring Programme
2.2. World Climate Applications and Services Programme
2.3. World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Programme
2.4. World Climate Research Programme
3. Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme
3.1. World Weather Research Programme
3.2. Tropical Meteorology Research Programme
3.3. Programme on Physic and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification Research.
4. Application of Meteorology Programme
4.1. Public Weather Service Programme
4.2. Agricultural Meteorology Programme
4.3. Aeronautical Meteorology Programme
4.4. Marine Meteorology and Associated Oceanographic Activities Programme
5. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme
5.1. Programme on Basic Systems in Hydrology
5.2. Programme on Forecasting and Applications in Hydrology
5.3. Programme on Sustainable Development of Water Resources.
5.4. Programme on Water Related Issues
5.5. Programme on Capacity Building in Hydrology
6. Education and Training Programme
7. Technical Cooperation Programme
8. Regional Programme
9. Voluntary Cooperation Programme [p. 115]
10. Information and Public Affairs Programme [p. 118]
11. Publications Programme [p. 116]
Fourteenth Congress
GENEVA, 5-24 MAY 2003
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[xiv] / 1. World Weather Watch Programme
1.1. Instruments and Methods of observation Programme
1.2. Tropical Cyclone Programme
1.3. [Satellite activities - transfer to Programme]
1.4. [Antarctic activities]
2. World Climate Programme
2.1. World Climate Data And Monitoring Programme
2.2. World Climate Applications and Services Programme
2.3. World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Programme
2.4. World Climate Research Programme
3. Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme
3.1. World Weather Research Programme
3.2. Tropical Meteorology Research Programme
3.3. Programme on Physic and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification Research.
4. Application of Meteorology Programme
4.1. Public Weather Service Programme
4.2. Agricultural Meteorology Programme
4.3. Aeronautical Meteorology Programme.
4.4. Marine Meteorology and Oceanographic Programme
5. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme.
5.1. Programme on Basic Systems in Hydrology
5.2. Programme on Forecasting and Applications in Hydrology
5.3. Programme on Sustainable Development of Water Resources.
5.4. Programme on Water Related Issues
5.5. Programme on Capacity Building in Hydrology
6. Education and Training Programme
7. Technical Cooperation Programme
8. Regional Programme
9. Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Programme [p. 166] established NEW
10. WMO Space Programme [p. 166] established NEW
11. Information and Public Affairs Programme
12. Programme for the Least Developed countries [p. 159] - established
13. Voluntary Cooperation Programme [p. 158]
14. Publications Programme [p. 160]
Fifteenth Congress
GENEVA 7–25 MAY 2007
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS [xv] / 1. World Weather Watch Programme
1.1. Instruments and Methods of observation Programme
1.2. Tropical Cyclone Programme
2. World Climate Programme
a. World Climate Data And Monitoring Programme
b. World Climate Applications and Services Programme
c. World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Programme
d. World Climate Research Programme
3. Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme (abolished by Cg-16)
a. Global Atmosphere Watch Programme
b. World Weather Research Programme, including THORPEX
4. Applications of Meteorology Programme (abolished Cg-16)
a. Public Weather Service Programme
b. Agricultural Meteorology Programme
c. Aeronautical Meteorology Programme.
d. Marine Meteorology and Oceanographic Programme
5. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme
a. Programme on Basic Systems in Hydrology
b. Programme on Forecasting and Applications in Hydrology
c. Programme on Sustainable Development of Water Resources
d. Programme on Capacity-building in Hydrology and Water Resources
e. Programme on Water-related issues
6. Education and Training programme
7. Technical Cooperation Programme
8. WMO Regional Programme
9. Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Programme
10. WMO Space Programme
11. Information and Public Affairs Programme
12. Voluntary Cooperation Programme [p 212]
13. Programme for the Least Developed Countries [p 114]
14. WMO Space Programme [p 97]
15. Publications Programme [p 216] - with capital P
Sixteenth Congress
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS[xvi] / 1. World Weather Research Programme (four major internationally coordinated core projects p 379)
2. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme
3. Global Atmosphere Watch Programme
4. World Weather Watch Programme
a. World Weather Watch Data Management (WWWDM) support programme [p 367]
b. WWW System Support Activity (WWWSSA) support programme [p 367]
c. Emergency Response Activities (ERA) programme [p 368]
5. World Climate Programme
a. World Climate Research Programme
b. World Climate Services Programme (WCSP), incorporating the existing activities of the World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme (WCDMP) and the World Climate Applications and Services Programme (WCASP)
6. WMO Space Programme
7. Public Weather Service Programme
8. Agricultural Meteorology Programme
9. Tropical Cyclone Programme
10. Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme
11. Information and Public Affairs Programme
12. Technical Cooperation Programme
13. Voluntary Cooperation Programme
14. Education and Training programme
15. Programme for Least Developed Countries
16. WMO Regional Programme
17. Disaster Risk Reduction Programme
18. Aeronautical Meteorology Programme
19. Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme
20. WMO Antarctic Activities programme (WMOAA) [p 369]
21. Publications programme (with small p)
Seventeenth Congress
GENEVA, 25 MAY–12JUNE 2015
ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS [xvii] / 1. Aeronautical Meteorology Programme
2. Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme
3. Public Weather Service Programme
4. World Climate Programme
- World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
- World Climate Services Programme (WCSP)
- Global Programme of Research on Climate Change - Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA)
5. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme
6. World Weather Watch Programme
7. Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme
8. World Weather Research Programme
9. Education and Training programme
10. Programme for Least Developed Countries
11. WMO small Island Developing States and Member Island Territories [p. 527] established - NEW
12. WMO Regional Programme
13. Global Atmosphere Watch Programme
14. Capacity Development Programme
15. Agricultural Meteorology Programme [p. 62]
16. WMO Space Programme [p. 129]
17. Disaster Risk Reduction Programme [p. 68]
18. Public Weather Services Programme [p. 246]
19. Tropical Cyclone Programme [p. 48]
20. Voluntary Cooperation Programme [p. 175]
21. Integrated Drought Management Programme [p. 267]
22. Space Programme [p. 481 - WMO space weather activities are led by the WMO Space Programme, which is a cross-cutting programme]
23. WMO Antarctic Activities [p. 209]
24. Information and Public Affairs (IPA) programme [p. 232] last financial period, but at Cg 2011 with capital P