ITALIANO 3 Siga.Fusco

Tema: “Il mio quartiere”

Objective: You are to write a brief essay – at least 150 words – in which you talk about your town and your neighborhood, using the vocabulary words we have been reviewing in class.

Required elements:

·  As in any good English essay, your writing should consist of three sections that frame the information in a logical way, with a beginning, a middle and an end (concluding thought)

·  You can take note of the essay we read in class by the same title - and try to include similar elements in your own writing – both in terms of the information included and the language set-up and use.

·  Talk about your “paese” first – (in other words the town in general) then go into more details regarding your own “quartiere” and “vicinato”. Talk about the people and places near your home.

·  *** Liven things up with lots of adjectives and descriptive words***

·  **Don’t forget to use the words and expressions that tell where things are located (e.g.: vicino, lontano, difronte a, tra, etc.)

·  Also talk about the activities that you can do in these unique locations (“in questo luogo”).

·  If at all possible, this essay should be typed, with spacing at 1.5 or double-spaced.

**The final version of the essay will be due on Tursday, November 10th!

*This will give you time to show me the rough draft and be able to re-visit the essay before handing it in*


Italiano 3 /Fusco

Rubric for Essay Writing Assignments

Student: ______

I- Form: ( 20 points)

·  Essay is cohesive with an introduction, a main body and concluding remark(s) ______/5

·  Work completed on time _____/5

·  Length of essay is as per requirements ______/5

·  Essay is clearly focused on the theme/topic given ______/5

II- Content: (30 points)

·  Essay makes use of appropriate vocabulary and expressions that relate to the topic ______/10

·  Shows evidence of good grammar usage, according to skill level ______/10

·  Writer makes good use of adjectives and descriptive phrases to enrich the information given ______/5

·  Writer includes specific elements requested by teacher: ______/5

o  Discuss “paese” AND “quartiere/vicinato”____

o  Include words & expressions that indicate location____

o  Talk about people_____

o  Talk about activities _____

Total score: ______/50
