- JOAN PYMAN’S FUNERAL will take place in St Mary’s on Tuesday 26th September at 12 noon, followed by Cremation at 1 pm. Gather afterwards at the Green Dragon for refreshments.
- TREKKERS: A warm welcome from all the leaders and helpers to Trekkers new and old. You can find us in the School Hall from 9.30 am every Sunday in term time (except the First Sunday of each month). We hope you had a lovely summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you for lots of stories, games and crafts this term. Emma Avery.
- The next BOOKGROUP meeting is on Wednesday 20th September, 1.30-3 pm in the Choir Vestry. We are reading ‘Excellent Women’ by Barbara Pymm. Borrow your book from the basket at the back of the church. Debbie Catton (225979).
- MOTHERS’ UNION: Service in church, Thursday 21st September at 2 pm, followed by Tea in the Vestry. Do come. Visitors are very welcome. Molly Hoyle (226929).
- Our ‘INTERMEZZO’ CHOIR meet every Thursday at 8 pm in the church. If you enjoy or would like to try singing in a group, do come along! Further details from Suzanna Brooks.
- BIBLE STUDY GROUP: The next meeting will be on Tuesday 26th September, 8 pm at 21 Worrin Road. The subject will be the third and last section of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. All are welcome. Keith Kan.
- HARVEST LUNCH: Sunday 1st October, 12.30-3 pm in St Mary’s School Hall. Bring a Savoury or Salad Plate to share + plate, knife, fork & spoon. Tickets (£5 for adults, £2 for under 16s) from David Brice (221422), Edna Grimble (222353) or Pat Masters (218218).
- OPEN BRANCH: A walk has been arranged for Tuesday 3rd October around Terling, a very pretty village and winner of Essex Village of the Year; lunch at the Square and Compasses in Fuller Street. Margaret Morris (217398).
- ‘TIME OUT’ ANAGRAMS: The first prize of £25 was won by Josie Savill of Woodway, Hutton and the £10 prize by Margery Hazell from Sebastian Avenue. 15 correct sheets of answers were received and £165 is being sent to the Charities Fund. Many thanks for joining in again. Maureen Laming.
- Our wonderful ‘CHANGE FOR GOOD’ POTS keep on growing, thanks to your very generous support! The last count raised £82.79! Thank you so much… Please keep collecting your change! Debbie Catton & Juliette Whittaker.
- ELECTORAL ROLL FORMS can only be obtained from Edna Grimble and, on completion, must be returned to her. (The electoral roll form is not the same as the blue ‘Welcome’ card!) Once you have applied, a letter of confirmation will be placed in the appropriate pigeon hole at the back of the church for you to collect.
- If you are a NEWCOMER, please fill in a blue card and hand it to a sidesperson.
- FOOD IN CHURCH: As we have found unwanted visitors (of the four-legged kind!) in our church from time to time, we ask you NOT to bring food into church!
17 September 2017
3rdSunday(with baptism)
The Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity
Welcome to our services
A special welcome to
those to be baptised today:at 9.30: Georgia Young, Isla Young
at 11.30:April Avery, Thomas Avery,Emilia-Rose Russ
and those joining us for the first time today.
Leading our worship today
8.00 amHoly CommunionThe Rev'd Chris Mann9.30 amParish Eucharist The Rev'd Chris Mann
11.30 amBaptismThe Rev'd Chris Mann
6.30 pmEvensongCanon Paul Betts
Younger members
There is a CRÈCHE in the Turner Vestry at the 9.30 am service every week. If one of the parents would like to accompany their child/children there, please do so during the singing of the Gloria. We suggest just one adult per family due to recent overcrowding in the vestry.Small children, who do not want to go in the crèche, may like to borrow a BOOK or a HAPPY BAG from the box at the back of the church.
School aged children are invited to join the TREKKERS group in the School Hall (term time only), except on the first Sunday in the month.
- Please prepare for worship quietly when the organ is played shortly before the services begin.
- If you have joined us for the first time today, please fill in a blue card, to be found in a box by the main door.
- Gift Aid envelopes, for use in the collection by taxpayers, are available in pews. For tax to be reclaimed your details must be written on the envelope.
- If you have a prayer request, please see the prayer tree by the letter rack (near the vestry door).
- Please give any information for TheLink in writing to
Paul Betts by 12 noon on Tuesdays for the next Sunday.
Contacts and information
- Ministry Team:
The Rev’d Chris Mann 220360, Canon Paul Betts 228497, Barbara Alderton 220033, Lesley Cook 224486. - Churchwardens & Deputies:
Norman Randall 232193, John Bridger 219853
Marion Cork 215732, Helen Dick 229793,
Madeline Wright 222090, Gillian Oldham 214976, Edna Grimble 222353, Ian Eaton 205410. - Baptism & Wedding enquiries: please contact the Rector (220360).
- Our website contains many more details at:
We encourage you to take this copy of TheLink home with you.
St Mary’s, ShenfieldTheLink / St Mary’s, Shenfield TheLink17 September 2017 / 17 September 2017
8 am Holy Communion
BookCommon Worship Order OneServerEmily Brooks
Lay MinistersBarbara Alderton
Canon Paul Betts
OT ReadingGenesis 50.15-21
Canon Paul Betts
NT ReadingRomans 14.1-12
Barbara Alderton
Gospel ReadingMatthew 18.21-35
The Rev'd Chris Mann
SermonThe Rev'd Chris Mann
IntercessionsBarbara Alderton
9.30 am Parish Eucharist
Books'Celebrating Together'Hymns Old & New
Music SettingWebster (with Celtic Alleluia)
ReadingsRCL page 321
ServersLisa Glassock
Ray Jones
Lay MinistersMolly Hoyle
Lesley Cook
Canon Paul Betts
Tom Lorenc / Claire Lorenc
First Hymn432 – Rejoice! the Lord is King!
NT ReadingRomans 14.1-12
Shirley Hunt
Children’s ChoirGod's love is deeper than the deepest ocean
Gospel ReadingMatthew 18.21-35
The Rev'd Chris Mann
SermonThe Rev'd Chris Mann
Third Hymn14 – All my hope on God is founded
Anthem‘There's a wideness ’
Maurice Bevan
Hymns199 – Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
470 – Take my life
Closing Hymn11 – Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Special events in coming weeks
COFFEE MORNING - Wednesday 18th October, 11:00am - 1:00pm at Edna Grimble's house (11 Middleton Road).All welcome, please bring a bottle for the Bottle Tombola stallat the Christmas Bazaar - any queries please contact Anne-Marie ScottCHRISTMAS BAZAAR:Saturday 18th November, 11:00am - 2pm. Collecting for the BRIC-A -BRAC, toiletries, bottles for the bottle stall, books, toys etc. A great chance to have a clear out at home. Please leave clean items in the box at the back of the church or contact Anne-Marie Scott( / 07769 157232). /
6.30 pm Evensong
BooksBook of Common Prayer (page 57)Hymns A&M New Standard
Parish Psalter
ServerRay Jones
Opening Hymn235 – O Jesus, I have promised
Psalm119 vv41-48 (Psalter page 171)
OT LessonEzekiel 20.1-8, 33-44
Mike Brown
NT LessonActs 20.17-28
Sylvia Bridger
Anthem'Come down'
William Harris
IntercessionsCanon Paul Betts
Hymn7 – O strength and stay upholding all creation
SermonCanon Paul Betts
Closing Hymn170 – The Church’s one foundation
Please remember in your prayers
- Our country and its future.
- Peace in the world, especially in the Far East.
- Relations with Europe.
- Protection of the natural world.
- Christian Aid, responding to poverty and disasters across the world (one of St Mary’s Charities).
- The local community in Shenfield, especially those who live in Sawyers Court, and Gillian Gibbs, who represents us there.
- Young people preparing for a new school, college, university or job.
- All who are facing new challenges.
- Hutton & Shenfield Union Church & their Minister, Rev’d Paul Ellis.
- St Mary’s School, the pupils, staff and governors.
- The residents of Old Shenfield Place.
- Brentwood Foodbank and its clients.
- The sick & infirm, and those facing or recovering from surgery, especially Sylvia Agate, Audrey Butler, Jean Cummins, Edna Fuller, Doris Gower, Nick Guard, Janet Miller, David Newton, Tony Russell, William Swire, Sonia Triggs, Brian Waldock, Wyn West, Catherine Wiggins, Marjorie Witham, Eileen Withrington.
- Those who have died, especially Joan Pyman, and their families and friends.