In accordance with state and federal law, the Mental Health Association in AikenCounty will not discriminate because of race, disability, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship or veteran's status.


Please refer to the Association's Sexual Harassment Policy in a separate document.


Employees will ensure confidentiality and privacy in regard to history, records and discussions about people we serve. The fact that an individual is served by the Mental Health Association must be kept private and confidentiality must be maintained in all programs, functions and activities.


The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing all personnel policies.


The employee classifications are established by job description and may be full-time, part-time or temporary. Regular full-time employees have a work week of 35 or more hours. Regular part-time employees include employees who work less than 35 hours weekly and House Counselors. Temporary employees are hired for a specified, limited period of time. Job descriptions are maintained by the Executive Director.


The Executive Director employed by the Board of Directors is responsible to it and serves at its pleasure. Positions authorized by the Board may be filled by the Executive Director, and those employees shall serve at the discretion of the Executive Director. Details of initial employment shall be set forth in a letter offering employment. All positions of employment with the Association are at-will. Any employee may terminate at any time for any reason.


Office hours will be determined by the Executive Director with approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.



A personnel record shall be kept on each employee. Individual personnel files will be regarded as confidential information and will be treated as such. The only persons with access to the file shall be the employee's immediate supervisor and the Executive Director. Access to personnel files will be on a need to know basis. As directed by law, the file will include, but is not limited to, the following:

- W-4

- salary history, starting with date hired and showing subsequent increases,

including date of increases and authorizations

- signed personnel policy statement

- application and/or resume with emergency numbers

- indication of knowledge of federal regulations for employees working on

programs receiving federal funding

- performance evaluations


All initial appointments shall be made for a period not exceeding three months. During the third month of the introductory period, a written evaluation of the Executive Director will be made by the Executive Committee. A written evaluation of other employees will be completed by their immediate supervisor. The introductory period may be extended by written notice for an additional three months by the Executive Director or the Executive Committee as appropriate.


Performance evaluations will be conducted annually during the anniversary month of initial employment. The Executive Committee will complete the evaluation of the Executive Director.

All other employees will be assessed by their immediate supervisor. Employees shall be given the opportunity to meet with their supervisor to discuss their evaluation.



If sufficient funding is available, salary increases may be made annually on the basis of general increase or merit based on the annual performance evaluation. All increases must be approved by the Executive Committee.



Paychecks shall be issued on the 15th and the last day of each month or the closest working day prior to the 15th and the last day of the month. The issuance of paychecks on different days may be approved by the Executive Committee where special circumstances justify a deviation from the usual payday.


Leave without pay must be requested from the employee's supervisor at least two weeks in advance. Leave without pay must not exceed 30 days. The granting of such leave is at the discretion of the Executive Director.


Employees will be granted military leave without pay as required by law upon presenting proper documentation.

Employees will be granted time with pay for jury duty as required by law. Employees must provide documentation of their jury duty.



All full-time employees shall be eligible for vacation after the introductory period of employment. Vacation allowances for full-time employees accrue at the rate of 7.5 hours per month of service. After five years of service, vacation allowances for full-time employees shall accrue at the rate of 11.25 hours per month of service. Part time employees who work thirty hours or more per week shall accrue vacation time at a rate of 6.0 hours per month of service. A total of 150 vacation hours may be accrued by an employee. A total of 75 vacation hours may be carried over from year to year if not used by the employee. Vacation leave accrues from the date of employment, but may not be used prior to completion of the introductory period. Payment may be made for unused vacation leave upon separation from employment in accordance to section (10 - A) of these personnel policies. Nurture Home House Counselors do not accrue vacation.

Any request for vacation must be approved at least two weeks in advance. The Executive Director must receive approval from the Executive Committee, and vacation for other employees will be granted by the Executive Director.



Sick leave provides time off with pay for periods of illness or incapacity resulting from injury. Sick leave of full-time employees accrues at the rate of 7.5 hours per month of service for a total of 90 hours per year. Part-time employees who work 30 or more hours per week accrue sick leave at 6.0 hours per month of service for a total of 72 hours per year. Sick leave accrues from the date of employment, but may not be used prior to the completion of the introductory period. No payment is made for unused sick leave upon separation from employment. Nurture Home House Counselors do not accrue sick leave.

Employees are responsible for directly notifying their supervisor no later than the beginning of each working day when illness or injury prevents their attendance at work. A doctor's statement is required for more than three consecutive days of absence due to illness. The Executive Director or Executive Committee may request and obtain verification of the circumstance surrounding any use of sick leave.

Employees may use sick leave to care for ill spouses,children or parents.


All employees working more than their specified hours per week will receive compensatory

time equal to the amount of hours worked overtime. Compensatory time should be taken as soon

as possible and cannot be carried over from year to year. Full-time, non-exempt employees will be paid overtime if they exceed 40 hours in one week.


All employees are covered under Social Security. All full-time employees are eligible for the

403-B Annuity Fund. The Association will increase the employee's annual compensation 5% providing the employee also contributes 5% to the annuity fund. An employee may retire at age 65.


Health and disability insurance plans are available through the Mental Health Association of South Carolina or United Way of South Carolina. The Mental Health Association will pay for 80% of the individual health insurance plan for full-time employees, and the employee will have to pay for 20% of the insurance plan. The Mental Health Association will pay for 50% of the individual health insurance plan for part-time employees working at least 30 hours a week, and the employee will have to pay for 50% of the insurance plan. Worker's compensation insurance is provided upon employment.



January 1 (New Year’s Day), Martin Luther King Jr. Day or President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, One Personal Holiday of Choice, Thanksgiving Day and the day following Thanksgiving, December 24 and 25 are paid holidays. The Executive Committee may require employees to work on a holiday where it determines in its discretion that special circumstances justify such action. Regular part-time employees and House Counselors are not eligible for paid holidays.


When traveling on official business, employees will be reimbursed for approved expenses following the Financial Guidelines of the Association.


Termination or disciplinary action may take several forms. Upon termination, an exit interview will be conducted. Employees may be discharged at any time during their introductory period, and no severance, sick or vacation pay shall be given. The provisions in paragraphs B, C, and D are guidelines only and are not binding on the Association. All Association employees are employees at will and may be terminated for any reason.


The Executive Director shall present a letter of resignation to the Board of Directors. All other staff shall submit a letter of resignation to the Executive Director. Employees are expected to give two weeks notice after submission of the letter of resignation. Failure to give two weeks notice results in loss of vacation leave and accrued vacation benefits. The employee may not take leave time during the notice period unless approved at the discretion of the Executive Director.


Any employee dismissed for cause, due to unsatisfactory work performance or behavior deemed inappropriate to the mission of the Association, shall receive written notification of dismissal. The Executive Director will be notified by the Board of Directors, and all other employees will be notified by the Executive Director. Dismissal may result in loss of accrued vacation leave at the discretion of the Executive Director or Executive Committee.


In the event of budget restrictions or program termination, an employee may be given at least two weeks notice in writing. The employee may be given accrued vacation.



If any employee possesses, uses or is under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on the job, the employee may be subject to immediate termination.


It is not possible to list all acts or omissions that might result in disciplinary action or even in termination of employment. The lists above are some of the things that obviously are unacceptable and which can result in disciplinary action or termination. The list is by no means is complete.

The degree of disciplinary action taken--if any--will be determined by management in its sole discretion. Normally, management will take into account various factors such as the seriousness of the offense, the employees' prior disciplinary record, the employee's prior work record, and the employee's length of service. Which factors are to be considered and the weight to be given them are in the discretion of management. However, all employees of the Association are employees at will and may be terminated at any time for any reason.


Any employee who has a complaint concerning disciplinary action, termination, demotion, denial of promotion or merit increase, layoff, or discrimination based on a category (i.e., race, age, disability) recognized by federal and local civil rights laws may file a grievance. A grievance shall be filed on the grievance form.

Employees should attempt to resolve the problem informally with their supervisor as soon as possible. If a solution cannot be reached, the employee may present a formal grievance in writing to the Executive Director. If the situation is not resolved, it may be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director may present a formal grievance in writing to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors with possible review by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director or Executive Committee may decline to consider a grievance if the employee unreasonably delays in filing it.

No employee will suffer any reprisal as a result of filing a grievance or participating in the investigation of a grievance. Employees may not file a grievance challenging the content of a performance evaluation.


These policies are only guidelines, and as a whole or separately are not intended to and do not create a contract between the Association, its officers, or agents and any employee.



I, ______, hereby acknowledge and agree that on this _____ day of

______, 199__, I received copies of and read the following Mental Health Association in

AikenCounty documents and have had the opportunity to discuss them with the Executive

Director. I further acknowledge that these documents together or separately do not create a

contract between me and the Mental Health Association in AikenCounty or its officers or agents.

1. Personnel Policies

2. Sexual Harassment Policy

3. Financial Policies


Employee signature

Revised 9/97