1. Overall Purpose of the Committee

Alcohol Research UK’s Finance and General Purposes Committee is tier of management below the board of Trustees.

The Committee has been established by the board to maintain an overview of, and to provide advice to it, regarding the financial and administrative affairs of the charity.

The Committee provides regular reports to the board on these matters and makes recommendations for any changes that need to be made to policy and procedure. From time-to-time, the board will give the Committee full delegated authority to make decisions on its behalf and such delegation will be recorded in the minutes of board meetings. Such decisions must be ratified by the Chair of the board.

2. Remit

Specifically, the Committee is responsible for:

a)  safeguarding charity funds and ensuring propriety, efficiency and effectiveness in their use;

b)  overseeing the appointment of investment managers and ensuring that funds are invested effectively;

c)  ensuring that financial reports and management accounts are accurate and adequate and provide a good basis for financial planning;

d)  ensuring that internal financial records and controls are adequate;

e)  providing the board with draft annual budgets for its consideration;

f)  reviewing on-going expenditure against budgets, viring funds between heads as necessary and authorising additional expenditure (outside of agreed budgets) up to a maximum of £5,000 per occasion;

g)  advising the board with respect to the appointment, remuneration and terms and conditions of service of staff

h)  advising the board, Scrutiny and Review Committee and Grants Advisory Panel with the respect to the financial efficiency of grant making

i)  ensuring that proper risk management is in place

2. Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the Finance and General Purposes Committee are:

a)  trustees with relevant skills or knowledge (e.g. finance, administration, HR, charity law) will be invited to join the Committee for the duration of their tenure as a trustee

b)  no-one who is not a trustee may join the Committee, although non-trustees may be invited to attend and/ or contribute to meetings in an advisory capacity. Senior staff will be expected to attend meetings in an advisory capacity

c)  membership of the Committee must be ratified by the board

d)  a quorum shall be three

e)  the Committee may delegate activities to individual members or to working groups of members, provided that the extent of this delegation is made clear to the Committee members concerned and that it is minuted properly

f)  the chair will be elected by majority vote. The chair will be someone with a high level of financial expertise and will be proposed to the board for appointment as Alcohol Research UK treasurer.

g)  all decisions will be made by a majority vote and in instances of there being no majority, the chair will have the casting vote

h)  the Committee will meet at least twice a year. At least one meeting will take place in February or March each year, in order to propose budgets for the forthcoming financial year. Virtual meetings may be held via phone or email at any time. The quorum rule will still apply and, normally, at least 5 working days will be allowed from the start to the conclusion of email meetings, in order to allow an adequate opportunity for all Committee members to take part. Discussions and decisions made via phone or email will be minuted

i)  Committee members will be expected to attend at least 50% of “physical” meetings, unless they are able to give good reason for not attending

j)  an ‘emergency’ physical meeting of the Committee can be called at any time at the request of the Committee chair, Alcohol Research UK chair or Chief Executive. At least 48 hours notice must be given and the quorum rule will still apply

k)  the chair of the Committee (or, in their absence, the Chief Executive) will report proceedings to full board meetings

l)  members being aware that an item is contentious should advise the chair or a staff representative in advance of the meeting

m)  members of the Committee will abide by relevant policies, such as Equal Opportunities, Guidance on Conflicts of Interest and Declaration of Gifts and Hospitality