Kindergarten Supply List
1)Large Backpack
2)Snack and Lunch Daily-Please separate snack and lunch. The children get confused which is lunch and snack with everything in one lunchbox. For example, morning and afternoon snacks can be placed in a bag labeled “snacks” and your child’s regular lunch in a lunchbox. You can review this with your child the way you want to pack it.
3)Smock for art class-large shirt is fine.
4)1 Plastic Supply Box (Size approximately 8 5/8 X5 ¾ X 2 ½) preferably with a flat top. We would like to stack them in the middle of the table. In this box should be 2 sharpened pencils, 1 pink eraser, 2 glue sticks, pointed scissors, a box of 24 crayons and 1 mini playdough-party favor size.)
5)1 Large Ziplock Bag with the “extra supplies” not used daily. This will remain in their cubby. In this ziplock bagshould be: 4 extra gluesticks, 1 small pack of sharpened colored pencils, sharpened regular pencils, 1 small pack of thin markers, 1 small bottle of Elmer’s Glue, 4 pack of chisel EXPO dry erase markers and a clean sock to be used for an eraser on the dry erase boards.
6)4 Folders with inside bottom pockets.-We give out a new one eachmarking period.
7)One box of tissues
8)1 Box of plastic forks OR spoons-You will be surprised how many kids forget a spoon for their snack each day! (We both have extra spoons from last year, so forks may be better.)
9)Headphones-personal headphones to use in computer lab and/or chromebooks.
****Extremely Important!*****-All items should have your child’s name labeled with a permanent marker. Even glue tops and bottoms. Believe me, supplies fall or get misplaced and everyone wants to claim it if there is no name! Stock up on glue sticks this summer if there is a sale. We run out of them very quickly!
Thanks so much for your cooperation!