Pradhanmantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY)
- Government of India had launched the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana on 25th December, 2000 to provide all-weather access to eligible unconnected habitations.
- The primary objective of the PMGSY is to provide connectivity, by way of an All-weather Road (with necessary culverts and cross-drainage structures, which
is operable throughout the year), to the eligible unconnected Habitations in the
rural areas with a population of 500 persons and above in Plain area on the basis of 2001 census. Govt. of India has also relaxed this criteria to unconnected eligible habitations of 250 persons and above in Naxal affected districts. - PMGSY also permits the Upgradation (to prescribed standards) of the existing roads in those districts where all the eligible Habitations of the designated
population size have been provided all-weather road connectivity. In upgradation works, priority should be given to Through Routes of the Rural Core Network, which carry more traffic. - The State has covered all the eligible habitations of 500+ population as per road core network based on 2001 census. Habitations of 250 persons and above have been covered In Naxal affected districts of state e.g. Chandauli, Mirzapur and Sonebhadra.
- PMGSY was extended in year 2013-14 to focus on consolidation and upgradatin of entire rural roads network. The new initiative was named PMGSY-II and it provides for upgradation of existing Through Routes and Major Rural Links (MRLs) for enabling more economic transactions between rural growth centres and recently connected rural haitaion to facilitate faster growth and development.
- Uttar Pradesh is one of the seven states to have been included in the PMGSY-II scheme.
- PMGSY-I was 100% central funded scheme. There is 75% and 25% funding share of Govt. of India and State Government in PMGSY-II. The selection of roads is based on utility index, condition of the road and maintenance expenditure incurred on the road in last few years.
- A three-tier Quality Control mechanism is envisaged under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. The State Governments are responsible for the first two tiers of the Quality Control Structure. The Programme Implementing Unit at district (PIU)is the first tier, second tier of the quality control structure is through State Quality Monitors (SQMs) who are deputed for inspecting construction workas independent observers. Third tier of the quality control structure is through National Quality Monitors(NQMs) nominated by Govt. of India. If any defect is found in inspectionby SQMs or NQMs, the same is rectified through a system of Action Taken Reports (ATRs).
- PMGSY has a 5-year maintenance period of constructed roads as an in-built mechanism for upkeep of assets created. Maintenance is funded by State Govt. and is contracted out with the construction contract itself. The road is handed over to PWD after the 5 year maintenance period and then after it is maintained as per Rural Road Maintenance Policy of the State.
- Detailed information etc. regarding Pradhanmantri Gram Sadak Yojana is available on dedicated website of PMGSY ' and