CBS-MG-XI/Doc. 3.1.1(1), p. 1

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 13-16 JULY 2011 / CBS-MG-XII/Doc. 3.3.2
ITEM: 3.3
Original: ENGLISH

Enhancement of OPAG-ISS working structure

(Submitted byby WMO Secretariat)



  1. Establishment of two new teams under OPAG-ISS
  2. Replacement of some core members of expert teams of OPAG-ISS
  1. Approve the establishment of two task teams
  2. Approve the replacement of core members of ETs as proposed from OPAG-ISS
Appendix A. Draft text for inclusion in the summary report


CBS-MG-XI/Doc. 3.3.2, p. 1

DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT OF MG-12 of reference of new task teams

The MG was briefed by the Chair of OPAG-ISS on the discussion between relevant experts of CBS and CAeM during Cg-XVI, about the need to create a task team to agree with ICAO an XML representation of weather data that could be used within the aviation community. The MG agreed that such a task team should be established as soon as possible, and should address this issue as a matter of urgency.

The MG also recalled that MG-11 had identified the need for an ad-hoc expert team to promulgate the emerging best practice in the use of metadata, so as to reduce the confusion and fear on the topic, and also make the metadata that is created more useful.

The MGdecided to establish the Task Team on Aviation XML and Task Team on the Application of Metadata, with their terms of reference as given in Annex 1. It requested the Secretariat to mobilize necessary resource to support the work of these two teams. core members of other expert teams

The MG was briefed by the Secretariat on the recent vacancies in the core membership of two expert teams of OPAG-ISS, and proposals of relevant ET chairs on the replacement. The MG approved that Mr Karahan (Turkey) become a core member of the IPET-DRC, and Mr LEE (Hong Kong, China) become a core member of the ET-WISC.

The MG noted that Mr Tristant (France) had resigned as the chair of SG-RFC in January 2011. It stressed the importance to keep the momentum of the work of the SG-RFC, especially in assisting Members on their preparation for the participation of the World Radio Conference in 2012. The MG considered the proposal by the President on the candidate of the new chair, and decided to appoint Mr X (Country) as the chair of SG-RFC.

Annex 1: Terms of reference of new task teams

1OPAG-ISS: Task Team on Aviation XML


International aviation is increasingly reliant on information systems, and the industry is seeking to standardise on the ways in which data are represented in the XML standard. This will allow information from different sources to be combined straightforwardly. In a broader context, WMO is working on a “data model” that will allow unambiguous transformation between different types of data representation, such as XML and table driven code forms. The aviation community is seeking to agree its standard in 2016, which means that advanced proposals need to be prepared by 2012 to allow testing and refinement before the final decision in 2016. This Task Team is needed because the WMO standards will not be available on the required time scale, yet there has to be functional consistency between the aviation and WMO communities.


Chair: nominated by CBS

Representative of IPET-MDI

Representative of IPET-DRC

Representative of CAeM

Representative of ICAO

Representative of avionics manufacturers

Representative of EUROCONTROL SESAR project

Representative of FAA NexGEN project

Technical expert in XML representation

Technical expert in WMO data modelling (may be the representative of IPET-MDI or IPET-DRC)

Terms of Reference

  1. To define the weather and climate information that must be represented in the aviation XML standard
  2. To identify the key characteristics required of the aviation weather XML standard to allow consistency with the emerging WMO data model and existing examples of best practice e.g. EUROCONTROL WXCM, and that will allow consistent evolution alongside other WMO data representations to avoid duplication of effort and inconsistencies
  3. To identify how the aviation weather XML standard can be maintained over a 50 year lifetime (METAR has been used since 1968) in an environment where it is used within embedded avionics
  4. To create a draft standard for the conjoint ICAO/WMO meeting in 2014 (June) in a state that will allow meaningful testing by the aviation community and the supporting manufacturers
  5. To create a final standard in line with ICAO requirements that takes account of the lessons learned during testing
  6. To set up mechanisms for the creation, operation and maintenance of any catalogues, registries or similar that are required to support the aviation weather XML standard
  7. To create and provide the necessary regulatory and supporting materials for the aviationweather XML standard to be implemented.


This Task Team is required to create a standard that will have a long life, with limited scope for change once the standard has been agreed. This standard will need to be compatible with the aims of WMO for unambiguous translation between different data representations (where issues such as precision permit), and also with the use of XML in other aspects of aviation.

The expected meeting schedule is:

Northern Autumn 2011 – meeting to agree approach and existing materials that can be used to develop the standard

Northern Spring 2013 – meeting to agree draft specifications and the testing regime for them, and the papers to be passed to conjoint ICAO/WMO meeting in June 2014

Northern Spring 2015 - meeting to assess feedback from testing and identify changes needed to resolve issues; identify additional testing, including with the avionics community

Northern Spring 2016 – meeting to finalise recommendations to ICAO

This meeting schedule is only possible if the following arrangements are in place:

1)agreed electronic workspace to share (and configuration manage) documents and to allow electronic discussion

2)“virtual” meetings to ensure communication between the team in between meetings

3)experts in XML available to work on the detailed specifications of the standard (“full time workers”) under the guidance of the expert team (this should be funded by the aviation community)

4)experts available to run experiments to test the standard and to analyse the results.

5)Secretarial support for meetings and inter-meeting communication

2OPAG-ISS Task Team on the Application of Metadata


Metadata is critical to the success of WIS, but the WMO Core Profile is versatile and is capable of many interpretations. Good metadata will make it easier for potential users to find data quickly and to manage the WIS effectively. As WMO Members start to create the metadata for their datasets, some ways of forming metadata will be found to be effective and others to be less helpful. The purpose of this Task Team is to rapidly identify best practice in creating and maintaining metadata and to make this experience widely available to the WMO community.



Representative of IPET-MDI

Representative of ET-WISC

Representative of ET-OI

Representative from JCOMM E2E Data Management

Representative of a GISC

Representative from each WMO Region from a centre that has produced metadata but does not intend operating an GISC.

Terms of Reference

  1. To identify standard ways of expressing information within metadata that is to be used by WIS to control access to and management of data.
  2. To identify emerging good practice in creating metadata that will enable users from outside the originator’s community to identify that the data are relevant to them and develop recommended practices to achieve this end
  3. To create educational material to assist Members in creating and managing metadata based on the experiences of those who have already created and used metadata
  4. To provide exemplars of metadata for a variety of common data set types
  5. To implement an educational programme for Members
  6. To assist Members improve the metadata for their datasets beyond the automated metadata generated for data listed in the GTS catalogue.
  7. To actively promote within the WMO community adoption of the practices it has developed and the exchange of further best practice that evolves within the user communities
  8. To hand over maintenance of the guidance to a more permanent team by CBS XV (2012).


This Task team will need to work rapidly so that the benefits are obtained while Members are still creating the initial metadata for WIS.

The following meetings will be needed:

Northern Autumn 2011 – initial meeting to agree workplan and identify centres that can contribute to feedback on issues with using metadata

Northern Spring 2012 – meeting to agree roll out of training programme

The following facilities will be required to support the Expert Team

  1. Electronic workspace for collaborative development and publication of exemplars and training materials
  2. Check point teleconferences to encourage steady progress
  3. expert support to write and create the training materials under the guidance of the expert team
  4. adequate time from the Expert Team members to analyse the information available and to draft training materials

Once the materials have been prepared, trainers will be required to roll out the materials to the user community through conferences, workshops or other methods identified by the team.