Dr Astrit Rrukaj FY2

Curriculum Vitae


Dr Astrit Rrukaj

For the

post of Senior House Officer

in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

June 2008


Name : Dr Astrit Rrukaj

Address : 80 Edison Road

Stafford ST16 3ND

Tele no : 07770525655

Email :

Date of Birth : 25/05/1973
GMC Registration : Full Registration no: 6087233

Hepatitis B Status : Immunized


M.B.B.S Tirana University of Albania (September1991- July 1998)

PLAB 2 (April 2005, U.K), PLAB1 (Nov 2004, U.K)

Diploma in community Interpreting (1999-2000, U.K)

A-Level (1987 - 1991), Sherif Hoxha” High School, Koplik - Albania


 Distinction in Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Pharmacology. I was awarded national prize

(Medical fee paying scholarship)

 1st Division in all grades of MBBS

 Distinction in all Subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, ‘ O ’ level) and

1st class in Higher Secondary Certificate (‘ A ’ level).

 Winner of intercollegiate chess championship, 1991.

Selected to represent my School in national competitions in 1991 for Chemistry, Physics and

Mathematics. I Secured 2nd and 3rd places.


Immediate : To get training SHO post in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Intermediate: To acquire MRCOG.

Long term : 1) To specialise in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with special interest in Infertility.

2) To provide optimum patient care through committed learning and skill


Duration /
/ Speciality /
01/08/07 to 05/8/08 / Foundation Year 2 doctor (3 rotations 4 months each) / Obstetrics and
Respiratory/trauma and Orthopaedics / Stafford General Hospital, Midstaffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, Under Mr K Chin
01/08/06 to 31/07/07 / Foundation Year 1 doctor (3 rotations 4 months each) / Rhumatology/ General
Surgery/ Respiratory /
Stafford General Hospital, Midstaffordshire NHS
Foundation Trust
13/03/06 to 31/07/06 / Supernumerary PRHO / Clinical Biochemistry /
Kings College hospital NHS
NHS Trust, in London
16/01/06 to 10/03/06 /
Clinical Attachment
/ General Practice /
James Wigg
Kentish Town Surgeries
Primary Care trust, London
01/09/03 to 10/02/04 / Volunteer / Accident and Emergency / Northwick Park Hospital
in London
14/07/03 to 31/08/03 / Volunteer / HIV rehabilitation
centre / Mildmay Hospital in London

As a Senior House Officer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  • Obstetrics:

As a Senior House Officer I undertake the day-to-day care and management of patients in the

Wards, Labour Ward and Ante-Natal Clinic, cover postpartum emergencies and conduct post natal

ward rounds. As a SHO, I have the responsibility for patients in the Delivery Suite including reviewing records and partogram of all patients at regular intervals.

Other duties include following the Labour Ward Protocol, and to be punctilious in communication

with the Duty Consultant or his/her deputy and in observance of Control of Infection and Health

and Safety at Work requirements. I also assist in caesarean sections and other operations.

  • Gynaecology:

I undertake the day-to-day care and management of in-patients in the Gynaecology Ward,

Day Ward and Day Surgery Unit and also attend at the Operating Theatre, Accident and Emergency

Department and Out-Patients Clinics as required by the normal working schedule and duty rota

or as detailed by the Senior Registrar or Consultant. I attend MDT meetings.

Fetal Assessment Day Unit: My Consultant/registrar involves me in the management of patients with

IUGR, preeclamsia, and reduced fetal movements.

Colposcopy clinic: I observe my Consultant closely in managing different types of dyskaryosis.

Clinical Attachments: in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

1) Mid Staffordshire General Hospital, UK under Mr. Kirk Chin (15/01/07 to 28/02/07)

These posts have provided me with a very good insight into the day to day working of the NHS

Hospitals and about the role of a SHO in patient care. They have prepared me to work as a SHO in

NHS in the future. During my clinical attachments, I followed day-to-day ward rounds including

Consultant rounds. I have clerked patients and have learnt management of inpatients, pre and post

operative care of surgical patients including counselling. I also have learnt how to book patients for

OT, informing anaesthetists, collecting results from laboratory.

Foundation year 1 and 2 doctor in Medicine and Surgery (1:5 on call rota).

During foundation years I rotate every 4 months, however my work consists of:
1. On-call commitment
2. Ward based work
3. Attending clinics
4. Assisting in operating theatres
1. When i am on call i take referrals from General Practitioners, clinics and other departments. I clerk in or discharge patients according to the situation and if in doubt I consult with the registrar. I make sure patient are investigated and managed according to the current guidelines and present patients in the post take ward round. Making referrals and handing over to the appropriate teams or wards. I am also certified in advanced life support I have to respond to crash calls when i am on duty. I manage patients in the ward until they are fit for discharge. I am involved in breaking bad news, certifying patient who have passed away and liaising with the bereavement office for issuing of death certificates and referral to the coroner when required as well as liaising sensitively with mourning relatives. I am also responsible for writing discharge summaries and answering any queries from the G/P's or from community health teams.
2. While based on the ward I do my own ward rounds. I also attend consultant lead word rounds making sure that they run smoothly. I liaise with other disciplines such as different diagnostic units, pharmacy, physiotherapy, social work, and speech and language therapy. I take part in Multi Disciplinary Team meetings. I attend teaching sessions. I present cases in ground rounds and provide teaching for other junior doctors and other health allied disciplines.
3. When in the clinic I see patients under the consultant's supervision and input into further management plan options and arrange appropriate follow up. I counsel patients' pre and post-operatively and make sure everything is being done to improve patient care.

In this post, I got invaluable experience in managing medical problems and I was exposed to

management of medical referrals in pregnancy. I gained confidence in treating medical emergencies.

Pre- Registration House Officer:

Tirana, University teaching hospital.

(01/08/1997 to 31/07/1998) –

I underwent training in the subjects of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and

Gynaecology (6months), Paediatrics, Accident & Emergency, Neonatology, under the supervision of

seniors and enhanced my clinical as well as communication skills.


Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Speculum examinations, taking cervical smears and swabs.

Episiotomy repairs.

Insertion and removal of intra uterine contraceptive devices, cervical polyp removals.

Dilatation and curettage (Supervised).

Uterine packing in post partum haemorrhage.

Procedures done independently

Primary and secondary surveys Suturings, Cannulations, Nasogastric intubations

Basic resuscitation, Fundoscopies Catheterisations, Venepunctures.

Arterial Blood Samplings FNAC, Abdominal wound closures.

Procedures done under direct supervision

Abdominal paracentesis, Central line insertions.

Lumbar punctures, Pleurocentesis, chest drain insertions.


I have a strong understanding about the audit methods, techniques and the cycle.

  • Current Audit – Risk of Malignancy Index.RMI (April-May/08)

I am currently doing this audit in Stafford General Hospital. The motive is to see whether the Royal

College guidelines are being followed while treating patients, diagnosed ovarian cyst. This will be reaudited in the next 6 months.

  • I have been involved to date in four other clinical audits and one poster.

These are:

1. The use of spirometry to conclude a diagnosis of COPD. Whilst i General Practice. Feb 2006
2. Assessing and massively reducing the turn around time for blood results being accessible to doctors, after three audit cycles. Whilist in Kings College Hospital. March-Sept 2006
3. Secondary prevention of osteoporotic fragility fractures in postmenopausal women. Audit and poster. Whilst in Stafford General Hospital. Nov 2006
4. Evaluating the accessibility and awareness of surgical guidelines for doctors in surgical training. Whilst at

Stafford General Hospital. April 2007
My experience is that audit is an essential tool for improving clinical care. In all cases, the most essential elements are not only collecting accurate data but following it up with concise presentation and education of work colleagues to ensure communication and cohesion within often several teams to achieve the goals of the audit.


Poster On secondary prevention of osteoporosis. Stafford General Hospital – Dec 2006

To date, my experience is that I have submitted to the ACB (Annals of Clinical Biochemistry) one audit for



Secondary prevention of osteoporosis.Cannock Chase Hospital (Nov 06)

In Utero Transfer (Fibrinectin Test) Stafford General Hospital (May 08)

Post partum haemorrhage Tirana Hospital (QSUT) (Nov 97)

Emergency Contraception Tirana Hospital (QSUT) (Jan 98)

Pregnancy induced hypertension Tirana Hospital (QSUT) (Jun 98)


 Basic Surgical Skills Course, Stafford General Hospital, Feb 2007.

 Communication skills training course for doctors Oct-Nov 2005. (Central School for Speech and Drama)

 ALS (Advanced Life Support ) Course,Resuscitation Council, UK 4-6 Nov2005

 Obstetric and Neonatal emergencies at Stafford General Hospital, 18th of April 2008.

 ‘Maternal Resuscitation Course’ held in Stafford General Hospital, 6th June 2008


 I have participated in HIV awareness, Leprosy awareness programmes as a PRHO in Albania.

I have held small immunization camps in the underdeveloped villages with my medical officer.

 I was an active participant in Post Partum Sterilization, Immunization, Family Planning Programmes

I took part in Polio eradication (WHO programme) (lead the door to door polio immunization team)

and Malaria eradication programme.

 I continue to help Albanian communityin many ways but mainly with interpreting and translations

 Teacher on PLAB 2 course (Faculty member of Fasttrackmedics.co.uk)

 IT support worker at English Churches’ Housing Group

 Volunteer for


Representative of House Officers during the Pre-Registration House Officer postings.

 Organized immunization camps, blood donation camps and school health under primary health care.

Social organizer of the cultural club of my medical college.

Elected “Chairman of the students committee” to organise school farewell party for seniors.


I was a team member of college football team. Ienjoy cycling, walking, swimming, fishing and DIY work.

In July 2006 I represented Kings College Hospital in the “10K London Run”.

I am interested in reading.

Computer Skills – includes MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS excel, and Internet.

I surf the Internet to download latest medical literature.


I have taught under graduate medical students and overseas doctors regarding common exam cases like MI, TB, PV bleeding, hemiplegia, breast carcinoma, etc.

I undertook education of public health workers & conducted health awareness classes.

I took teaching sessions of Auxiliary Nurse Mid Wife (ANM) as a PRHO in Community Medicine,

for rural and child programme in June 1998.

I took lectures on Health Guidelines on infection for the junior doctors and nurses.


I am a reliable, hardworking, team worker with good interpersonal skills. I am confident in my

clinical abilities, recognising my limitations at the same time. I have an enquiring approach towards knowledge acquisition. I was awarded a national prize (medical fee paying scholarship)for being one of the top students in the country based on my outstanding academic results and my attendance record. It inducted in me, the disciplines of hard work, sincerity, punctuality, loyalty and teamwork. It taught me the importance of retaining poise and sense of proportion under pressure.

I am a chess player and it inculcates patience in an individual, which is very important to be a good clinician. I am committed to become a good doctor and above all a good human being.


1) Mr K Chin MRCOG, FRCS (Ed), MFFP, Cert M.ed

Chairman of the MAC

Rowley Hall Hospital

Rowley Park, Stafford, St17 9AQ


Clinical Director, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,

StaffordGeneralHospital, Weston Road,

Stafford, ST16 3SA

Tel: 01785257731 Ext - 3020


Fax: 01785230431.

2) Mr A Elmardi M. Med, MRCOG, FICS, MFFP

Postgraduate Tutor in Obstetrics & Gynaecology,

StaffordGeneralHospital, Weston Road,

Stafford, ST16 3SA

Tel: 01785257731 Ext - 4590

Email: a.elmardi@ midstaffs.nhs.uk

Fax: 01785230256.


Curriculum Vitae of Dr Astrit Rrukaj