Today’s Date My Name
Example MAT 011 Midterm Study Plan (edit the underlined parts to apply to you!)
Bring this page to class for your one-on-one talk with Dr. Wladis!
My Midterm Test Results:
Score: 65%
Goal was: 80%
I needed 1 more question to pass the test, and 3 more questions to meet my goal.
My Diagnostic Test Results:
Score: 24%
My midterm score was an improvement of 41 percentage points over my diagnostic test. This was a good improvement!
I was supposed to complete the following assignments with a score of 75% or better:
· 2.3, HW score: 65%
· 2.4, HW score: 72%
· 3.3, HW score: 80%
· 3.4, did not complete
· Midterm exam review homework assignment, did not complete
· Midterm exam review quiz, score: 42%
What did I do well to prepare for the midterm?
I did a pretty good job on HW 2.4 and 3.3, and I almost passed HW 2.3. I really improved my score from the diagnostic test, since my midterm score was much higher.
What could I have done better to prepare for the midterm?
I didn’t do HW 3.4 or the midterm homework assignment, and I should have done these. It would also have been better if I had kept retaking the midterm practice until I got at least a 70%. I didn’t spend enough time on the practice midterm exam. I also waited too late to do a lot of the work: I did most of the assignments a few weeks before the midterm – it would have been better if I had worked on these assignments for several hours every week instead.
How will I change what I do so that I can be sure to pass the two final exams?
I will spend 30 minutes each night before bed doing homework so that I get a little work done every day. Each week on Monday, I will check my progress, and if I am behind schedule, I will spend extra time on Monday afternoon making up any work that I am behind on. If I find that I am not doing my work every night, I will try to come up with a different schedule two weeks from now. At least two weeks before the final exam, I will start the final exam reviews, and I will keep taking them until I get a 75%. I really want to pass this class, so I will be sure that I spend at least 30 hours total this semester doing practice problems online (or working on paper practice).
My Study Plan and Calendar for the Final Exam
Fill this out AFTER talking one-on-one with Dr. Wladis in class
The final exam and computerized final exam will be sometime between 12/7-12/22.
I AM required to do the Intervention Assignments. These are due on 12/7. The Intervention Assignments are all the Quizzes online with the word “Intervention” in the title.
I will do the 1) homework, 2) intervention assignments, and 3) quizzes for the following sections in order to prepare for the midterm.
I will keep doing these assignments until I have scored at least 75% on each one.
I will finish this work by 12/7/11. Here are my deadlines:
· 2.3, due 10/26/11
· 2.4, due 10/31/11
· 3.4, due 11/2/11
· 6.2, due 11/7/11
· 8.1, due 11/9/11
· Final exam review homework assignment, due 11/16/11
· Final exam review quiz 1, due 11/23/11
· Final exam review quiz 2, due 11/30/11
· I will then use the last week from 11/30-12/7 to review my work and do extra problems for any areas that the online study plan in mathxl still indicates need work.