Instant Profit Assessment
Find out exactly where you’re leaving money on the table and exactly how to fix the problem by taking the quick assessment below. If there are any terms in this assessment that you are unsure of go ahead and mark a ‘NO’ for that answer.
Question / Yes / NoDo you currently bundle your services to provide optimal customer service?
Do you currently offer an upsell at the original point of purchase?
Of those customers who have purchased from you, do you have something else they can invest in?
Do you currently have offline joint venture partners that bring you business?
Do you currently have online joint venture partners that bring you business?
What products or services could you offer on a continual basis?
Do you have customers who have bought from you in the past, but haven’t invested with you lately?
Do you know colleagues or comparable service providers whose client base is similar to yours and might have perfect clients for you?
Do you currently offer support or guidance to your clients in areas other than your primary expertise?
Do you have others who currently sell your products/services as add-ons to their customers?
Do you blog regularly?
Do you podcast regularly?
Do you do radio shows/interviews?
Do you hold teleseminars/workshops about your expertise?
Do you have a freebie that you offer as a lead generation tool?
Do you regularly ask clients for referrals to their friends, family and circle of influence?
Do you attend/exhibit at live or virtual trade shows?
Do you keep a list of warm leads (those you’ve talked to but who haven’t purchased) and touch base with them regularly to try and convert them?
Do you currently have bundles of your products and services to offer to your clients so that you support them better?
Do you offer compelling bonuses or add-ons for fast-action?
Do you have a downsell option to offer prospects?
Do you have a special report, video or other piece of content that’s primary purpose is for people to pass along and share with others?
Do you currently write articles that highlight your expertise or benefits of your product/service?
Do you regularly (weekly) keep in communication with your customers and prospects via email?
Do you have obsolete inventory you could offer for a quick, discounted sale?
Do you have clients making payments that you could offer an incentive to, to pay off that balance quicker?
Do you have untapped expertise that you aren’t monetizing?
Enter the Totals Here ______
To discuss how each of these areas could provide you $10K, $20K or even $100K more in your business, please give me a call at 888.423.5960 to schedule a strategy session.