Information sheet: Travel support grants for project preparation, programmes BG02, BG03
Eligible project promoters (applicants)/partners may also apply for project preparation support. The support is granted as cost reimbursement of 85% of the incurred, paid and verified costs. Total available grant:EUR 36000for each programme, less funds awarded to predefined projects. Support conditions are as follows:
- Funding is granted for establishing or strengthening the bilateral relations, for example for activities aimed at creating partnerships between Bulgarian and donor country entities, or joint project preparation meetings.
- Eligible applicants for travel support: national public authorities, municipalities, research and development / educational institutions including universities, and non-government organizations (NGO). They must be established in Bulgaria or one of the donor countries Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and satisfy call specific requirements (where applicable)
- Grant, eligibility period: EUR 5000 per project proposal, grant rate 100%. Funding is eligible from the date of the submission of application for project preparation grant if the application is approved. It covers the costs of all partners[1]. The eligibility period ends one month after the project submission deadline for the respective call or predefined project.
- Costs covered (ceilings as per Bulgarian legislation apply[2]):
- Travel costs: travel, accommodation, per diems, medical insurance;
- Event organization costs: room rental, catering, speaker remuneration, publicity costs related to the event, other event organization costs;
- Indirect costs based on documentary evidence: up to 7% of the project grant. Eligible indirect costs include telephone, fax, internet, courier, room rental and cleaning, and other utility costs attributable to the project application
- Application: Please submit an application letter (see Annex 1 of the current document), event invitation, copies of other supporting documents.
- Selection: A screening procedure is performed by the Programme Operator. The screening criteria are:
Criterion / Yes / No / Comment
Formal/administrative criteria
The appropriate application form (Annex 1) has been used and is duly signed
The application documents (see bullet 5 “Aplication” above) have been presented in Bulgarian or English or supplied with a translation (if in any other language)
All sections of the Request for bilateral funding have been filled-in
Eligibility of the applicant
The applicant falls in one of the categories specified in bullet 2 above.
For measure (a): The applicant has not submitted more than one application for both programmes.
For measure (b): The applicant was not previously awarded measure (a) funding or was invited by the PO/DPP
Eligibility of the application
The application is within the programme area of programme BG02 or BG03
Grant maximum amount is complied with
The requested travel costs do not exceed the ceilings as per applicable law and are backed with copies of offers, reservations, etc.
Event organization costs are supported with copies of offers or other supporting documents
Staff costs are supported with a copy of the employment contracts or other documents proving the hourly rate
Costs correspond to the eligibility criteria as set out in Art. 7.7 of the EEA Regulation
- Available funding will be awarded to applications that passed the screening, on a first come – first serve basis.
- Cost verification and reimbursement: Verification is based on a report detailing the activities and actual costs (see Annex 1 of the current document). Annexed to the report must be: verified copies of expenditure documents; other supporting documents, such as meeting minutes, attendance lists, etc.
- Further questions: Please read the full Bilateral cooperation support guideavailable at, section EU programmes. and if necessary, write to .
Annex 1: Application letter
Annex 2: Travel report and reimbursement request
Annex 1
Application letter
for bilateral funding- programmes BG02 Integrated marine and inland water management and BG03 Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Mr. Kalin Iliev
Deputy Head of Programme
Ministry of Environment and water
Dear Mr. Iliev,
My organization would like to apply for bilateral fundng under the a.m. programme(s). Hereby, please find the details of the application.
Kind regards,
(name, signature of authorized representative, stamp)
I.Application details
Please mark the programme(s) and call(s) you are interested in and the bilateral funding you request
BG02 Integrated marine and inland water management
I request measure (a) funding measure (b) funding under this programme
BG03 Biodiversity and ecosystem services
I request measure (a) funding measure (b) funding under this programme
II. Financial information 1
Indicative amount requested (double-click to edit; add rows as necessary and describe)
III. Partner search information
Contact information
First name, last nameOrganization
AddressE – Mail
TelephoneWeb page
Programme(s) and call (s) of interest (please check as appropriate):
BG02 Integrated marine and inland water management / BG03 Biodiversity and ecosystem services1. Call 1: More integrated management of marine and inland water resources (Launch: June 2014) / 1. Small grant scheme SGS1: Development of a nation-wide education and awareness campaign through volunteer action and supporting activities (Launch: June 2014)
2. Call 2: Improved monitoring of marine waters (Launch: June 2014) / 2. Call 1: Invasive alien species networking for information exchange and capacity building (Launch: June 2014)
3. Call 3: Increased capacity for assessing and predicting environmental status in marine and inland waters (Launch: June 2014) / 3. Call 2: Ecosystem services mapping and assessment (Launch: fourth quarter of 2014)
4. Call 3: Sectoral policies for the systematic use of ecosystem services (Launch: June 2014)
Preferred themes of projects and profile of partner
- Brief description on participant’s Organization
2. Sector of activities of participant’s Organization
3. Established contacts to potential partners from Bulgaria (select as appropriate)
I have/ I have not established contact with Bulgarian organizations
If yes, please specify:
4. Description of preferable project partner’s profile
5.Please describe what you expect from the potential project partner from Bulgaria
6. Please describe what you can offer to potential project partner from Bulgaria
7.The information given in this registration form can be given to the participants from Bulgaria for developing partnership
Annex 2
Report and reimbursement claim
for bilateral funding- programmes BG02 Integrated marine and inland water management and BG03 Biodiversity and ecosystem services
OrganizationGrant approval date
Type of funding granted / Measure (a) Measure (b)
Person(s) performing the bilateral activities:
Purpose of the visit:
Description of the implemented activities (describe in details the initiatives, activities, participants, date and location):
Outcome of activities:
Financial report and requested amount (double-click to edit; add rows as necessary and describe): 2
Reimbursement details:
Bank name, branch: Account holder:
Attachments (add rows as needed)
- …………………………………………..
- …………………………………………..
- …………………………………………..
Please attach all expenditure documents – verified “true to original” and provided with translation into English if the document’s language is other than Bulgarian or English.
Please attach copies of all results from the bilateral cooperation activities.
The undersigned ……………………. (name, position) of ……………………… (organisation name) hereby declare:
1That the information provided in the payment request and the attached documents is complete and accurate
2That the costs incurred can be considered eligible in accordance with Chapter 7 of the Regulation on the implementation of the EEA FM and the Bilateral cooperation support guide for programmes BG02 Integrated marine and inland water management and BG03 Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
3That the activities reported herein are not funded by another source
4That the activities reported herein were implemented under observation of the EU and national law
Official representative of the institution: /signature, stamp/
[1] For example, a partnership, one partner may receive funding for hosting a project preparation meeting and the partner(s) they invite receive travel support. The grant ceiling for both is EUR 5000.
[2] For travel abroad: economy class flight costs and medical insurance; lodging up to EUR 130/night and per diem up to EUR 35/day; for inland travel: travel costs by train, public transport or car; lodging as per the organizations’ ceiling; per diem: up to EUR 20/day