ERA / A major division of geologic time composed of a number of periods.EROSION / The wearing away of the Earth’s surface by water, glaciers and wind.
CARNIVORE / An animal that eats other animals.
REMNANT / Remaining leftover; a trace
EXTINCT / Having no members of the species or family in existence.
EARL DOUGLAS / Found dinosaur fossils in the Uinta Basin in Utah.
UTAH RAPTOR / An extraordinary killing machine with huge slashing claws.
EXCAVATION / The digging site of an archaeological exploration.
FOSSIL FUEL / Fuel such as oil, coal, or natural gas that was formed from living matter of a previous geologic time.
COMPRESS / To make more compact by pressing.
HERBIVORE / An animal that feeds only or mainly on grass and other plants.
DAVID MADSEN / Archaeologist that helped dig up the Huntington Mammoth in 1988.
FRACTURE / A break in a rock or mineral across which there is a separation.
MESOZOIC / The period of time when dinosaurs, birds, and flowering plants 1st appeared. 3rd
ALLOSAURUS / Utah’s version of the T-REX
SEDIMENT / Settled matter at the bottom of liquid
GEOLOGIST / A person who studies of rocks and minerals.
CENOZOIC / Belonging to the most recent era of geological time. 4th
FAULT / Displacement of the Earth’s crust.
ORGANIC / Relating to, deriving from, or characteristic of living things.
QUARRY / An excavation, usually open to the air, from which building stone is obtained
LATITUDE / An imaginary line joining points on the earth’s surface that are all equal distance north and south of the equator.
PALEOZOIC / The era of geologic time when fish, amphibians, reptiles and land plants first appeared. (600-230 million years ago) 2nd
LAKE BONNEVILLE / The lake that covered Utah in the Ice Age and after.
PRECAMBRIAN / The period of time when the Earth’s crust was formed and primitive life
first appeared. ( 4650 – 700 million years ago) 1st