Go for the Green: What does each rule look like at McDougalPrimary School?
Playground / Bus / Hallway / CafeteriaListen While Others Speak /
- Voices can be loud, but under the screeching level when standing near others.
- Wait your turn
- Six inch voices should be used on the bus.
- Always stop talking and listen attentively when the bus driver addresses any of the students on the bus.
- Voices are off when the whole class is walking in the hallway
- May use a six inch voice if speaking to an adult or one other student traveling together in the hallway
- Normal inside voices are appropriate for the lunch room
- When quiet time is called students will turn voices off and continue eating food, packing trash, and compacting items in an organized manner
Follow Directions /
- Line up immediately when the teacher blows the whistle or indicates recess is over
- Listen for the whistle and stop what you are immediately follow line up procedures
- If a teacher signals you to come over to the location where she/he is standing, move immediately to that area
- Request permission before entering the building for the restroom or an emergency
- Watch for visual cues that the bus driver wants to talk to the riders and open your ears to listen
- Stay in your seat
- Be at the bus stop on time
- Never stand or walk in the aisle while the bus is moving
- Eyes are on the teacher, assistant, or substitute teacher so that visual or verbal directions can be followed
- Use an inside voice if you must speak to someone
- Be ready to respond to any directions that may be given to you as far as moving, stopping, or avoiding obstacles in the hallway
- Stay to the right
- Show appropriate respect to the cafeteria workers or parents who are visiting for lunch
- Use only a six-inch voice in the cafeteria in line and at the tables
- Immediately get quiet when the duty persons indicate that it is quiet time
- Voices are off during quiet time
- Finish lunch and clean up area
- Eat your own food
Playground / Bus / Hallway / Cafeteria
Speak with Kind Words /
- Use words that make others feel better
- Use “up” words
- Use magic words such as please and thank you
- Offer to help pick up equipment
- Use words that make others feel better
- Use “up” words
- Use magic words such as please and thank you
- Greet the bus driver with a morning and afternoon greeting
- Say thank you for the bus ride
- Use kind words that make others feel better
- Use “up” words
- Use magic words such as please and thank you
- Walk in a slow and steady pace with voices off when traveling the halls
- Use words that make others feel better
- Use “up” words
- Use magic words such as please and thank you
Use Materials and Equipment Safely /
- Wait your turn
- Have a plan for play during recess time
- Remain on blacktop area
- Return balls to correct classrooms
- Return jump ropes to correct classroom
- Only go down the slide on your bottom
- Walk on the swinging bridge
- Use basketball hoops appropriately
- Remain seated on the bus
- Keep your bumper on the seat
- Walk to your seat safely
- Keep book bags on your lap
- Keep food inside your book bag
- Place trash in receptacle
- Book bags should be on student backs or pulled behind if they have wheels
- Use words to explain to an adult about any danger or problem in the hall
- Help custodians by putting trash in its place
- Contact a custodian if trash or items in the hallway require the custodian’s expertise
- Return trays to the end table
- Stack trays in a safe manner
- Dump excess food in the proper bin
- Keep the peanut free table free of all peanut products
- Eat only your lunch