HARVEY, LOUISIANA August 12, 2007
The first reading from the book of Wisdom comes from the middle of a long section telling of God's actions on behalf of Israel during the Exodus from slavery in Egypt. Deliverance of the Israelites was probably known beforehand to the ancestors, through the patriarchs to whom God had promised His care for His chosen people.
All Jews, Christians, and Muslims consider themselves children of Abraham, whose faith in God's promises is extolled in the second reading from the book of Hebrews. When God called Abraham to leave his home in Haran at the age of 75, he obeyed, with no idea where he was going. God simply told him to 'go to a land that I will show you." In his time in the promised land, Abraham did not rule the land, so he sojourned there as a foreigner. He looked forward, beyond his time, to the heavenly city that would be his real and eternal home. Abraham is thus presented as a model of faith for all Christians who have here 'no lasting city.'
Trust in God's providence is the link between today's readings. The gospel of Luke gives us the key to the proper use of the world's goods; if our hearts are focused on God we will value all things rightly and await the coming of His kingdom eagerly and without fear. No one is able to determine when Our Lord will return, so we should live each day in joyful anticipation. Too often our eyes are turned to this world with its deceptive enticements to gather power and wealth, yet God always calls us to focus on the world to come. With faith in God, let us be vigilant in prayer during our pilgrimage to our heavenly home.
Today's Scriptures: Wisdom 18:6-9; Psalm 33; Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19;
Luke 12:32-48
BLESSED MOTHER'S LAMP will burn in memory of in memory of Dominick Bartolo Sr. requested by David and Cindy Bartolo.
SANCTUARY LAMP will burn for Adams, Baye and Schouest Families deceased.
ALTAR WINE is given in memory Betty and Paul Territo.
FLOWERS: Today's Main Altar is given in memory of Maggie and Frank Bailey requested by Laura Bailey, the Offertory and Our Blessed Mother's arrangements are given in memory Melvin Dussel Sr.
SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Julie Hemenway, Dana Russo, Judy Baldassaro, Carolyn Gump.
BAPTIZED IN CHRIST: We welcome into our spiritual family Demi Grace Alleman,Raylee Lyn Waskom, and Blaire Alexander Hoorman who were baptized recently at St. Rosalie.
DIED IN CHRIST: In your charity please pray for the repose of the soul of Linda Jean Boudreaux who was buried from St. Rosalie recently.
In Loving Memory of
Rena Danos McEvers
4:00p.m. Ernest P. Boudreaux
6:00p.m. Bartolo-Belognia Families Deceased,For the Souls in
Purgatory,Pete Ditta,Val Plaisance,Eugene Jr. & Sr.,Randy &
Michael LaFont,Peggy Eggleton,Babin-DiGiovanni Families
Deceased,Ledet-Carbo-Bartolo-Diket-Wallace Families
Deceased,Gladys Prejean,Pete Taulli Sr., William Taulli Jr.,
Julian Taulli,Eola M. White,Doyce R. Hebert,Irene & Sam
Paternostro,Noble Kinler,George Picarella,Eloise Poche
Theron,Norris Thibodeaux,Emily Sandras,Edmond Orgeron Jr.
FamilyDeceased,Nicole N. Wetzel,James Arbour,Marilyn
Sazdoff Harrison,Randolph Gros,Emily DiMarco,Hazel
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. Anthony & Lena Muscarello
7:00a.m. Tommy & Charles "Tee" Blanchard
7:00a.m. Gary Schouest.David & Baby Bruce,Beatrice & Sam
Zappulla Sr. & Jr.,Angelina & Billy Shrader,Troy Dean
Williams II,Steve Tassin,Ivy Tassin
7:00p.m. John Miller
7:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
8:30a.m. Joseph & Philip Cardinal
12:10p.m. Helene, Peter & Jack Bertucci
7:00p.m. Vanice Falgout
7:00a.m. Aubrey LeBlanc
7:00a.m. Edward Melancon
7:00a.m. Armbruster-Brown Families Deceased
4:00p.m. Pete Borzilliere & Alcess Belsome
6:00p.m. Vincent Territo,Rene & Delia Hidalgo,Saladino-LeBlanc
Families Deceased,Linus Thibodeaux,Frank Stagni,Peter B.
Bertucci,Frances "Toni" Guthrie,Ernie & Janet Weaver,Mary
Bannon,Claire Weaver,Sam & Eula Mae Taulli,Judy Dufrene,
Carol Hebert,Dudley & Lydia Boudreaux,Eloise Poche
Theron,Warren Este,Emily Sandras,Marilyn Sazdoff
Harrison,Jakcie Spera,Randolph Gros,Henry Drury,Emily
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. Oral Sr. & Larry Orgeron
4:00p.m. Heather U., Linest P.
6:00p.m. Chancelor F., Lauren T., Demi B.
8:00a.m. Courtney D., Maci M., Emily D.
11:00a.m. Matthew F., Kenney L., Ashlin H.
4:00p.m. Ginger G. Marnie L. Harry S., Carolyn R.
6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Lisa G., Trisha C.
8:00a.m. Murphy B. Jill S. Cindy R., Murphy B.
11:00a.m. Ann W. Belkys V. Jeannine T., Denna C.,
Don D., Kathleen L.
May the Lord bless your sacrifice.
1. Assumption of the Blessed Mother: Wednesday, August
15th is the Feast of the Assumption and is a Holy Day of
Obligation. The Vigil Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday,
August 14th at 7:00p.m. Feast day Masses on Wednesday are:
7:00a.m., 8:30a.m. (the children’s Mass), 12:10p.m. and
7:00p.m. A collection will be taken. Note: The Parish Office
will be closed on this day.
2. Pastoral Council Elections: This is a reminder to you that
nominations for a seat on the Pastoral Council must be
received by 4:00p.m. on Tuesday, August 15th. You must also
submit a brief biography. Please call Kathy Savona
(340-7800) or the Parish Center (340-1962). Elections will
take place at all Masses on September 8th and 9th.
3. First Day of School: Welcome! Monday, August 13th is the
first day of school for grades kindergarten through eighth. We
are looking forward to a very good and successful 2007-08
school year.
4. Seminarian of the Week: This week’s seminarian is Br.
Fidelmar Perez, who has completed his third year of vows.
Please keep Br. Fidelmar and all seminarians in your prayers.
5. Bus Trips: Monday, August 20th and Monday, September 10th.
For reservations, please call Laura Leaber at 341-3143.
6. A Reminder to Parents of St. Rosalie School Students:
1. The deadline for ordering T-shirts is Monday, August
27th. Ms. Wenzel is allowing the children to wear their
T-shirt on every Friday in September. You can get order
forms from the school or church office.
2. T-shirt and/or Booth Sponsors: If you or someone you
know has a business and would like to sponsor the T-shirts
and/or a booth, please call the Parish Center for details.
The deadline for T-shirt sponsors is August 27th. There is
no deadline for booth sponsors. However, signs will be
hung right after Labor Day, so do respond early.
3. Confetti Eggs: The contest for the class bringing in the
most eggshells is Friday, September 7th. However, we ask
that you send the eggshells to the school office as soon as
possible. The committee needs time to stuff, seal and
package the eggs. Be sure to put your child’s name, grade
and homeroom on the carton.
4. Service Hours: Attention parents of 8th grade students:
Students who work during fair hours are eligible to receive
service hours. This also applies to high school students.
5. Adult volunteers: Many booths are in need of volunteers.
Can we count on you?
6. Donations: In order to cut booth expenses, chairmen are
grateful for donations.
Please call the Parish Center for any details on the above or for the St. Rosalie
Fair, September 28th, 29th, 30th.
Dear Parishoners,
Our summer has had many ‘grace filled’ events and for that we are grateful to our God who watches over us and protects us through Mary and St. Rosalie’s intercession.
We, like many communities, are preparing to start the school year and on Monday, August 13th there will over a thousand young boys and girls in the halls of St. Rosalie her and at the Middle School. These last few days have been spent working with the faculty and staff as they prepare for the school year with prayer, leadership workshops and time to reflect on our Catholic school philosophy and mission. St. John Bosco’s educational system of ‘Reason, Religion, and Kindness’ also have been a major part of my discussions with the teachers and I know that they can’t wait to have the kids in their classrooms again. Let’s pray for another safe and holy year of grace for these children of God.
Fr. Tomasz sent the parish a beautiful blue and white vestment for Our Lady which has the fleur de le logo on it, a sign of Mary’s grace. He is at his parish and I will soon be publishing his official new address. He sends his prayers to all.
Fr. Giovanni left for another mission weekend, this time in New Orleans proper. Thank you for your generosity to his ministry, almost $2,000.00 was collected! You are so generous to God’s missionaries and I know they are grateful.
On Monday, Irene who is the afternoon office secretary called the envelope company and they said all of the envelopes were mailed but they did get some calls due to slow postal service. If there is any problem with recording your contributions, please let us know and we will correct your offerings. As I mentioned at some Masses last week, our assessment and insurance has gone up from $80,000.00 pre-Katrina to last year $121,000.00 to this year’s assessment and insurance is $142,000.00. If you divide that number into 52 weeks, and our collections run an average of $5,000.00, you will notice that we cannot meet our obligations to the archdiocese and pay for our insurance! The many fund raising activities, especially our Fair, help us to manage our finances and meet our obligations as well as provide religious education to our students who are not in Catholic schools through our P.R.E.P. Program, RCIA, RCIC, as well as make sure our Salesian Youth Center keeps moving forward. As Salesians, we are here to minister to the people of God, especially the young in our midst. You are quite generous with the many activities we have and with the Fair. Soon we will be mailing to you Fair tickets and ask that you help us raise funds through this venture as well as attend and encourage others to attend our Fair at the end of September.
If you are able, please exchange those ‘Washingtons’ in your envelope to ‘Lincolns,’ the ‘Lincolns’ to’ Hamiltons’, the ‘Hamiltons’ to ‘Jacksons’, etc… With a addition few dollars each week in your tax deductible contributions to St. Rosalie Church we will continue to maintain all of our programs, continue to reach out the young in our midst, and continue to build our community in God’s grace. I pray God blesses you for your continued generosity to our parish!
Fr. Jon D. Parks, sdb