In class, we will begin our study of the Middle Ages, and how it was structured politically, economically, and socially. For a project grade, you will create a visual that will summarize a different aspect of life in the Middle Ages.
Step One: Topics
Students will be chosen randomly and will choose a topic to research below.
People Living on a Manor
Kings in the Middle Ages – Summarize the life and achievements of famous kings during the Middle Ages
Life of a Lord – Describe the life and daily habits of a lord who oversees a manor
Life of a Lord’s lady – Describe the life and daily habits of the wife of a lord
Becoming a knight – Summarize how a child goes from being a page, to an esquire (squire), and then to a knight
Life of a knight – Describe the life and daily habits of a knight, as well as the relationship they had with the lord
Servants in the Manor – Describe the life and duties of various servants who worked in the manor or castle for the lord
Life of a serf/peasant – Describe the life and daily habits of a serf, as well as their relationship with the lord
Artisans in the Middle Ages – Describe some of the jobs people had besides farming working on a manor in the Middle Ages (ex. mason, barrel makers, blacksmith, etc.)
Religious People in the Middle Ages
Life of a priest in the Middle Ages – Describe the life, duties, and daily habits of a priest who lived on a manor
Life of a monk – Describe the life, duties, and daily habits of a monk who lived in a monastery
Life of a nun – Describe the life, duties, and daily habits of a nun who lived in a convent
Life of a bishop – Discuss the life, duties, and daily habits of a bishop, who ruled over a particular region for the Catholic Church
Castles and Warfare
Parts of a Castle – Describe the various aspects of a typical castle built during the Middle Ages (ex. rooms, structures, fortifications, moats, etc.)
Famous Castles – Describe some famous castles that were built during the Middle Ages. Talk
about where, when, and why they were built
Attacking a Castle – Describe the various strategies used to attack a castle in warfare
Armor in the Middle Ages – Describe how knights dressed up for warfare and how armor prepared them for battle.
Weapons of the Middle Ages – Describe some of the weapons that were used for warfare in the Middle Ages, both by people and armies
Tournaments in the Middle Ages – Describe what games and competitions (ex. jousting) were played in the Middle Ages, as well as their purpose
Other Topics
Cathedrals in the Middle Ages – Describe how and why cathedrals were built, and talk about some cathedrals that were completed during the Middle Ages
A Monastery in the Middle Ages – Describe the various rooms, people, and purpose of a monastery
A Convent in the Middle Ages – Describe the various rooms, people, and purpose of a convent
A Middle Ages Marketplace – Describe what a person would see and find at a typical Middle Ages marketplace
Food and Drink in the Middle Ages – Describe some foods and drinks that were commonly eaten during the Middle Ages, as well as typical table manors for the period.
Banquets in the Middle Ages – Describe what a person would see and find a typical banquet presented by a lord in a manor or castle
Entertainment in the Middle Ages- Describe some of the ways people, both rich and poor, were entertained in the Middle Ages
Street Signs in the Middle Ages – Describe typical street signs used for businesses in the Middle Ages and why they were needed
Fashion in the Middle Ages – Describe how people of different classes dressed during the Middle Ages
Types of Religious Orders – Describe some of the religious orders that were formed during the Middle Ages (ex. Benedictine Monks, Franciscan Monks, etc.)
Step Two: Research Characters
Using books, the Internet, encyclopedias, and other sources, research your topic.
Step Three: Create Visual
Each person will be given a visual in the shape of a castle. On each wall, you will write information about a particular aspect of your topic. Each must have a title, writing, and a picture to describe the aspect.
Note: Students can draw their pictures, or they can download or cut out pictures that can be used for the visuals. However, it must be neat and fit with the Medieval time period.
Requirements for the Project: (4 points)
Your Name (2 pts) ______
Title for the Project (2 pts) ______
Wall #1 (22 points)
Subtitle (3 pts) ______
Information concerning sub-topic (4 pts) ______
Picture (3 pts) ______
Spelling (3 pts) ______
Sentence Structure (3 pts) ______
Spacing (3 pts) ______
Neatness (3 pts) ______
Wall #2 (22 points)
Subtitle (3 pts) ______
Information concerning sub-topic (4 pts) ______
Picture (3 pts) ______
Spelling (3 pts) ______
Sentence Structure (3 pts) ______
Spacing (3 pts) ______
Neatness (3 pts) ______
Wall #3 (22 points)
Subtitle (3 pts) ______
Information concerning sub-topic (4 pts) ______
Picture (3 pts) ______
Spelling (3 pts) ______
Sentence Structure (3 pts) ______
Spacing (3 pts) ______
Neatness (3 pts) ______
Wall #4 (22 points)
Subtitle (3 pts) ______
Information concerning sub-topic (4 pts) ______
Picture (3 pts) ______
Spelling (3 pts) ______
Sentence Structure (3 pts) ______
Spacing (3 pts) ______
Neatness (3 pts) ______
Presentation: (8 points)
Sense of understanding of topic (2 pts) ______
Can be heard clearly (2 pts) ______
Eye contact with audience (2 pts) ______
Listened to other presentations (2 pts) ______
Total: 100 points ______