Name of Strategy: Graffiti wall

CATEGORY: reading and writing /

What it looks like

Researchers and or orgins:
Jung- research on the way that we make sense out of the world: observing, analyzing, imagining, and feeling.
Claggett- the use of graphics will help students make meaning as they read, write, and act, [which] is firmly rooted in current thinking about how the mind works. /
Key Points:
Large piece of butcher paper put up on a wall, and have access to markers, pencils or paint. A Graffiti wall is composed of words, thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. that teachers or students find interesting in their own reading, content being taught, read alouds, etc.
This can also be done on several sheets of large paper placed in different locations around the room.
·  Used to help students make meaning out of what is read
·  Teaching students to visualize what they are reading and create graphic symbols helps them develop as readers
·  It can be used for communicating to one another, expressing oneself, asking questions
·  Creating a living wall based on literacy or other content
·  Helps students formulate questions
·  Encourages the use of metacognition
·  Can be used for personal interaction
·  Students have opportunities to experience observing, analyzing, imagining and feeling as they interact with the books they are reading and the essays, stories, and poems they are writing.
·  Could be an end of the unit strategy-answering and creating questions- Teacher places a question on each chart. Each team begins at a different chart. The team answers the teacher’s question in their team color and then asks a new question for the next team to answer. They then move on to another chart and complete the process of answering the last question posted and asking a new question that is related to the unit of study.
·  Butcher paper may be used and placed in an area that is accessible to the student. It could be placed near a research center, writing area, or any general area where students can add to the wall.
·  After reading a book or chapter of a book allow students to come up and sketch or write a question, what it made them think, ask each other questions, or converse.
·  Students may also use the wall to express their feelings about a certain topic.
Variations and Extensions:
·  Use with a chapter in a novel
·  Assign different chapters or concepts of study to each team. After they create their part of the “wall” bring together to form a mural “graffiti wall.