ALCOHOLQuakers are very aware of the harmful effects that alcohol can cause, so we request that little or none is consumed on our premises.
ADVERTISING In any publicity it must be made clear that, although the Quaker Meeting House is the venue, the Meeting is not the organiser. The name of the organising body, therefore, should be more prominent than the venue.
NOTICE BOARDThe notice board in the lobby is reserved for Quaker matters. Hirers may put notices on the board in the corridor.
PHOTOCOPYING A printer is available for photocopying. Please pay as per the instructions alongside it.
A FLIP CHARTis available by arrangement.
ASSESIBILITYTheground floor (except the Committee Room) accommodates wheelchairs and vehicles may be driven to the door to deliver and collect people. A wheelchair on site can be arranged. We also have a stairlift to the first floor.
INSURANCE The Meeting carries Public Liability Insurance for certain matters but hirers are responsible for loss or damage occurring during the hiring. We recommend that hirers ensure that they are covered by third party insurance in respect of their liability and any cover they may need for their own property or cash.
HEALTH AND SAFETYAll hirers should nominate a person responsible for awareness of fire extinguishers and emergency exits, as well as the location of the first Aid box (found in the kitchen) supplied by the Meeting. All accidents and breakages should immediately be reported to the Warden.
SAFEGUARDINGAny activities for children or vulnerable adults should comply with current safeguarding legislation. It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that all necessary criminal records checks have been undertaken. The Quaker Meeting cannot accept any responsibility for the hirer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
STORAGEWe are no longer able to provide storage facilities except where previously agreed.
PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTIONSPlease use the record book in the lobby. In the case of an emergency:845 456 1066 or 07904643350 / INFORMATION FOR HIRERS

Quaker Meeting House
to the rear of 34 Mill road
Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 5DR
The facilities of the Quaker (or Friends’) Meeting House are made available as a community service to organisations and individuals for purposes compatible with Quaker principles.The primary purpose of this Meeting House is as a place of worship. At the centre of our religious experience is the conviction that all people are equal before God, irrespective of race, religion, class or gender. This is combined with a respect for all creation. We may feel it right to refuse bookings from any person or group whose words or actions diminish the dignity and equality of others.

Issue January 2016
ACCOMMODATION The Quaker Meeting House has two main rooms available. The main Hall (35’x26’) with a well-equipped adjoining Kitchen, and the Committee room (9’x13’). About 60 chairs are available for use, along with 8 large tables and 8 smaller ones. All these fold away. The large walled garden can also be hired with the Hall and Kitchen. The summer house is included with the garden.
KITCHEN We provide the china, cutlery, kettles, a tea urn and some tablecloths that you might need. We do NOT provide tea, coffee, milk etc. so please remember to bring these and then take home any left over afterwards.
PARKING As the frontage does not belong to the Meeting, we ask hirersnot to park in the grounds, but the driveway may be used to deliver equipment and to aid visitors with restricted mobility. Hirers are asked to remove their cars during the session – there is plenty of free parking in nearby West Avenue.
There is a BICYCLE RACK situated at the rear of the premises.
HOURS Morning Session 09.00-13.00
Afternoon Session 13.30-17.30
Evening Session 18.00-21.30 Or by arrangement.
NOISE should be kept to a minimum (particularly after the evening session) as we have residents in the flats to the front of the Meeting House, and neighbours on all sides. We ask all hirers to exercise consideration for our neighbours and to consult the Warden before a public address system or amplified music is arranged in the garden.
COSTS per session
Main Hall with Kitchen £24.00
Committee Room £9.00
Main hall, Kitchen and Garden £35.00
These charges, which go towards maintenance and running costs, may have to be increased on 1 January of any year.
DEPOSIT A deposit may be required for one-off bookings and parties. / PAYMENT Payments should be made a month in advance. Cheques made payable to Worthing Quaker Meeting please should be sent or handed to the Warden:
Elena Krumgold, Flat 6, “Pendle”, 34 Mill Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 5DR
Payment by BACS can be arranged. We provide receipts for each payment, either posting them to your Hon. Treasurer, or leaving them in the pigeon holes in the lobby for you to collect. Please let us know when your Chair, Secretary or Treasurer changes so that we have up-to-date contact details.
BOOKINGS Allapplications for hiring must be confirmed in writing. New hirers to apply directly to the Warden, stating the name and aims of organisation for which the booking is being made. The Quaker Meeting reserves the right to cancel any event in exceptional circumstances.
ADVANCED BOOKING Regular hirers may book in advance up to 31 December of the following year.
CARE OF THE PREMISES We ask you to share responsibility for the care of the premises.
To keep charges to a minimum we do not employ a full time caretaker. Therefore hirers are asked to leave the areas in a clean and tidy condition.PLEASE:
  • stack all chairs (away from heaters)
  • return tables
  • wash dishes after use
  • turn off all lights and heaters. The lights by and in the toilets will automatically go out when not in use.
  • secure all windows
  • close internal doors
  • double check that the external doors are fully locked on leaving. The last person to check is you.
Thank you.
NO SMOKING The law prevents smoking in the building. If you go outside to smoke, please dispose of cigarette butts carefully and not leave them on the ground.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Please do not hesitate to contact the Warden at the above address or 0845 456 1066. Alternatively email Website