BINA Board Meeting - 8-12-07

Held at 1107 Nishishin Trail

Present: Tim Nicholson, Megan Nicholson, Larry Miller, Mike Brunet, Rebecca Glassel, and Tammy O’Brien

Absent: Bill Arnold

  1. Introductions, exchange phone numbers (10 min)
  2. Mike Brunet, 221-9712, 5716 Winnequah Trail
  3. Larry Miller, 216-0327, 1110 Nishishin Trail NE
  4. Megan & Tim Nicholson, 221-0705, 1202 Nishishin Trail
  5. Rebecca Glassel, 223-0873, 1120 Birch Haven Circle
  6. Tammy O’Brien, 221-3308, 1107 Nishishin Trail
  7. Bill Arnold, 221-8295, 1222 Birch Haven Circle
  8. Committee Structure – it was decided that there would be 3 committees:
  9. Newsletter Committee – headed up by Megan Nicholson, this committee will be responsible for coming up with article content for the newsletter. Megan will coordinate printing and distribution. Board members will be involved in newsletter distribution.
  10. Residents Committee – headed up by Rebecca Glassel (and possibly Bill Arnold?), this committee will be responsible for welcoming new members as well as keeping a directory of residents up to date, and possibly publishing such a directory.
  11. Park Enhancement Committee – headed up by Tammy O’Brien, this committee is responsible for working with the Parks and Rec Dept to improve the structures and layout of Oneida Park.
  12. Hot Topics
  13. Belle Isle neighborhood sign. The point at Tecumseh and Winnequah Trail was discussed, but it was felt that this was not a good location for it to represent Birch Haven as part of the neighborhood. It was felt by the team that a more appropriate location might be right in front of the dead end of Lagoon du Nord, right along Winnequah Rd. Mike will get information from Megan, and will follow up with the city to ask for permission to put up such a sign.
  14. Dredging Project. Tim will get a status on the project from Sam Rasmussen and will follow up with the city to determine next steps and timelines. An update will be printed in the next newsletter.
  15. Park Enhancement Project. Tammy attempted to find out the status of whether Oneida’s new park equipment was ordered by contacting Monona’s Parks Director on Wed, but has not received a return call. (Update since the meeting: An email was sent on 8/14).
  16. BINA Dues. Rebecca will open an account soon and will write up an article for the newsletter requesting a suggested donation of $20 per family. If every family were to contribute, this would result in $2500 for the association, to cover the cost of signage, events, resources for meetings, printing & materials for newsletters, etc.
  17. Newsletter
  18. The deadline for article submission is 9/1/07. Please submit to Megan ().
  19. Land and Lake – newsletter column dedicated to the natural environment of Belle Isle (lawns, air, lakes, birds, etc.)
  20. Definition of Belle Isle – who is and is not officially part of the Belle Isle neighborhood according to the plat survey?
  21. Potential photographer for the newsletter – Tim Stanton?
  22. Identity – can we put our logo on the newsletter? Megan will bring the logo to the next meeting for approval by the Board.
  23. Can we procure a bulletin board at the Library to promote Belle Isle and to have extra copies of our newsletter?
  24. Other Business
  25. We will meet as a Board again on 9/9 at 3PM at 1202 Nishishin Trail (Tim and Megan’s house)
  26. Tammy will send out meeting reminders 1-2 days prior to the next meeting.
  27. Tammy will send out meeting minutes, and will request Allen to post to the Website.