Permission Slip – Sky Zone
The National Junior Honor Society will be taking those who earned 30 points (that’s WAAAAY above and beyond!) on a field trip to Sky Zone Trampoline Park in Spring, TX on Wednesday, May 25, 2016.
The cost of the trip will be $10, due by May 20. Students also need bring money for lunch at the Woodlands Mall Food Court.
I hereby give permission for my son/daughter, ______, to attend a field trip to The Woodlands Mall/ Sky Zone on May 25, 2016 for the purpose of celebrating all of their hard work in NJHS this school year.
Departure Time from school: 8:00 am.
Return Time to school: approximately 5:30 pm.
I understand that this trip will be under the supervision of teachers. I understand that the Elkhart Independent School District, nor any school board member nor any employee of the district will be held liable (legally responsible) in case of an accident that may occur during this activity as pertains to my child.
In case of an emergency, please give the Student’s medical information:
Name of Insurance Co. ______
Group#______Policy #______
Special Conditions or Allergies: ______
Emergency Contact Phone#______
I, the undersigned, do hereby authorize officials of Elkhart School District to contact directly the persons named on this card and do authorize the named physicians to render such treatment as may be deemed necessary in an emergency, for the health of said child.
In the event that physicians, other persons named on this card, or parents cannot be contacted, the school officials are hereby authorized to take whatever action is deemed necessary in their judgment, for the health of the foresaid child. I will not hold the school district financially responsible for the emergency care and/or transportation for said child. I understand that this is a school function and that all the school rules apply at all times. Students should be in appropriate dress at all times. All discipline action will be handled according to the Student Code of Conduct. No alcohol, cigarettes, drugs are permitted.
______Date: ______
(Student’s Signature)
______Date: ______
(Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature)