·  NSPE Board of Directors Meetings (since July 2006)

·  NSPE Executive Committee Meetings (since July 2006)

·  NSPE House of Delegates Meetings (since July 2006)

(Updated: 1/23/07)

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1.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Send Monthly ExCom agendas and minutes to all NSPE Board of Directors / Nancy Oswald / Ongoing / Beginning w/February 13, 2007 Executive Committee Conference Call agendas will be sent to NSPE Board of Directors
2.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Send list of current NSPE House of Delegates to all states societies. List to include directions to those states who need to identify next (after Denver) state delegate / Nancy Oswald / January 2007 / Completed – January 20, 2007
3.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Refer the BER Report/Request back to the BER and request direct BER discussion with FES / Lou Guy
Kermit Prime / January 19, 2007
4.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Send the report of the FES BER Request and the BER Report/Response to the House of Delegates for further action / Arthur Schwartz Nancy Oswald / Annual Meeting-Denver
(July 2007) / Oswald compiling agenda items for 2007 HoD meeting in Denver
5.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Establish a new task force to begin to address the Overruling Engineering Judgment Task Force recommendations / NSPE President / March 1, 2007
6.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Establish NSPE Board “Membership Challenge”!! Each Director is challenged to identify an enterprise firm and an individual member by 2007 Annual Meeting / NSPE BoD / Annual Meeting-Denver
(July 2007)
7.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Submit a status report to the NSPE Board of Directors regarding the NSPE-SSEC Design Team. / Larry Jacobson
Arthur Schwartz
Mary Detloff / April 2007 NSPE BoD Meeting
8.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Make available draft NSPE House of Delegate Agenda for review at April BoD Meeting. / Larry Jacobson
Arthur Schwartz
Nancy Oswald / April 2007 NSPE BoD Meeting / Oswald compiling agenda items for 2007 HoD meeting. Draft agenda will be shared with BoD at its April meeting
9.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Refer the NSPE-ACEC MOU to NSPE Alliances Task Force. / Robert Miller
Arthur Schwartz
Nancy Oswald / March 2007 / Oswald working with Alliances Task Force
10.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Direct the NSPE Bylaws Task Force to work on the Affiliate Member concept. / Robert Miller
Arthur Schwartz / Annual Meeting-Denver
(July 2007)
11.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Direct the NSPE Metrics Oversight Task Force to prepare a report for NSPE Annual Meeting in Denver / Robert Miller
Kim Granados / Annual Meeting-Denver
(July 2007)
12.  / 1/06/07 Board of Directors meeting, Sawgrass, FL / Begin planning for 2009 National Engineers Week Chairmanship / Robert Miller
Bernard Berson
Kathryn Gray
Ken Rigsbee
Larry Jacobson / April 2007 NSPE BoD Meeting
13.  / 11/14/06 ExCom conference call / Follow up with South Dakota Society regarding dues invoicing / R. Miller / December 2006
14.  / 11/14/06 ExCom conference call / Review items raised by Board member Tim Austin / R. Miller / January 2007
15.  / 9/30/06 Board of Directors meeting, Minneapolis, MN / NSPE to send out a reminder in early 2007 reminding states to designate their House of Delegates representative for the coming administrative year. / Nancy Oswald / January 2007 / Completed January 20, 2007
16.  / 9/30/06 Board of Directors meeting, Minneapolis, MN / Look into the (EROOM) Wisconsin calendar question / Angel Baltimore / October 26, 2006 / Discussed with RMTF. Baltimore to follow-up with SSEC.
17.  / 9/30/06 Board of Directors meeting, Minneapolis, MN / YE Advisory Council Appointments / Bob Miller / December 1, 2006 / Miller to make appointments.
18.  / 9/30/06 Board of Directors meeting, Minneapolis, MN / COFPAES Virginia Area Appointment / Bob Miller / December 1, 2006 / Miller to make appointments.
19.  / 9/12/06 Executive Committee Conf. Call / NSPE staff to develop a recommended operating policy that allows for a more equitable distribution of partial dues payments. / Bill Brown
Russ Devick / December 1, 2006 / Brown and Devick to prepare for NSPE Board consideration.
20.  / 9/12/06 Executive Committee Conf. Call / NSPE directors to provide committee/task force status reports / NSPE Board of Directors / Ongoing / Ongoing for each BOD meeting.
21.  / 7/11/06 House of Delegates Meeting, Boston, MA / Consider an executive session for the HoD meeting / Bob Miller
Art Schwartz Nancy Oswald / May 2007 / Will be incorporated in preparation of agenda for HOD meeting
22.  / 7/10/06 Board of Directors meeting, Boston, MA / Provide monthly management update to the leadership. / Larry Jacobson / Ongoing / Provide monthly management update to the leadership.
23.  / 7/10/06 Board of Directors meeting, Boston, MA / Post list of staff visits to state societies to NSPE Web site / Nancy Oswald / Ongoing / Posted list of staff visits to state societies to NSPE Web site
24.  / 7/10/06 Board of Directors meeting, Boston, MA / Complete list of six priorities related to the AMS (as stated in A. Baltimore's report) within 90 days / Angel Baltimore / Due October 10 / 1. Invoicing – Complete
2. Drop Process – Complete
3. Monthly Credit Card Debiting – Complete
4. NetForum Upgrade – Complete
5. New Invoice Design – Complete
6. Data Cleansing - Continuous


(As of: 1/23/07)