Important Dates To Remember
All Wednesdays in February / Preps do not attend.
Monday 24th February / Immunisation Years 9 & 10 Students.
Tuesday 4th March / Prep – 4 Assembly @ 2.40 pm.
Wednesday 5th March / Payment due for Grade 3 and 4 Excursion.
Monday 10th March / Public Holiday – Labour Day – School Closed.
Wednesday 12th March / Grade 3 and 4 Excursion to the MCG.
Monday 17th March / College Athletics Day.
Tuesday 18th March / College Photo Day.
Wednesday 19th March / Ride 2 School Day
Tuesday 25th March / Parent Teacher Interviews.
Thursday 3rd April / College Fete.
Friday 4th April / Last Day of Term 1 – Dismissed at 3.10 pm.


We all want our students to get a great education and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day.

Missing school can have a major impact on a child’s future – a student missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year. By Year 10 they’ll have missed more than a year of school.

There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind and can affect their educational outcomes.

Coming to school every day is vital, but if for any reason your child must miss school, there are things we can do together to ensure they don’t fall behind:

·  Speak with the classroom teacher and find out what work your child needs to do to keep up.

·  Develop an absence learning plan with your teacher and ensure your child completes the plan.

Remember, every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher early as early as possible.

From 1 March 2014, new laws will mean that parents can be fined for not sending students to school without an acceptable reason.

Besides attending school each day, it is important that students are on-time for school. That means being at school by 8:50 am ready for the first period at 9 o’clock. Children late for school miss important information and if it occurs repeatedly bad habits set in often leading to regular absence.

If you’re having attendance issues with your child, please let your child’s teacher or leaders know so we can work together to get your child to school every day.


As indicated in the last Newsletter our focus in 2014 is very much on ‘Respectful Behaviour / Respectful Language’. One important area where this applies is travelling to and from school, especially whilst travelling on public transport. Last week our College was informed that some of our students travelling home from school on public transport were not demonstrating these expectations. Consequences that apply for inappropriate behaviour or language in school apply equally as much going to or from school or anytime a student is in College uniform or part uniform.

Please remind your children of these expectations. Any student identified as not following these clear expectations can expect that their families will be informed.


At the close of nominations for our annual School Council election last Tuesday, four nominations were received for the six parent representative positions. They are Amanda Daniels, Lisa Jolly, Charles San Ba and Owen Hinton. This means that two parent positions on School Council still remain open. Nominations are extended to 4.00 pm on Monday 24th February, 2013. Nomination forms are available from the main office at Laverton College.

There were two staff vacancies on School Council and these vacancies have been filled by Paul Lishman and Sofia Mougos.


1.  No dogs are permitted in the school grounds at any time.

2.  Laverton College car parks are designated for staff parking only.

3.  Parents and visitors to the school are requested to avoid smoking in the vicinity of the school. Smoking is not permitted in the school grounds.

All visitors are asked to report to the main College office before proceeding to a Learning Community.

Students are not permitted to use mobile phones whilst at school. Phones will be confiscated. Families wishing to make contact with their son or daughter during the day should phone the college office for assistance.

Have a great week and …..Stay Cool!

Neil Sproal

College Principal


School photo day is Tuesday 18th March, 2014. Envelopes for photo day will be sent home shortly. Please note:

·  Envelopes must be bought to school on photo day and not before,

·  Change cannot be given,

·  Full school uniform must be worn,


Ride 2 School day will be held on Wednesday 19th March, 2014. Students can walk, ride, scoot or skate to school. Activities will be running before school on this day.


Need help with class or homework?

Want to finish work after school?

Then come to the Study Group!

A Math/Science and English/Humanities teacher will be available to help you.

When: Every Thursday at 3.15 – 4.15 pm
Where: 9 – 12 Learning Community in A13 & A14.


On Monday, 17th February our Year 9 Martial Arts/Nutrition class was invited to the dining room for a Low GI breakfast to complement their lesson on Healthy Eating. Their breakfast consisted of Quiches, cereal, fruit, wholegrain toast, baked beans and orange juice. They also were joined by Michelle Hynson the school nurse. Good time had by everyone.


The Year 9 – 12 Learning Community, provide breakfast for all students each morning from 8.00 am – 8.30 am.


In class, students will be working with teachers to identify appropriate and acceptable behaviours in the classroom and playground in order to maintain a safe and happy environment in which all students can learn. If issues arise parents will be notified by phone or letter.


Preps do not attend school on Wednesday for all of February. Parents in Mrs James class will be phoned to make an appointment time for testing the Preps on Wednesdays. The Preps in Mr Renton’s class will be tested throughout the week.


All students need to wear their College hat in Terms 1 and 4 when playing outside or doing sport. Students who do not bring their hats will sit under cover if they are outside.

Please ensure that all hats are named so that if they are lost we can return them to the correct child. If your child has lost their hat please check the lost property box which is located near the Prep-4 office.


If your child cannot participate in sport or has a medical reason (i.e broken arm etc.) we need a note advising the reason and the length of time the student will not be able to participate (sport/running around etc).

The student will then be issued with a “Sport Alert” or “Medical Alert” badge which they will wear while at school. They must collect it before school and at the end of the day return it to the Prep - 4 office.

If your child suffers from Asthma they must have an updated Asthma plan and their medication/puffer/spacer handed into the Prep-4 office for use at school.


Excursion notes have been handed out for the above excursion. The excursion will be on Wednesday 12th March, 2014 and payment is due on Wednesday 5th March, 2014. This excursion forms part of the Discovery Theme in the Grade 3 and 4 Area.


Assemblies for this term will be held on Tuesday in Weeks 3 and 6 starting at 2.40 pm. All welcome.


Students need to bring the reader bag that they had last year back to school. If the reader bag can’t be found then a replacement folder can be purchased from the Prep - 4 Office for $6.00.


Emma Maher - 4 CG -– An excellent start in the athletics program

Malachai Mackay - 2MP/GM– A wonderful start to the school year and settling in well.

Tyla Wright -3RB – A wonderful start to the school year and settling in well.

Hamish Rosie - 3/4LP – Sometimes making good choices about his actions.

Cecilia Taunisila- Prep HJ – for an excellent start to the year and completing her work.

Cuishan Cao - P/1AR – For settling in very well and always trying hard. Well done.


Every Monday morning the Attendance Trophy will be awarded to the class with the best attendance for the previous week.

Winner of Week 1 – Prep HJ

Winner of week 2 – Grade 3 Bethke


Regular attendance is important for your child’s learning.

Your child’s attendance is above 95%
They are an excellent attendee. They have the best chance to learn and develop strong friendship groups.
They have the opportunity to develop a very good work ethic.
Your child’s attendance is 90-95%
They have good attendance and they are likely to achieve their best learning that will give them real opportunities to continue their studies and develop strong friendships.
Your child’s attendance is 85-90%
They have missed a number of days this year which may make it difficult for them to achieve their best learning and maintain steady friendships.
Your child’s attendance is 80-85%
They have missed a number of days this year which may make it difficult to keep on track with work and maintain steady friendship groups.
Your child’s attendance is below 80%
Students with irregular and poor attendance are more likely to struggle at school and the value they receive from their education is greatly diminished as a result. Your child is missing so much school that it will be very difficult for them to keep up with their work and maintain strong friendship groups.
Please contact the Principal or Assistant Principal for assistance and support.


If you have changed your phone number or address please notify the office of the changes.

Mrs. Mary Pruscino

Acting Prep - 4 Community Principal


Recreation, Activities & Workshops for Newly Arrived Refugee & Migrant Young People aged 16 to 25 years. Come along to make new friends, learn new skills, have fun and talk to friendly workers about any settlement or youth issues

Meet at Wyndham Youth Resource Centre,

86 Derrimut Road, Hoppers Crossing

3.00 – 5.00 pm

Thursday 20th February – Amazing Race.

Thursday 20th March – Cooking.

Thursday 17th April – School Holiday Activity.

Thursday 15th May – Dancing.

Thursday 19th June – Police & Fire Station.

Thursday 24th July – Creative Night.

Thursday 21st August – How to get a Job Workshop.

Thursday 25th September – School Holiday Activity.

Thursday 16th October – Youth led event.

Thursday 13th November – Youth led event.

Thursday 11th December – Movie & Dinner.

(School Holiday activities 9:30am – 3:30pm)

All programs are FREE.

For more information please contact:

Kiemi Lai, 9680 61812 or email


Sunday 23rd February 2014

As part of the Sustainable Living Festival in February, Hobson’s Bay Council is hosting a Sustainable Homes Expo that will link the community with sustainable products, services and advice that can reduce your energy and water bills, and help you to build and/or renovate sustainably. My Smart Garden will be running a range of activities on the day:

10am-4pm My Smart Garden stall – plus an Autumn Veggie Seed Swap! FREE (Williamstown Town Hall)

Don’t hang up your gardening boots when the temperature drops – now is a great time to get seeds planted for vegetables in Autumn and Winter! Sign-up on the day, (or members – come and say hello!) to take home free seeds of cool weather favourites like sprouting broccoli, daikon radishes, cylindra beetroots and tuscan kale. See you there!

2pm Introduction to Edible Garden Design FREE (Williamstown Town Hall)

Ask not what you can do for your garden, but what your garden can do for you! A Smart Garden is an integral part of a sustainable home, and in this session we’ll show you how a garden or even a small courtyard can minimize your waste and water use, while providing you with shelter, habitat and delicious fresh fruit and veg all year round! Take the first steps towards designing your edible oasis and find out more about the Council’s free My Smart Garden program.

4pm Bokashi workshop FREE (Williamstown Library Gallery Space)

Like to recycle your food waste but don’t have space for a worm farm or compost bin? Bokashi, meaning ‘fermented’ in Japanese, allows you to compost on a verandah, balcony or even under the sink! It’s a great solution for apartment dwellers and offices, or to complement and fast-track other compost systems. With Bokashi you can recycle meat, dairy, citrus, onion, bread and even small amounts of fat and oil. Come along for your chance to win a Bokashi system for your home, and learn everything you need to know to get started.


Family Day and Open Registration Day

·  Open Training Session,

·  All players in attendance,

·  Signing and photos,

·  Activities for the kids,

·  Entertainment,

·  A visit from the Melbourne Victory Players.

When: Sunday 2nd March 1.00 pm – 5.30 pm

Where: Paisley Park Soccer Complex

Altona North


Sunday, 2nd March, 2014 is Clean Up Australia Day, Australia’s largest community based environmental event and the perfect opportunity to help tidy our local parks, reserves and waterways.