A warm welcome
Lyngholt Preschool
Lyngholt Preschool is divided into four departments: Greniholt (for children of ages 1-2 years), Asparholt (ages 2-3), Birkiholt (ages 3-4) and Furuholt (ages 4-5).
Address and contact information:
Lyngholt Preschool
Heiðarvegur 5
730 Reyðarfjörður
Tel.: 474-1257
Email address:
Website:lyngholt.fjardabyggd.is and / leikskolar / Lyngholt
1.1.1Lyngholt's goals
At Lyngholt, we are independent and cheerful and show respect for our environment.To help achieve our goals, we take "Everyone is capable of something; no one is capable of everything" as the preschool motto for all our work, adopting a positive attitude, cheerfulness, sincerity and respect.Our work is guided by Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences theory, placing great emphasis on environmental conservation, stimulus through written language, and exercise.
Routes to these goals:
- We look at each person's strengths, thus building up a strong self-image and at the same time dealing with any weaknesses.
- Every one of our students is unique; we admire each and every one, because that brings out their strengths.
- We encounter each student with gladness, acceptance and tact.
- The attitude, eagerness and ability of our teachers are basic factors in achieving our goals. For this reason, we must constantly consider our conduct and the department organisation when a student is not an active participant.
- We are conscious of our environment:we recycle, sort and clean up.
- Written language is clearly present and is used in a variety of ways.
- Outdoor activities, scheduled sports periods and moments for exercise are part of every day.
- The educational offerings are varied, as well as the teaching methods and approaches.At Lyngholt, therefore, there is only time for energy, cheer and fun.
Lyngholt places emphasis on small groups, each having a clear leader.Our lesson plan is simple, alternating between group work and optional lessons.
2.1Arriving and leaving
When children are brought to the preschool, parents should take them into the departments to which they belong.During the summer and on other days of good weather, children are sometimes received outside in the grounds; however, parents should always make sure that an employee knows the child has arrived.
When children finish their day in preschool, we find it appropriate to tell each other goodbye and say thanks for the time we have had together.Not only is this proper courtesy, but the staff must also know when a child has been taken away, for the sake of security. It is not desirable for children under the age of twelve to collect their brothers and sisters or friends and take them away from preschool.
Each child has its own compartment, identified by name. There is a box inside for the clothes the child keeps at preschool, although outdoor clothes have to be taken home on Fridays.
In order to give the children both the time and space for managing things on their own and in order to keep momentsin the cloakroom calm, an effort is made to bring them in small groups when they are going out.
Since Lyngholt emphasises wholesomeness and good health, they are the basis for the menu, and children are required at least to try all the food.
Breakfast, at 8:30-9:00 pm, consists of the Icelandic cultured milk súrmjölk, corn flakes, porridge, and milk or juice.Cod liver oil and vegetables or fruits are offered every day.
Lunch starts at 11:30 in the SouthBuilding (Greniholt and Asparholt) and 12:00 in the NorthBuilding (Birkiholt and Furuholt).When lunch is over, the children either socialise or rest until at least 1 pm.
At 3:15 pm, the afternoon snack begins.Besides milk, water and sometimes juice, there are open sandwiches, home-baked bread, sweet rolls or cake, biscuits/crackers, fruits and vegetables.The "waiter of the day" fetches the cart and sets the table, as at other mealtimes.On the last Friday of the month, there is a fruit basket and a birthday cake decorated by those who have a birthday that month.
The youngest children lie down for a nap after lunch is over, either outside in a baby carriage or on a mattress in the resting room.It helps for the children to have with them whatever security object they are used to going to sleep with at home, such as a pacifier, teddy bear, pillow etc.Parental requests are noted in regard to how long the nap lasts.
Older children listen to a story or CD and then choose what to engage themselves with.
2.5Togetherness time
We start each day by greeting each other, praying and singing our friendship song; then, we read and talk together.During this time, we work on systematic language development two or more times a week, depending on the age of the children.
2.6Outdoor activities
All children need to go outside at least once a day, so they should always have suitable clothes with them.While outdoors, the children mostly play freely, but there are also circle games and various group games.If the weather or conditions on the premises do not allow for it, we do not go outside.
2.7Field trips
The time for group work includes trips of various distances.An effort is also made to have a special outdoor activities day once a week, staying outside for as long as 2-3 hours.Field trips give a fine opportunity for practicing traffic rules and observing nature.
2.8Group work
Both group work and optional classes always have a definite beginning and end, i.e. tidying up.Group work normally includes certain exercises appropriate for the age and maturity of the children.Not only is there an attempt to utilise the children's imagination and creative abilities to the utmost, but there are also exercises in communication and for individuals, as well as such "adult tasks" as washing tables or window panes, sweeping the pavement and so on.The annual organisation and monthly schedules show what tasks are going on at any time.
The options programme is based on the idea that children benefit the most from learning to make their own decisions and thereby to some extent taking "responsibility" for their own lives.Just as for other people, it is important for children to have the feeling that they can have an impact on their own lives and surroundings.
The options programme allows every child to decide what s/he wishes to do in each period.Eachteacher supervises a certain area and the tasks available there, noting exactly what the children choose and recording it, including the order of their choices so that they will all have equal opportunities.
This winter, the option areas are as follows:
Outdoor activities, clay, colours, blocks, balls and veils
Outdoor activities, clay, colours, blocks, sports, theme boxes, music
2.10Elementary school group
The age group that has reached its graduation year forms an elementary school group twice weekly, with the purpose of bridging the gap between preschool and elementary school, reinforcing group identity among the students and cultivating creativity, tidiness and independent working skills.
The main teaching materials are an elementary school group project for nurturing language from the Garðabær preschools and the Pálmholt development project on learning to read in preschool.
The elementary school group visits the local school three times during the winter and goes on a graduation trip at the end of May.
2.11Music sessions
Lasting for twenty minutes, music sessions include singing, dancing, reciting poems and playing musical instruments or various other sources of sound, as mentioned above.Every student practices singing solo about twice a month.
3Practical information
Lyngholt Preschool has four departments.The children working here are aged 1-6 and stay for 4-9 hours per day.Each class has a room of its own for the whole day.
Enrolment can be applied for when a child has reached the age of six months.
Upon opening at 7:45 am, the preschool receives children at Asparholt in the SouthBuilding and at both departments in the NorthBuilding. The preschool closes at 5:15 pm.
It is operated for almost eleven months a year, but is closed for five weeks of summer vacation for the children and staff.
Payments are for the time the children stay at preschool.They are expected to be brought and picked up within the times that the parents originally applied for, although it is possible to apply to the director for added time or other changes.Requests for changes in time spent at the school need to be submitted with a month's notice.
One month's notice is required to cancel a child's place in the preschool, measured from the first of the month.
Payments of preschool fees are collected by the municipality of Fjarðabyggð.These payments are in advance, monthly, and due by the first of each month, with a final due date on the thirtieth of the month.
Should arrears exceed two months, the child's preschool place is considered cancelled.Following a warning by the director, the place may be used for someone else.
What the children wear needs to allow for their being able to participate in any work occurring here.Since we have, for instance, activities with clay, glue and paint, we do not always manage to protect the children's clothing even though we try with aprons and shirts.
All the children join in sports once a week, for which they need to bring sports wear (t-shirts and shorts) in a little bag kept at the preschool.In Greniholt, the children go to the sports hall once weekly but do not change clothes.
It is necessary for the children always to have clothes to change into (pants, pullover, underwear, socks and tights) in a box in their compartment.In addition, they must have suitable outdoor wear, and it is important for parents to label their children's clothing.
3.2Illnesses / absences / inside days
Please notify the preschool if a child will not be attending on account of illness or other circumstances.If a child has been ill, it is permissible to request her/his not participating in outdoor activities, though s/he is expected to have stayed at home for two days after becoming ill, so that there has already been at least one day free from fever at home.The child is otherwise expected to be able to take part in any preschool work, whether outside or inside, whenever s/he attends.
When illness has caused an absence lasting one month or more, cancelling half of the child's space fee is authorised, upon presentation of a medical certificate.
If a child remains absent for two consecutive weeks or more, the meal fee is cancelled for that time, providing the absence has been announced in advance.
3.3Environment, car traffic, gates
Parents and others walking through the gates into the preschool premises are requested always to close the gates behind them.Children are not permitted to climb onto the gates to open or close them when the children are being brought or picked up.Also, we ask that motor vehicle engines not be left running by the preschool, because we consider clean air highly important.
At Lyngholt Preschool, we hold celebrations on the children's birthdays, making a crown, singing the birthday song and decorating the table with a special birthday candleholder.Not only that, but the child having a birthday is honoured in various ways, such as getting to choose the first song for the singing session, and on the last Friday of every month a birthday cake is baked which those born in that month help decorate, along with preparing a fruit basket.
3.5Happiness days
On Fridays, we break up the work routine in a varying fashion:holding a book day, costume day, pyjama party, toy day or something else that is fun, advertising this beforehand.
3.6Photo albums
We recommend that children bring photo albums from home, containing pictures of the child, the family, significant events, pets etc.Reasons for this include reinforcing the child's self-identity, bolstering its sense of security, and last but not least stimulating language development.
3.7Teacher development days
There are three teacher development days annually, to be announced in advance. Such days are used for organising activities, taking introductory trips, and attending courses.For this reason, the preschool is closed on teacher development days.
Moreover, various courses are offered throughout the year which it is necessary for teachers to attend in order to maintain and augment their knowledge, because everyone needs to keep learning their whole life long.These courses are attended as conditions at the preschool allow.
4Home and preschool cooperation
Secure, active cooperation between the home and preschool is the foundation for the child's feeling content and coming into his or her own at preschool.Parents know their own child best and of course bear prime responsibility for its education and welfare, whereas the preschool teacher becomes acquainted with the child during preschool activities and knows about the child's maturity, abilities and physical and emotional state while with the group of children. The preschool has the duty of providing parents with support in bringing up their children.
In recent years, home and preschool cooperation has stayed within fairly firm channels, with traditions forming for an assortment of events.The most outstanding, prepared by the students, parents and staff, is the preschool spring exhibition in May, when everyone has fun together and sees the results of the winter's work.When requested, parents have also been eager to lend assistance, for example on trips and in having a certain guest at the Christmas party.
4.1Day-to-day communication
Lyngholt Preschool emphasises positive, daily communication. Parents are welcome and should feel that is always the case at the preschool. We try to pass on information through conversation - whether in interviews or on the run, as one may say. Regarding options elected by their children, parents can keep informed through notices displayed in the cloakrooms.
The curriculum is published annually, while a newsletter comes out monthly. News about each day's main events is written on a table in the entrance area.
When a child starts preschool, a certain period is taken for her or him to adjust to the new environment. How long adjustment takes depends on the individual; however, some backlash can always be expected later even when everything goes well to begin with. A parent accompanies the child on her or his first days at preschool, thereby getting to know the preschool conditions and manner of work.
4.3Parent interviews
During the adjustment phase, parents are offered a one-hour meeting with the department head and the director.
Parent meetings, where a parent or parents meet the appropriate group leader, are held once yearly, in March. These meetings cover the main aspects of development, where the strengths of each child lie, and what needs emphasising. Also, the meetings provide an opportunity for exchanging views and information between home and preschool. In addition, meetings are held at other times, as requested in each case. There is a meeting for all parents in the autumn in order tointroduce winter activities.
4.4The parents association
The preschool has a parents association. The board consists of five parent representatives, and the preschool director attends board meetings. The parents association is a staunch supporter of preschool activities, participating in the organisation of trips, entertaining events and more. In addition, the association sponsors events and trips on its own and has arranged and been in charge of exhibitions by various travelling theatres. Finally, the association has prepared an excellent folder of songs for parents and the preschool, available for sale from board members.
The general meeting is held in the autumn, ordinarily in connection with the preschool's introductory meeting.