Ms. Mastan

Fall 2017

Palos Verdes High School

Intermediate Dance Syllabus


Course Description

This class is designed to improve technique, style, and artistic expression. Over the course of the year, students will learn proper technique and a variety of styles of dance. Intermediate dance students are required to demonstrate their proficiency in a variety of styles of dance in a required performance during the Spring semester.

*The Spring Choreo concert will be on March 20(tech, all day), 21 &22, 2018.

Semester at a Glance

During the fall semester students will have units in jazz, hip-hop, tap, and ballet. Second semester we will focus on the Spring Dance Concert, modern dance, and choreography.*Corrections on alignment and technique will be made verbally, and with the student’s permission, alignment will be adjusted by the teacher. It is my policy to always let the student know before I make a physical correction. It is necessary in dance to make these physical corrections to learn correct body placement.

Each semester students are required to write a critique of a live dance performance. Information regarding local dance productions will be posted in the dance room. Students are not limited to viewing the performances listed, these are merely suggestions. Journals will also be assigned to supplement the curriculum and will be turned in on Edmodo. In addition to the critique, the students will be tested on topics covered in class in regards to history, terminology, and technique.


Physical education students are required to store their belongings in the girls locker room in locked lockers during class time.


No street shoes are allowed on the dance floor. When walking from the locker to the classroom, students should where street shoes and change into dance shoes in the classroom.

No food or drink is allowed in the classroom. Water only. Students may bring water bottles into class.

Dress Code

Appropriate attire includes:


* Jazz pants

* Leotard

* Tights

* Spandex shorts or leggings (No loose fitting shorts will be accepted and they must be long enough to provide full coverage during class activities.)

* Tank top or form fitting t-shirt


* Jazz pants

* Sweatpants

* Tank top or form fitting t-shirt

*No baggy clothes will be accepted. During the winter months, warm ups will be allowed.


Hair should be tied securely off of face and neck. A bun, ponytail, or ½ up and ½ down for short hair is allowed.


No jewelry is to be worn to class. Stud earrings are the only exception.


The appropriate shoes for each style of dance are required. Students will have advanced notice as to when units are changing and what shoes to bring. No street shoes are allowed on the dance floor. Socks may not be worn instead of dance shoes. Socks may only be worn under the teacher’s discretion.


Class Participation 50%

(Proper dress, being on time, full attention and participation of classroom activities.)

Written Assignments and Tests 25%

Performance Quizzes 25%

Points May Be Deducted For:

1. Non-Participation (-3)

2. Non-dress (-5)

5th unexcused non-dress will result in an “F” for the quarter

3. Partial dress (-2)

4. No notebook on lecture day(-1)

5. Gum (-1)

6. Hair down (-1)

*Students who sit out will be expected to complete a written assignment for partial points.

**Points are earned with class attendance and participation. If you do not attend class, no points can be earned for the days missed. These points can be made up through extra credit assignments.

Injury and Illness

If a student has a medical excuse, they must still dress. Only the school nurse can excuse students from dressing. Students may only be excused from class if they have a doctor’s note or note from the school nurse. Notes from parents will not be accepted. Notes must be shown first to the school nurse in order for the student to be excused. Should students have to sit out of class, they will be given a written project. If a student’s illness or injury lasts more than a week, they will be given an alternative project to be decided by the teacher. If a student cannot participate in class, they will be given a written assignment to be completed by the end of class. If the assignment is not complete, the dancer will also lose their participation points. Any injury or illness should be communicated to the teacher at the beginning of the class.


The Palos Verdes High School policy on tardiness will be followed. Tardiness can result in a lowering of the citizenship grade and possible removal from the class.

Participation in Performances

Intermediate dance students will participate in the required performance during the spring semester. Missing class when choreography is being set or when choreography is being cleaned may result in being removed from the piece. Please also remember that participation in Intermediate dance is partly extra-curricular and that in order to perform, students must maintain the minimum GPA and citizenship requirements.

Teacher-Student Communication

Information regarding assignments and performances will be communicated in class, on edmodo, and on

Video, Picture and Social Media Release

At certain times of the year, pictures and/or videos may be taken of this class. By signing this syllabus, you are agreeing to have these pictures taken and used for various educational and media purposes.


Rules of the Dance room and Ms. Mastan’s Class

1. No gum, food or drink in the class room.

2. No cell phones in the class room. Dancers may use their cell phones for music for choreography purposes only. If students use their phone for texting in class, they will no longer be allowed to use their phone for music.

3. Use your P.E. lockers to store your belongings. Please do not bring backpacks, dance bags, etc. into classroom.

4. Be on time. Students will have 5 minutes at the beginning of class to change and 10 minutes at the end.

5. No unnecessary talking.

6. Be respectful of your classmates and the dance room.

7. If you have an injury or illness that will hinder your class participation, please notify Ms. Mastan at the beginning of class.

Class Expectations

1. Be on time.

2. Be ready to dance when you walk into the classroom.

3. No talking.

4. Work to your potential.

  1. Be dressed in proper dance attire, including appropriate shoes. Dancers should be dressed with their hair up before entering the classroom.

6. Turn in assignments on time.

7. Be respectful of your classmates, teacher, and dance room.

8. If you have an injury, notify Ms. Mastan immediately.

9. Have an open mind to new styles of dance that you are not familiar with.

10. Participate in fundraising events.

11. Attend all rehearsals outside of class including, but not limited to, dress and tech rehearsals.

  1. Take corrections and apply them each class.
  1. Support your peers in class and out of class.

14. Have fun!


I have read and discussed the course syllabus and class expectations with my parents.

Student (Print and sign)______Date______
