Scott S. Kelley M.D.
Present academic rank and title:
Clinical Professor,
Department of Surgery
Division of Orthopaedics
Medical licensure:
North Carolina License # 35942
Date of License (Month/Day/Year): September 19, 1992
Specialty certification(s) and dates (Month/Day/Year):
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery-July 3, 1990
Recertification date: December 31, 2000 (until 2010)
Fellow, AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, July 1991
Charter Member, Association for Arthritic Hip & Knee Surgery, July 1991
Member, Interurban Orthopaedic Society, September 1998
Member, Hip Society, March 2000
Member of Orthopaedic Research Society, Spring 2001
Member of American Orthopaedic Association, Summer 2001
Editorial Boards
Advisory Editor, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Summer 2003
Associate Editor, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Fall 2003 through Spring 2008
Consultant Reviewer, Journal of Biomechanics, 1994 to 2000
Member, Publications Committee American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons,
1994 to 1997
Member, National Hip Registry Advisory Board, 1994-February 1998
(Sponsored by Rhône-Poulenc Rorer)
Member-Editorial Board, Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, 1996
Consultant Reviewer – Arthritis Care & Research, February 1999 to 2003
Physician Advisor Panel, Health Cost Consultants Inc – 1997 to 2000
High SchoolTheodoreRooseveltHigh School
Des Moines, IA
CollegeUniversity of Iowa
MedicalSchool University of Iowa
Professional training and academic career:
Institution / Position/Title / DatesState University of New York, UpstateMedicalCenter / Intern (General Surgery) /
July 1982 to June 1983
State University of New York, UpstateMedicalCenter / Resident (Orthopaedic Surgery) /July 1983 to June 1987
Mayo Clinic
/ Fellow (Adult Reconstruction) /July 1987 to June 1988
IowaMethodistHospital / Partner of Joint Replacement Surgeons (Subgroup of DMOS) /August 1988 to August 1992
University of Iowa - Des MoinesVA Hospital / Clinical Assistant Professor / August 1988 to August 1992University of North CarolinaSchool of Medicine / Assistant Professor /
August 1992 to June 1998
University of North CarolinaSchool of Medicine / Associate Professor with Tenure /July 1998 to Present
University of North CarolinaSchool of Medicine /Vice Chairman
/September 1998 to July 2003
DukeUniversity /Clinical Professor
/August 2003 to Present
North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic /Partner
/August 2003 to Present
Publications (Books and Journals):
1)Sullivan PM, Johnston RC, and Kelley SS: Late infection after total hip replacement, caused by an oral organism after dental manipulation. J Bone Joint Surg 72-A:121-123, 1990.
2)Kelley SS, Johnston RC, and Sullivan PM: Cemented total hip arthroplasty. Iowa Orthop J 10:54-59, 1990.
3)Sullivan P, Kelley S, and Johnston R: Current concepts in hip joint replacement. Iowa Medicine 80:468-469, 1990.
4)Kelley SS, Johnston RC, Pulliam I: High hip center in revision arthroplasty, preliminary report. Iowa Orthop J 12:71-74, 1992.
5)Kelley SS, and Johnston RC: Debris from cobalt-chrome cable may cause acetabular loosening. Clin Orthop 285:140-146, 1992.
6)Schulte K, Callaghan JJ, Kelley SS, Johnston RC: 20 year follow-up Charnley total hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 75A:961-975, 1993.
7)Kelley SS, Fitzgerald RH, Rand JA, and Ilstrup D: A prospective randomized study of a collar versus a collarless femoral prosthesis. Clin Orthop 294:114-122, 1993.
8)Kelley SS: HighHipCenter in Revision Arthoplasty. J Arthroplasty 9:503-510, 1994.
9)Kelley SS: Periprosthetic femoral fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2:164-172, 1994.
10)Kelley SS, Bonar S, Hussamy OD, Morrison JA: A simple technique for insertion of distal screws in interlocking nails. J Orthop Trauma 9:227-230, 1995.
11)Slater RR, Morrison JA, Kelley SS (corresponding author): Custom made molds that prevent cement extrusion through bone defects. Clin Orthop 317:126-130, 1995.
12)Kelley SS, Lachiewicz PF, Gilbert MS, Bolander ME, Jankiewicz, JJ: Hip arthroplasty in hemophilic arthropathy. J Bone Joint Surg 77A:828-834, 1995.
13)Tooma GS, Kobs JK, Thomason HC and Kelley SS (corresponding author): Results of knee arthroplasty using the cemented press fit condylar prosthesis. Orthop 24:831-834, 1995.
14)Kelley SS, Templeman DC, Morrison JA: Technical notes on the removal of broken unreamed tibial nails: A report of two cases. J Orthop Trauma, 9(6):523-525, 1995.
15)Latimer HA, Kelley SS (Corresponding Author). Orthopaedic devices and reconstructions. In: Tintinelli JE, Ruiz E, Krome RL, eds. Emergency medicine: A comprehensive study guide 4th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995:1441-1454.
16)MacKenzie JR, Kelley SS (corresponding author), Johnston RC: Total hip replacement for coxarthrosis secondary to congenital dysplasia and dislocation of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg 78-A:55-61, 1996.
17)Duff G, Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS: Aspiration of the knee joint before revision arthroplasty. Clin Orthop, 331:132-139, 1996.
18)Lachiewicz PF, Klein J, Holleman JB, Kelley SS: Pneumatic compression or aspirin prophylaxis against thromboembolism in total hip arthroplasty. J So Orthop Assoc 5(4):272-280, 1996.
19)Paterno SA, Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS: The influence of patient demographics and acetabular component position on dislocation of total hip replacement. J Bone Joint Surg, 79-A:1202-1210, 1997.
20)Lee GM, Poole A, Kelley SS, CatersonBC: Isolated chondrons: A viable alternative for studies of chondrocyte metabolism invitro. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 5:261-274, 1997.
21)Thomason HC, Slater RR, Tooma GS, Kelley SS (corresponding author): The Value of Serial Post-Operative Radiographs of Total Knee Arthroplasties. J Southern Orthop Assoc, 7:27-35, 1998.
22)Kelley SS, Lachiewicz PF, Hickman JM, Paterno S: The Relationship of Femoral Head and Acetabular Size to the Prevalence of Dislocation. Clin Orthop, 355:163-170, 1998.
23)Section Editor, Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Robert K. Sneider MD, Ed, AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1998.
24)Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS. Systemic Diseases Resulting in Hip. The Adult Hip. Callaghan, Rosenburg, Rubash, Eds. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia 1998, 437-450.
25)Jones WR, Ting-Beall HP, Lee GM, Kelley SS, Hochmuth RM, Guilak F: Alterations in the Young’s modulus and volumetric properties of chondrocytes isolated from normal and osteoarthritic human cartilage. J Biomech, 32:119-127, 1999.
26)Thomason HC, Wilson FC, Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS (corresponding author). Knee Arthroplasty in Hemophilic Arthropathy. Clin Orthop, 360:169-173, 1999.
27)Hooker JA, Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS. Efficacy of intermittent pneumatic compression prophylaxis of thromboembolism after primary and revision total hip arthroplasty, J Bone Joint Surgery, 81-A:690-696, 1999.
28)Logel KJ, Lachiewicz PF, SchmaleGA, Kelley SS: Cortical Strut Allografts for the Treatment of Femoral Fractures and Deficiencies in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty. J So Orthop Assn, 8:163-172, 1999.
29)Freund EM, Thomason HC, Kelley SS (corresponding author). Treatment of Periprosthetic Fractures. Techniques in Orthopaedics, 14(2):115-119, 1999.
30)Kelley SS (Corresponding Author), Latimer HA. Orthopaedic devices and reconstructions. In: Tintinelli JE, Ruiz E, Krome RL, eds. Emergency medicine: A comprehensive study guide 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
31)Brown EC III, Kelley SS (Corresponding Author). High Hip Centers for Superior Defects. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty 2nd Edition. Bierbaum, Bono, McCarthy, Thornhill, Turner, Eds. Springer-Verlag. Pp 320-325, 1999.
32)Kelley SS (Corresponding Author), Latimer HA. Orthopaedic devices and reconstructions. In: Tintinelli JE, Ruiz E, Krome RL, eds. Emergency medicine: A comprehensive study guide 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
33)Lee GM, Paul TA, Slabaugh M, Kelley SS: The incidence of enlarged chondrons in normal and osteoarthritic human cartilage and their relative matrix density. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 8:44-52, 2000.
34)Schmale GA, Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS: Early failure of revision total hip arthroplasty with cemented precoated femoral components: Comparison with uncemented components at two to eight years. J Arthroplasty 15(6):718-729, 2000.
35)Wood ML, McDowell CM, Kerstetter TL, Kelley SS: Open Reduction and Cementation for Femoral Head Fracture Secondary to Avascular Necrosis: A Preliminary Report . Iowa Orthop J 20:17-23, 2000.
36)Jones III CP, Kelley SS: Cementless Fixation of the femoral stem. Current Opinions in Orthop 12:52-56, 2001.
37)Hicks JL, Ribbans WJ, Buzzard B, Kelley SS, Toft L, Torri G, Wiedel JD, York J: Infected joint replacements in HIV- positive patients with hemophilia. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 83B:1050-1054, 2001.
38)Elfervig MK, Graff RD, Lee GM, Kelley SS, Sood A, Banes AJ: ATP induces Ca2+ signaling in human chondrons cultured in three-dimensional agarose films. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 9:518-526, 2001.
39)Wood M, Kelley SS: Cementation for Femoral Head Fracture Secondary to Avascular Necrosis. Orthop J of China, Vol 8, No.6, 2001.
40)Jones CP, Kelley SS: Cementless fixation of the femoral stem. Current Opinions in Orthop, 12(1):52-56, 2001.
41)Settecerri J, Kelley SS (corresponding author), Rand JA, Fitzgerald RH: Collar Versus Collarless Cemented HD-II Femoral Prosthesis. Clin Orthop 398:146-152, 2002.
42)Lee GL, Tioran ME, Jansen M, Graff RD, Kelley SS, Lin P. Development of selective tolerance to interleukin-1B by human chondrocytes in vitro, J of Cellular Philosopy 192:113-124, 2002.
43)Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS: The use of constrained components in total hip arthroplasty. J Amer Acad of Orthop Surg, 10(4):233-238, 2002.
44)Larson CM, Kelley, SS, Blackwood AD, Banes AJ, Lee GM. Retention of the native chondrocyte pericellular matrix results in significantly improved matrix production. Matrix Biology 21:349-359, 2002.
45)Fetzer GB, Callahan JJ, Templeton JE, Goetz DD, Sullivan PM, Kelley SS: PosteriorCruciate-Retaining Modular Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Nine to Twelve-year Follow-up Investigation. J Arthroplasty, 17(8):961-966, 2002.
46)Kelley SS, Lachiewicz PF. Hip and Pelvis: Subluxation/Dislocation Secondary to Dysplasia and Neurologic Disorders. Oxford Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. Buckwalter, Bulstrode, Carr, Cole, Fairbank, Marsh, Pynsent, and Wilson-MacDonald, Eds. OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford. 964-68, 2002.
47)Graff RD, Kelley SS, Lee GM: The role of the pericellular matrix in the development of mechanically functional neo-cartilage. Biotechnology and Engineering, 20: 457-464, May 2003.
48)Wood ML, McDowell CM, Kelley SS: Cementation for Femoral Head Osteonecrosis. Clin Orthop. 2003 Jul;(412):94-102.
49)Lachiewicz P, Kelley S, Haden L. Two mechanical devices for prophylaxis of thromboembolism after total knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) Vol. 86 (8): 1137, 2004.
50)Lyman JR, Kelley SS, Lachiewicz PF, Hip Arthoplasty after Extracapsular Hip Fracture: A matched pair cohort analysis. J of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances, 13:1 38-41, 2004.
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52)Kelley SS, Jones C. Orthopaedic devices and reconstructions. In: Tintinelli JE, Ruiz E, Krome RL, eds. Emergency medicine: A comprehensive study guide 6th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Section 280, 2004
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54)Kelley SS. Total Hip Arthroplasty After Failed Hip Fracture Fixation. Advanced Reconstruction: Hip. Lieberman JR, Berry DJ, AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2005
55)Kelley SS, Jones C. Orthopaedic devices and reconstructions. In: Tintinelli JE, Ruiz E, Krome RL, eds. Emergency medicine: A comprehensive study guide 6th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Section 280, 2004
56)Kelley SS. Total Hip Arthroplasty After Failed Hip Fracture Fixation. Advanced Reconstruction: Hip. Lieberman JR, Berry DJ, AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2005
57)Kelley SS, and Heckman JD, Orthopaedic Forum, Editorial Response: “Antimicrobial Prophylaxis to Prevent Surgical Site Infection” J. Bone Joint Surg. Am., May 2006; 88: 1149 - 1152.
58)Kelley SS, Book Review “The Adult Hip, Second Edition, Volumes 1 and 2” Accepted for publication Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
59)Mullis B, Karas S, Kelley SS, “Characterization of a Consistent Radiographic Finding in Chronic ACL Deficiency: The Posteromedial Osteophyte” approved for publication in The American Journal of Orthopedics.
60)Kelley SS, Book Review “The Adult Hip, Second Edition, Volumes 1 and 2” J. Bone Joint Surg. Am., May 2007; 89: 1151 - 1152
61)Mullis B, Karas S, Kelley SS, “Characterization of a Consistent Radiographic Finding in Chronic ACL Deficiency: The Posteromedial Osteophyte” Am J Orthop. 2007;36(9):494-497
62)Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS, Soileau ES Prospective, Randomized Study of Polished vs. Precoated Cemented Femoral Components: Survival at Seven Years. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am., Jul 2008; 90: 1457 - 1463.
63)John Callaghan, MD; Andrew Malin, MD; Kevin Bozic, MD; Steve Liu, MD; Devon Goetz, MD; Nicholas Sullivan, BS; Scott Kelley, MD. Is the Potential Utility of Modular Tibial TKA Components Realized? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research Volume 468, Issue 9 / September , 2010
64)Kelley SS, Marchant. Orthopaedic devices and reconstructions. In: Tintinelli JE, Ruiz E, Krome RL, eds. Emergency medicine: A comprehensive study guide 7th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Section e275.1, 2010
65)Kelley SS. The Looming Total Joint Replacement Surgeon Shortage. OrthopaedicList.com November 17th, 2009
66)Evaluation of the Painful Total Hip. July 2009 Editor: Michael A. Mont, M.D. Author: Brett, Peterson MD, Scott Kelley, M.D. Failed Total Hip Arthroplasty
67)Pre-Operative Screening and Preparation. August 31, 2009 Editor: Vincent D. Pellegrini, Jr. M.D. Author: Hal Wray MD, Scott Kelley, M.D. Considerations Common to Hip and Knee
68)Jeffrey R. Lyman, MD, Jonathan D. Chappell, MD, Teresa I. Morales, Ph.D, Scott S. Kelley, MD and Greta M. Lee, PhD. Manuscript ID CART-10-0052 entitled "Response of chondrocytes to local mechanical injury in an ex-vivo model." Accepted for Publication in Cartilage Sept 23rd 2010.
Grants Funded
Progression of Hip Disease in the Hartley Guinea Pig Osteoarthritis Model, Junior Faculty Development Grant, Principal Investigator, 1/1/94-12/31/94 , $3,000.00.
An InVitro Model for Investigating Biochemical Changes in Cartilage Proteoglycans in Osteoarthritis, Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Grant, Principal Investigator, July 1, 1994-June 30, 1996, $100,000.00.
Loading Effects on Gene Expression in Cartilage Cultures, Department of Health and Human Services Grant, Principal Investigator, July 1, 1996-June 30, 1998, $40,000.00
A New Culture System for Osteoarthritis, Glaxo Wellcome Inc., Investigator, 12/1/97-12/1/99, $125,000.00/yr. (Principal Investigator - Greta M. Lee, Ph.D.
Prospective Randomized Study of Precoated vs. Smooth, Polished Femoral Components in Cemented and Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty, Zimmer Clinical Research Grant, Investigator, 5 Year Grant, $250,000.00 (Principal Investigator - Paul F. Lachiewicz, M.D.)
Role of Pericellular Matrix in Osteoarthritis, Collaborator, ,
$471,964.00 (Principal Investigator - Greta Lee, Ph.D First Award 5-year Grant) 9/25/98-1/31/00
Viscoelastic Properties of Normal and Osteoarthritic Chondrons, Collaborator, Jan 21, 1998-Jan 21, 2003, $1,193,262.00 (Principal Investigator - Farshid Guilak, Ph.D., DukeUniversityMedicalCenter)
Comparison of two pneumatic compression devices for prophylaxis of thromboembolism after
total knee arthroplasty, Principal Investigator, 1/1/99-2/1/04, $85,000.00/year (Co-
investigator Drs. Paul F. Lachiewicz
Special Honors and Awards
Phi Eta Sigma Honorary SocietyUniversity of Iowa, 1975.
Accepted to University of IowaMedicalSchool Junior Year of College, October 1977.
Early DecisionAcceptanceProgramUniversity of IowaMedicalSchool, October, 1977.
Graduated with Honors, University of Iowa, Undergraduate, 1978
Musculoskeletal Course Faculty Teaching Award, 1993
Junior Faculty Development Award, November 8, 1993
Best Doctors in North Carolina 1999 to present
Teaching Scholar Award, University of North Carolina, April 3, 1997. September 7, 2005September 7, 2005
The Frank C. Wilson Faculty Teaching Award, Presented by the Graduating Class of 1999 (May 28)
Joe Corn Visiting Professor, Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society
January 13th, 2004