Is God a delusion? My answer is obvious, so you know where this article probably ends up, but let’s consider the question, the questioners, and the asking of the question for a moment.
The reason I am addressing this subject is because on Friday, Aug. 21 I was greatly disturbed by some comments made on the HBO program hosted by Bill Maher. His guest was Sam Harris, a published author, lecturer and atheist. In their discussion, Bill asked Sam what is wrong with the brains of people like Bill Moyer and Jimmy Carter, who despite their obvious intelligence, continue to believe in God? After some bantering and laughter at the idea of believing in a supreme being, the two agreed that there must be some neurological and social disorder in both Moyer and Carter, and in all who believe in a supreme being. The implication is that with a little help both could overcome their religious problems. Moyer is an ordained Baptist minister and Carter is a leading Baptist layleader locally and nationally.
1 September 2009
Harris and Maher are not alone in their view of religious belief as a mental disorder. Richard Dawkins, a noted anti-religionist, calls religious belief a virus, specifically “the virus of faith.” Dawkins is also the author of the book “The God Delusion”, which prompted my opening question. Another of his many publications makes the case that religion is in fact the root of all evil! (See the book cover here.)
1 September 2009
The first thing that occurred to me is that Bill Maher has appointed himself the high priest of comedic cynical secularism--the rejection of any idea of a god figure. He would never use the term “high priest, but he is certainly its modern day champion and he is on the offensive. Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins are two of his many comrades in the campaign. Maher’s 2008 film “Religulous” is a comedic attack on organized religion in the United States. Beginning with his Catholic upbringing, Bill Maher attempts to expose the lunacy of religious belief and practices. To be sure, there are any number of illogical beliefs and practices in organized religions, including Christianity. Maher has plenty of targets to choose from—both people and practices. And to his credit, Bill Maher believes (according to several televised interviews) that if more Christians behaved like Jesus Christ (that is, his assessment of Christ) the world would be a better place. He’s got us there.
Never-the-less, is faith a virus? Is religious belief a mental disorder? Is God a delusion? These questions are not new or unique to our time. Maher, Harris, Dawkins, Hitchens, Singer and others are just the latest to repeat a very old chant. Since the earliest records of Jewish history (and human history for that matter) there have been those who have said in their heart “There is no God.”The Bible calls them fools. There have also been those who have said with arrogance “There is No God but Our God”. Both are guilty of abuse, as we are seeing in our own time.
The second thing that occurred to me (as I ranted to Laura Lee and yelled at the TV) is that logic will never answer these challenges. The faithful can point to scripture. We can point to historical events. I can point to personal experiences and tell my stories. Debating those who say there is no God is of some value. There is a great tradition of debates between atheists and believers in God. In the first half of the twentieth century, G.K. Chesterton debated George Bernard Shaw on topics ranging from God to socialism. In a famous debate, philosophers Frederick Copleston and Bertrand Russell squared off on whether God's existence could be proved. In our time Dinesh D'Souza has squared off against Christopher Hitchens, Peter Singer, Dan Barker and other atheists with masterful skill. But ultimately the question of God is answered personally, inwardly, and with the supra-logical conclusions of faith and the mystical inner voice of the Holy Spirit.
I personally have never been more certain of the reality of God. GOD IS NO DELUSION and FAITH IS NO MENTAL DISORDER. You knew I would end up here. No surprise.
What I know is that my life without faith in God was one of loneliness and hopelessness. I was without a sense of purpose and direction until I established a faith relationship with God thru repenting of sin and trusting Jesus Christ as my Savior. I do not doubt that Maher has found purpose and direction in his role as the high priest of cynical comedic secularism. He may have even found relief from any guilt (that happens when you give up believing in any moral code). But I doubt he has found hope, and the eternal questions that exist in every soul still loom before him as he approaches the end of his life. Or maybe he has silenced them for good.
My testimony is this -- God is no delusion, and faith in search of understanding (Thanks, J. Deotis Roberts) is the victory for me. I hope it is for you.
Yours in Christ, Pastor Ray
1 September 2009
- Disciples Class – Led by Ruth and Bill Pulley and meets at 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. They are currently studying the Book of James.
- The HOMEROOM Group and BRUDER Group will resume meeting on September 13th.
The first choir rehearsal will be on Sept. 9thbeginning with a potluck at 6:00 p.m. followed by a 7:00 p.m. choir rehearsal. Please bring a passing dish. Entrée and table service will be provided. Please RSVP to Nola at 277-1184.
What is your gift for serving in God’s Kingdom? You have a talent, a gift to share. God gave it to you or reshaped it when you were born again. So what is your gift? What is your place in the ministry of the Gospel here at FirstBaptistChurch? If you are a member of First Baptist and have an interest in serving in an office or ministry team position, the FBC Nominating Comm. is eager to hear from you.
The FBC Nominating Committee met in August to begin asking God to show them who He wants to serve in the coming year. TheCommittee is made up of Bill Pulley, Shannon Hinterman, and Doug Dixon. They are currently reviewing our leadership roster for possible openings.Please contact a member of the committee to express your interest in one of the officer or ministry team positions. Volunteers will be considered as positions become open. Contact the Committee by Sunday, September 13th so you can be considered. Not all volunteers can be placed, but the Committee will consider all options.
The Keenagers potluck will be held on Thursday, September 24th at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Come join us!
Beginning September 6, 2009, we will have available in the Welcome center, the Pastoral and Church Evaluation 2009, that we are required to present on a yearly basis. Everyone who attends our church or is a member is encouraged to fill one out. Anyone who wishes to have the evaluation form mailed to their home address should call the church office. All officers of the Church, ministry teams, auxiliary and committee members will have an opportunity fill this out at their September meetings. All evaluations must be turned in by September 30th to the church office, or to John Creighton, Tim Oliver or Shannon Hinterman. Please feel free to contact John, Tim, or Shannon if you have any questions or concerns. Please take 10 minutes to fill out the evaluation. It is important for us to know your thoughts and any ideas that may have a positive impact on our church ministry. These are confidential. All concerns and ideas will be addressed by the appropriate ministry team or committee. Thank you for your continued support.
Have you checked out the MISSION INFORMATION BOX in Fellowship Hall?
It contains the latest info from ourmissionaries and mission fields. You will find the box on the front tables during Coffee Hour, or in the kitchen at other times. Sponsored by the Mission and Outreach Ministry Team.
Glen and Joan Holtforth
Additional Telephone #:Call church office
Al Snell’s permanent address is now:
5056 S. Colby Road
Owosso, MI48867
(Al is living at his daughter Kay’s house)
Mark your calendars…….The Annual Church Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, September 13thafter worship at Harmon-PatridgePark (Green Meadows). Bring a passing dish and your table service. Lemonade, hamburgers and hot dogs will be furnished. There is a suggested donation of $2.00 per person to help cover the cost of the meat. Hope to see you there for a fun afternoon of fellowship.
The first ABW Meeting of 2009-2010 is scheduled for THURSDAY September 10th starting at 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (please note the change in day and time). Our theme this year is “Destined for God’s Purpose.” Officers will be installed. All women of the church are welcome to attend. Bring your ideas and join in the fellowship.
September 17th – Flint Cluster meeting will be held at First Baptist Owosso from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
September 19th - ABW State Women’s Day will be held at NorthsideBaptistChurch in Ann Arbor.
September 27th – Another eat-in Sunday at FBC after worship has been scheduled. The menu will be announced later.
Did you know that a funeral planning/ information sheet is available in the church office for anyone who would like to put their funeral wishes in writing for the future. Contact Bev Kohagen to receive a form. These are kept in the church office and are confidential.
1 September 2009
9/01Elgie Hart9/17Sam Shuster
9/15DougSadilek9/21Jordan Strawser
9/15Fran Ross9/23Doreen Bouck
9/16 Travis Golladay9/23Jim Henderson
The Fellowship & Caring Ministry team is embarking on some new projects this Fall . We encourage your participation in any of these projects in which you are interested because we cannot do them alone.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: We would like to start a Prayer Shawl Ministry for our church family and friends. Patterns are available for anyone who would like to knit or crochet a Prayer Shawl. If you cannot knit or crochet, we could also use cash donations toward the purchase of yarn for the project. Several people have expressed an interest in joining us in this project. Contact Mary Johns.
CRAFT SHOW/COOKIE SALE: Last year, we worked with the Mission and Outreach Ministry Team to raise money for food baskets for families in thecommunity. Through all of our efforts, we were able to take 11 families large bags of food. We want to do this ministry again this year. We are signed up for the band Boosters Craft Show at OwossoHigh School on November 14th. We will need bakers, people who donate for supplies, workers, etc. Please consider how you could help this ministry.
RESPITE: It has been brought to our attention that the respite program in this community is in need of financial support. The economy has taken a toll on them like it has on everything else. The Fellowship & Caring Team and the Mission & Outreach Team have considered doing another Craft Show/Cookie Sale this year to raise money specifically to donate to Respite. We are also open to any other suggestions that you might have.
COUPON BOX: Beginning September 13th, you will find a coupon box in the kitchen. After you have cut out the coupons you can use from the paper, please bring the rest to the church. It is better if you don’t cut them out. You can then look for coupons you need in exchange. When the coupons have expired, they will be sent to military families who can use them up to 6 months after the expiration date. We all ca use a little “savings” in our shopping these days. For more information on this project, please contact Jeri Bandkau.
(please see sign-up sheet attached to this newsletter)
Thank you,
Fellowship & Caring Ministry Team
______I would like to help knit/crochet Prayer Shawls
______I could donate money toward yarn
______I will bake ______dozen cookies
______I will donate money for baking supplies
______I will help set up the booth Friday night, November 13th
______I will help transfer cookies to the high school on November 14th
______I will consider selling cookies; shifts will probably be 10-1 and 1-4
______I will participate, but will let you know how later
______I would support another Craft Show/Cookie Sale
______I have another idea to raise money ______
(Please return to Mary Johns)
9/06Mary Johns9/06Mable Reid & Peggy Bucsi
9/13Bob Johns9/13Ray & Laura Lee Strawser
9/20Carol Paksi9/20Dave & Jeri Bandkau
9/27Doreen Bouck9/27Karen & Ken DeLong
9/06Shirley Walls & Carol PaksiWorship & Music Team -
9/13Lola Jean Smith & Doreen Bouck Shannon Hinterman, Marcia Oliver,
9/20Rolene Zacharda & Karen DeLong Ruth Pulley, Mable Reid
9/27Sue Henderson & Angie Henderson
8/30MableReid & HeatherValleyUSHERS: Richard Bruder, Bill Pulley,
Doug Sadilek, Shanon Sadilek
Dear Pastor Strawser and Congregation,
Thank you for the use of your fellowship hall and kitchen for our daughter’s baby shower and our father’s 85th birthday celebration. Friends and family came from all across the country to attend. It was wonderful!! Our family is very appreciative.
Thank you ,
Kitty and Pat Howard (Karen DeLong’s sister)
Thank you so much for your prayers, cards and support during the illness and loss of our loved one Chris. Her light shines high in heaven.
Rolene Zacharda and Family
Anyone who is in need of a painter, carpenter, and overall handyman, give me a call at 723-5554. I have the name of a person who did an excellent job for me.
Doreen Bouck
I’m looking tonight at a starless sky
But it makes no difference to me,
For I feel somehow,
Tho’ the stars are gone,
God will always be there for me
………Written by: Pat Hathaway
Unanswered Prayers
Submitted by: Marilyn Dixon
From: Daily Bread (Read: Luke 7: 1-10)
An explanation we often hear for “unanswered” prayers is that we don’t have enough faith. But Jesus said in Luke 17:6 that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can command a mulberry tree to be uprooted and planted in the sea and it will obey us. In other words, the effectiveness of our prayers depends not on how much faith we have, but on whether we even have faith.Faith has been described as “trusting God’s heart and trusting God’s power.” Some prayers that seem to go unanswered are simply instances in which God has lovingly overruled our wishes. He knows that what we have asked for is not best. Of it may be that our timing is not His timing, or He has some far greater purpose in mind. Let us remember, even Jesus prayed to His heavenly Father, “Nevertheless not My will, but Yours” (Luke 22:42).
Unanswered prayers are answered still
As part of God’s great master plan;
They help to carry out His will
To demonstrate God’s love for man. ….D. De Haan
Respite Volunteers of Shiawassee is preparing for the Rock-a-thon for respite on Tuesday, September 22nd from 11 am to 2 pm at the Respite Volunteer office. Respite Volunteers and supporters are being asked to seek pledge donations for the nonprofit. Mable Reid is participating in the Rock-a-thon and is currently taking pledges. Please contact her at 723-4120 to make your pledge. The agency serves adults with persistent health needs, providing volunteers to offer assistance to both the persons served and also their caregiving families. Patient and Caregiver Education is also provided to the patients and their caregiving families that are served. Respite Volunteers is located at 710 W. King Street on the Memorial Healthcare Campus. The main entrance is on the parking lot side, and the event will take place on the lawn and on the southern portion of the parking lot. Persons who are successful in having pledge donations promised, will be provided lunch by Jets Pizza, chair massage by Bea’s Massage, manicures and entertainment at the Rock-a-thon. Participants are encouraged to bring their rocking chairs or lawn chairs and enjoy a relaxing time with others. To participate in the event or to make a pledge, please contact Mabel.______
To meet the needs of area residents with health care needs, and especially the frail elderly and elderly persons living alone, Respite Volunteers of Shiawassee is offering Volunteer Training on Tuesday, September 15th from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the OwossoChurch of the Nazarene, 1865 S. M-52, Owosso, in Room #8. The training is designed to prepare volunteers to serve adults with ongoing health needs and their caregiving families, and especially persons who are frail, elderly, and living alone. A light luncheon is served for persons attending.
Respite Volunteers provide temporary companionship to patients, providing respite to the family caregivers and also providing individualized help to caregiving families with extenuating circumstances. Respite Volunteers typically spend one to four hours a week of time with the patient to help as needed, such as to provide companionship, play cards, have conversations, help the person with hobbies, provide services such as basic home repairs, and assistance witnh grocery shopping and errands. Respite Volunteers is a community partner agency of the Shiawassee United Way.