presents the


To be held at

Graham Spicer Table Tennis Club

15 Dukes Avenue, New Malden, Surrey KT3 4HL

On SATURDAY 10th September 2016

COMMENCING at 9:30am

CLOSING DATE for entries: Saturday 3rd September 2016 (noon)

Event Organiser: Michael Loveder

For more info please contact the event organiserby email:


Saturday 10th September 2016:

Cadet Boys Singles Groups

Cadet Girls Singles Group(s)

Junior Boys Singles Groups

Junior Girls Singles Group(s)

EVENT REGULATIONS (please keep this page for your reference)

1. Every entrant must be eligible to play for Surrey by playing in a Surrey affiliated local league or by virtue of where they live.

2. Completion and submission of this entry form signifies agreement by the entrant to the conditions ofthe competition.

3. All competitors will be required to umpire.

4. All matches will be the best of 5 games. Play throughout will be on a group basis.

5. Competitors must have been born on or after 1st January2002 (Cadets) or 1st January 1999 (Juniors).

6. Competitors must wear rubber soled shoes. Players must not wear shirts that are predominantly white.

7. Competitors will be permitted to practise on tables not in use at the discretion of the Organiser.

8. All competitors must report to the control table on arrival. If players are not ready to play when due to do so they are liable to be scratched from the event.

9. The following undertaking should be signed -

1. To observe the regulations; 2. To abide by the decision of the Organiser(s); 3. To fulfil the schedule of play arranged for me unless prevented by circumstances beyondmy control and accepted as such by the Organiser.


1. Entry Form - All entries must be sent to the event organiser to arrive by the closing dateSaturday 3rd September 2016. (12-noon)

Send entry to Michael Loveder, 18 Gaysley House, Hotspur Street, Kennington, London SE11 6TS.

2. Entries - Entry forms shall be submitted with full payment of fees. (NB: No pay = no play)

They will also be regarded as ‘last received’ under the ‘last in – first out’ rule when entries have to bediscarded due to oversubscription.

3. Changing rooms are available at the venue. 6a No food or drink allowed inside the playing hall with the exception of plain water in sealed “sports top” bottles.

4. Entries - If it is necessary to restrict entries, this will be done on last received, first out basis.

5. Notification - Entrants will be notified of the time of their first group either by e-mail (if a legiblee-mail address is given) or by normal post in which case a DL size (110 x 220 mm) stamped addressed envelopemust be enclosed.

6. Free Parking is NOT available in the Waitrose car park, which after the daily trading has finished, will be closed for parking (i.e. Barriers down).

This form must be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS using a ball point pen. A separate entry form must be completed for each player and sent to thetournament organiser,

Michael Loveder, 18 Gaysley House, Hotspur Street, Kennington, London SE11 6TS, to arrive no later than the closing date. All entrants should ensurethat they have read the Regulations.

Competitor’s Full Name:

Known as (e.g. Pat): _Male / Female



Date of Birth:______Tel:


Please ensure you provide an email address that is monitored as it will be used to advise you of your group playing time.

ETTA membership number and/or licence number: ______(it is not essential to have a licence for this event)

Please enter me for:-

Cadet Boys* / CadetGirls* Singles £5.00Junior Boys* / Junior Girls* Singles £5.00* please delete as appropriate

Total: £5.00* / £10.00* enclosed

Make cheques payable to ‘Surrey TTA’.

If no e-mail address please enclose a DL (110 x 220 mm) stamped (1st class) addressed envelope.


I undertake:

1. To observe the regulations of the event.

2. To abide by the decisions of the Organiser(s)

3. To fulfil the schedule of play arranged for me unless prevented by circumstances beyond my control and accepted as such by the Organiser.

Also I am willing, subject to availability andif selected,to play for and represent Surrey in the CountyChampionships.

I agree to the information above being stored on a computer. Photographs of this event may be taken and used for publicity relating to STTA.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Parent signature ______