Abstract Submission Form
Socio-political Challenges in the Mediterranean Region:
Implications for NCD Prevention and Control
December 3-4, 2014
Beirut, Lebanon
Please submit this filled form as an attachment in word format (.doc) to th the main presenter’s full name in the attachment title andemail subject. Abstracts must be submitted before or on August 15, 2014.
Abstract submission opens:May 19, 2014
Abstract submission closes:August 15, 2014
Notification of acceptance or rejection:October 1, 2014
Please note that:
- Material must not have been published previously
- Upon acceptance, authors will be expected to attend the conference and present their papers
- Abstract must be typed in 11 point Calibri font and should be no more than 400 words.
- Do not include supplemental pages, photographs, tables, or references. The abstract should be suitably written for publication in the official program
- The first author listed is considered the corresponding author. All correspondence regarding this submission will be directed to the corresponding Author
Abstract Confirmation
You will receive confirmation via e-mail when your submission is received, but this is not confirmation that your presentation has been accepted.
Corresponding author InformationFirst Name: / Last Name:
Position: / Institution: / Country:
Phone: / Email:
Student: ☐Yes ☐No
Early career researcher: ☐Yes ☐No
authorship and affiliations
Author 1
Name: / Affiliation:
Author 2
Name: / Affiliation:
Author 3
Name: / Affiliation:
Author 4
Name: / Affiliation:
Author 5
Name: / Affiliation:
Author 6
Name: / Affiliation:
Author 7
Name: / Affiliation:
Presentation information
Presentation type: ☐Poster ☐Oral ☐No preference
Theme – NCDs and:
☐Displacement and Migration
☐War and conflict
☐Socio-political transformations
☐Demographic transitions
☐Capacity building, training and education
☐ National health systems and provision of care in times of crisis
Signature of the corresponding author: / Date
Signature of the corresponding author: / Date