Lesson Plan Lesson 1 of 3
Lesson Organisation
Year Level: 4
Key Learning Area:KLA - HSIE
· Change and Community
· Significant Events and People / Students’ Prior Knowledge:
· This lesson is part of a bigger HISE topic that has been going on for a long while.
· Student already know about Captain Cook, why he went searching for new land and why the British decide to send convicts to Australia.
· The class also has prior experience of using WebQuests
Lesson Topic:
The lesson topic is:
The First Fleet / Differentiation:
· What types of learners are in the class, e.g. visual learner.
· What their understanding of the topic is, such as, students that have a low understanding will need less challenging work than students who comprehend the work quickly.
Teaching/Learning Stages:
The learning stages are:
· Whole class - Introduce the topic of the First Fleet. Show them the webquest
· Individual work – On computers doing the research
· Make sure work is saved ready for next lesson / Teacher’s Preparation/Organisation
The teacher needs to:
· Have the IWB ready and have the webquest cued to introduce the class to it (or other means of whole class introduction to the webquest)
· Make sure all links on the webquest are working
Syllabus Outcomes / Indicators
· CCS2.1 - Describes events and actions related to the British colonisation of Australia and assesses changes and consequences.
Syllabus Key ideas:
· describes the involvement of some people and groups from other countries in Australia’s heritage, including European and Asian contact and exploration, eg the trading expeditions of the Macassans, exploration by the Dutch and Portuguese, James Cook, the British First Fleet
(Syllabus outcomes/indicators and key ideas were taken from the HSIE syllabus, 2006)
Assessment of Learning
· Assessment of learning will be gathered through observation, and quality, quantity and relevance of information gathered.
· Questioning at the end of the lesson
· As this is a part of a series of lessons the final assessment will be the report the students will write based on the information they have gathered over the previous lessons.
Lesson Sequence:
Introduction to the topic – picture book on the First Fleet
Introduce the webquest to the class. Run through how it works and what they have to do
Students work at their own pace through the activities for task one
Gather class together and ask questions about what they found out.
· Did the lesson work?
· Was there enough preparation?
· Was the lesson effective?
· Did the children respond and engage with the lesson?
· Was the time well managed?
· Did the activities keep the children’s attention?
Lesson Plan
Lesson Sequence (attach all relevant teaching resources)
0.00pm / Motivation/ Introduction:
Lesson Closure: / Resources:
· I
· I
· I