1860 Field Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 977-3682 / 405 Emmet Street 355 Bavaro Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 982-2667

I. EDUCATION Ph.D., Social Foundations of Education, University of Virginia

Dissertation: Restructuring teacher education: A study of the teacher

education programs at the University of Virginia and the University of New Hampshire.

M.Ed., Elementary Education, Harvard University.

B.A., Art History, Brown University.

II. TEACHING Program Director, Curry in Cambridge, 2009-present. Established an

international student teaching placement for elementary/special education preservice students in Cambridge, England.

Program Coordinator, Elementary Teacher Education program, 2008-2011

Associate/ Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education, University of Virginia Curry School of Education, Charlottesville, VA. 1993 –present


Book Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2006). The Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia 1905-2005: Preparing men and women for leadership in scientific educational work. Charlottesville VA: The University of Virginia Press.

Selected Book Chapters


Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2014) Implementing and sustaining long-term partnerships for international student teaching Placements. Internationalizing Teacher Education: Successes and challenges within Domestic partnerships. New York: Jossey Bass. In press

Tai, R.H. & Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2002). Beyond comprehension: Elementary education and generative Technology. Sheekey, Arthur D., D. Using the underused: Technology in the practice of education. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1-10.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (1995). Annotated Instructor’s Edition. McNergney, Robert & Herbert, Joanne. Foundations of education. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (1991). David: A Sometimer. Learning to fail. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa, 117-129.

Selected Journal Articles and book reviews

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2014) Uncovering stories buried in institutional history: The consultative resource center at the Curry School of Education, University: Uncovering stories buried in institutional history. Excellence in Education. (3)1, 95-110.

Guadino, Ann, Moss, David, and Wilson, Eleanor V. (2012) “Key Issues in an international clinical experience for graduate students in education:

Implications for policy and Practice Journal of International Education

and Leadership.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2010). Curry in Cambridge: The First Year. NERA Conference Proceedings, Hartford, Connecticut..

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. Book review.(2009) The Teacher's Survival Guide: Real

Classroom Dilemmas and Practical Solutions. Marc Major. Teachers College

Record, July 29, 2009

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2008). “Integrating accountability and assessment in elementary school reading instruction with a preservice teacher education class”

Journal of International Planning (17) 2, 41-46.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon & Blasi, Laura. (2001). Preservice students’ application of technological skills in school-based settings. Journal of the Virginia Society for Technology in Education, (15) 3, 5-19.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2001). Pathways to teacher education: Factors critical to the retention and graduation of Community College pre-service students in Teacher Education programs. Inquiry: the Journal of Virginia Community Colleges. (6)2, 17-27.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2001). An educational autobiography. Iris: A Journal About Women. (42)2, 22-25.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2000) “The Teaching Fellows Program: collaboration between Piedmont Virginia Community College and the University of Virginia.” Inquiry: the Journal of Virginia Community Colleges. (5) 1.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (1989). Mary Ainsworth and the development of attachment. Iris: A Journal About Women. (21)2, 10-12.

Selected Sponsored Research

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon (2014) Expanding "Healthy Habits": Incorporating a Nature Trail into Environmental Curriculum at Burnley-Moran Elementary School.

Provost of the University of Virginia Jefferson Public Citizens grant.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon (2013) Wellness and Gardening: Creating an After-School Garden Program at Burnley-Moran Elementary School. Provost of the University of Virginia. Jefferson Public Citizens grant.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon (2009) Cavs and Panthers: A Mentorship program for elementary school students working with University of Virginia students. Provost of the University of Virginia, Jefferson Public Citizens grant. (renewed for 2010-2011)

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2007) Teacher Education at the University of Cambridge and the University of Virginia: A comparative analysis. Project funded by the offices of the President and Provost of the University of Virginia.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2003). The effect of elementary preservice students’ teaching technology with elementary pupils: An exploratory Study. Project funded by Teachers for a New Era (Carnegie Foundation).

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2002). Project Venable: professional school collaboration. Project funded by Curry School of Education Foundation.

Selected Presentations

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2014) Adapting to reality: Research, practice, and pedagogical impact of international student teaching placements. Focal paper presentation at the annual meeting of the world Education Research Association, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2014) Symposium Transferable models and metaphors in pre-service practice: What does it mean to be a reflective practitioner? Symposium of International Deans of Education. American Educational Association. Philadelphia, PA.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2013)“ e-learning and life-long learning: A descriptive case study” 12th European Conference on eLearning. Sophia Antiopolis, France.

October 2013.

Moss, David, Marx, Helen, Wilson, Eleanor (2013) “Developing Cultural Awareness Through International Field Placements: A Documentary Account” Paper presented at American Educational Association. San Francisco, California. April, 2013.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon and Cohen, Sandra B. (2012) “Going Global: Designing

and evaluating outcomes of international student teaching placements. Virginia Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. Lynchburg, Virginia.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon (2010). CAVS and Panthers: A University/school mentoring and enrichment program” Community-Campus Partnerships for Health's 11th conference, Creating the Future. Portland, Oregon. May, 2010.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2010) "Evolving pedagogical beliefs of a teacher educator: Catalyst for change for an 'accidental tourist'" Paper presented at American Educational Research Association. Denver, Colorado. April, 2010.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon.(2010) “Developing International Teacher Education Experiences for Preservice Teachers: Challenges, Benefits, and Unanticipated Outcomes” Panel presented at Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois February.

Marx, Helen, Moss, David, and Wilson, Eleanor. (2009). “Internationalizing Teacher Education: The Challenges and Benefits of Creating International Experiences Within Teacher Education Programs” Symposium presented at Northeast Educational Research Association, Hartford, Connecticut. October 2

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon (2009). “Our job was to get black and white people to talk.” Paper presented at American Educational Research Association. San Diego, California.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. (2007) “Improving reading skills of second grade students.” Paper presented at the Virginia Educational Research Association

Conference. Charlottesville, VA. September 2007.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon.(2006). “Teacher Education in a University School of Education.” Paper presented at the American and Canadian History of Education conference. Ottawa, Canada. November 2006.

Franklin, Cheryl & Wilson, Eleanor Vernon (2003). “Preservice students’ application of technology skills.” Paper presented at the Learning Conference. London, England.

Jarrell, Malcolm, Toms, Nancy, Wheeler, Edith & Wilson, Eleanor.(2001). “Closing the achievement gap.” Paper presented at the Southeastern Regional Conference of the International Reading Association, Hilton Head, and South Carolina. November 2001.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon & Holodak, Nancy C. (2000)“Women and Education: Examining women’s roles in educational settings.” Paper presented at American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon.(1999). “The Teaching Fellows Program: Collaboration between Piedmont Virginia Community College and the University of Virginia.” George Mason University Conference on Partnerships in Education. Fairfax, VA. March 1999.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. “Women and Education.” Paper/panel presentation. American Educational Studies Association. Montreal, Canada. November 1996.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. “Active Learning: Applying student analysis of early teaching experiences to student teaching.” Paper presented at Eastern Educational Research Association. Boston, MA. February 1996.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon & Janes, Carol. “The role of the university supervisor in student teaching.” Paper presented at Eastern Educational Research Association. Hilton Head, SC. March 1995.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon & Richards, Herbert C. “Extended Teacher Education Programs: Results of a five-year study.” Paper presented at AACTE. Washington, DC. February 1995.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon & Richards, Herbert C. “Restructuring Teacher Education.” Paper presented at American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA. April 1992.

Wilson, Eleanor Vernon. “Extended Teacher Education Programs: Results of a year long study of programs at the University of Virginia and the University of New Hampshire.” Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators. New Orleans, LA. February 1991.


Editorial Board: School University Partnerships

Journal of Excellence in Education

Review proposals for Division K, American Educational Association 2007-


Review textbook proposals


University of Virginia Task Force on International Education 2009-2010

Faculty Advisor, Jefferson Public Citizens projects 2009-2014

Center for Undergraduate Excellence, University of Virginia, 2007-2011

Reader/Interviewer for Harrison, Truman, and Fulbright awards

Chair, General Faculty Council, University of Virginia. 2006-2007

Membership on University-wide committees related to this position

Task Force for Non Track Faculty 2008-2009

Policy Committee of General Faculty

Elections Committee charged with creating current procedures

University of Virginia Commission on Diversity. 2006-2009

Faculty Advisory Committee, University of Virginia Honor Committee, 2003-2008

Curry School of Education Committees 1991-present

Curry School of Education Awards and Scholarships Committee, 2002-present

Chair Curry Community Committee, 1996-1999; 2005-2007

Faculty of Elementary Education Committee, 1994-present

Program coordinator 2008-2011

member of school-wide committees associated with this


Faculty Advisor, Phi Delta Kappa, 2003-present

Faculty Advisor, Student Virginia Education Association, 1995-present

Curry School Chapter has received the Outstanding Chapter in the

State of Virginia award for the last twelve years.


J. Sergeant Reynolds Community College, Advisory Board for Teacher

Education, 2004-2008

Edgar and Eleanor Shannon Foundation for Excellence in Education. 1995-

Reader for grants applications annually

Violinist with the Charlottesville Symphony Orchestra, Blue Ridge Chamber

Orchestra, Waynesboro Community Orchestra, Oratorio Society of

Charlottesville Orchestra, and others 1990-

Chair of Brown University National Schools Alumnae Program, 1980-2010

Active in Venable Neighborhood Association, Democratic Party, St. Paul’s

Memorial Church, 1976-present.


Elected a visiting scholar, Downing College, Cambridge University, 2011-

Outstanding service Award Brown University Alumnae Association, October,


Omicron Delta Kappa, University of Virginia, 1999

Nominated for Curry School of Education Outstanding Professor, 1992, 1998, 2001

Golden Key Honorary Society, University of Virginia. 1997

Award for Outstanding Scholarship on Teacher Education, Association of

Schools of Education and Land Grant Colleges 1992

Outstanding Doctoral Student, Curry School of Education, University of

Virginia, 1991

Phi Delta Kappa, University of Virginia, 1988