Child Development Coordinating Council Minutes
July 20, 2016
Meeting Attendance
Voting Members Present: Mary Groen, Erin Clancy, Peg Macek, Ryan Page and Beth Van Meeteren
Voting Members Absent:Stephanie Peters, PJ West, Carla Peterson, Kimberly Villotti
Non-Voting Members Present: None
Non-Voting Members Absent:Tom Rendon, Carrie Sanderfer, Mary Shihadeh, and Lora Patton
Staff to Council: Amy Stegeman and Amanda Winslow
Secretary: Gloria Hamilton
The meeting was called to order by Erin Clancy, CDCC Chair.
INFORMATION and Action Item:
Approval of February 17, 2016 & April 20, 2016 minutes
Minutes were shared electronically prior to the meeting. Erin Clancy asked for any comments or edits to the February 17, 2016 & April 20, 2016 minutes. No comments or edits were made. The Council agreed with consensus to move the approval of the minutes forward for a vote to be sent electronically. A vote could not be made at this time since we did not have a quorum.
Public Comment: None
ACTION Item:Co-chair ballot and election
There were two Council members that sent emails of interest for the co-chair role. Those members were Kimberly Villotti and Stephanie Peters. There was not a quorum so an electronic vote would be sent to Council members.
Preschool Program Updates
- Based on the electronic vote there were no Council members opposed to the motion, “We (the Council) move to grant the waiver for the Flint Hills Burlington #3 grantee pending response from NAEYC regarding next steps.”The vote passed as we had quorum. Per the electronic vote, the following Council members voted in favor of the motion: Mary Shihadeh, Erin Clancy, PJ West, Mary Groen, Stephanie Peters, Peg Macek, Lora Patton, and Kimberly Villotti.
- In February 2015, the Council approved 67 Shared Visions Preschool competitive grant applicationsforgrant awards spanning a five-year period; pending available funds and the maintenance of Shared Visions Preschool grant requirements.FY17 renewal applications were completed by awarded grantees in Iowa Grants; all being submitted by the due date of June 24, 2016.Department staff have reviewed all renewal applications and first quarter payments are ready to be processed. Feedback from grantees indicated the process was user-friendly and efficient.
- Year-end reporting was made available in Iowa Grants for the first time this year to streamline data systems. It was previously available through the DE Portal.
- Year-end data will be used to complete the annual report to the Governor andthe National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) data request which istypically requested the first part of September.
Shared Visions Parent Supports Program
- All renewal applications for awarded parent support programs were submitted in Iowa Grants by the specified due date. Department staff reviewed each of the six applications and first quarter payments are ready to be processed.
- Regarding annual data collection, grantees transitioned from REDCap to the DAISEY system on July 18, 2016. Additionally, Shared Visions Parent Support programs will no longer submit a paper version of the supplemental year-end report due to it now being available in Iowa Grants. Year-end data will be used to completethe annual report to the Governor which will be due at the end of December 2016.
Council members present had the following updates:
Ryan: The state plan for the Child Development Block Grant has been submitted and rules will be presentedfor adoption fromthe Department of Human Services Council in mid-August. All Department of Human Services staff will be trained on the Health and Safety modules.
Beth: Beth has been working on data collection in regards to curricular elements of piloted programs. These pilot classrooms have integrated STEM into a predominantly literacy-based classroom and so far the results are indicating that the integration of STEM results in higher student achievement.
Update on Early Childhood Iowa
Amanda provided an update regarding work from the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. The ECI State Board had developed a list of committees to support the ECI Strategic Plan. The goal of these committees is to work towards a stronger, efficient early childhood system to support families and young children. These committees will be a combo of in-person and distance meeting options and are available on the ECI website.
Quorum was not present; therefore the members in attendance decided to address the following waiver requests at the September 14, 2016 meeting:
- The previous waiver for Community Action of Southeast Iowa: Burlington #3 was approved pending next steps from NAEYC. Per communication between the program and NAEYC, they will begin the accreditation process at step two of the four step accreditation process.
- A waiver regarding NAEYC accreditation status was submitted for Community Action of Southeast Iowa: Burlington #1 and Burlington #2. These programs, along with Burlington #3,will move to a new location at the Madison Head Start Preschool and Early Learning Center. These grantees do not have children enrolled in the summer months so the change will not be until FY17. The only change lies within the facility/location.
- A budget proposal was approved for $30,000 to support a program evaluation for Shared Visions. Staff have drafted a scope of work to share with the University of Iowa Center for Evaluation and Assessment in Measurement and Assessment. A brief overview of the draft scope of work includes the collection of available data sources from the Department, periodical meetings, preparation of data collection for a teacher and or program survey, distribution of inquiry, and data analysis.
- The Council had a brief conversation to review the consensus workshop activity from the April 20th meeting. The purpose of this activity was to guide next steps for duties of the Council. There was discussion of next steps and the desire to create a small workgroup which will bring information and/or recommendations back to the full Council. It was also requested that Department staff provide a summary of the work so far which indicates the duties that may need a more timely response or action. This work will then support the development of Council by-laws.
Future Meeting Agenda Items:
- Annual report to the Governor
The proposed upcoming Council meeting dates are:
- September 14, 2016 – Grimes Building – B50; 10:00am - 3pm
- November 9, 2016 – Grimes Building – B50; 10:00am – 3pm
- February 15, 2017 – Grimes Building – B50; 10:00am – 3pm
- April 12, 2017 – Grimes Building – B50; 10:00am – 3pm
- July 19, 2017 – Optional Distance Meeting & Grimes Building- 3 N Central; 10:00am-12:00pm
- The Council members present agreed to adjourn the meeting.