Sunday 13th August 2017

(Liturgical Colour: Green)


8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

Rev’d Clive Wood

Readings: Romans 10:5-15 (p.799); Matthew 14:22-33 (p.692)

10.00am All-age Family Service

Rev’d Clive Wood

Reading: Matthew 14:22-33

6.30pm Holy Communion (CW)

Rev’d Clive Wood

Readings: Romans 10:5-15; Matthew 14:22-33

Welcome to our Services. If you are a visitor, we hope you will feel at home and part of our Church Family as we worship God together. Leaflets and our monthly magazine are available at the back of church with information about our activities. Also, please look at our website –

Please join us for refreshments after the 10am Service

The Week Ahead

Mon 14th Jane’s day off

Wed 16th 9.15am Morning Prayer in Church

10.00 Art Club meeting at Cafe in Hall Place

Thurs 17th 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

(Readings: Joshua 3:7-11 &13-17; Matthew 18:21 – 19:1)

7.45pm Table tennis/Pool Club in Hall

Fri 18th 9.30am -11.30am Friday Coffee Morning in Church Hall

7.00pm – 8.30pm Choir Practice in Church

Sat 19th 11.30am – 4.00pm Work Party in Church Hall

Sun 20th The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.00am Holy Communion (CW)


Anglican Communion: Remo (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Rev Michael Fape

Diocese: Sidcup Deanery: Rev Philip Wells, Area Dean; Mrs Madeleine Waggett, Lay Chair

Parish/Deanery: Young people receiving exam results; for those living in Court Avenue and Gloucester Road

Our Country/The World: for world leaders to make the correct decisions in this period of crucial economic & political instability; those involved in the Paris attack.

For healing and wholeness: Doreen French, Maisie, Fran & Don Knight, Ann-Marie, Joan Watkins, Georgiana Nicol, John Davies, Carrie Stanley, Baby Miriam, Michael Smith (Michelle’s Dad), Andrew Davis, Roy Hunking, Shirley Miles, Peggy Stubberfield, Rachel Newby, Mary Dewsall, Timothy Mukibi, Harris Avery (6yrs), Zac Williams, Ann-Marie (in Jamaica), Amanda Johnson.

Those who have died: We pray for all who mourn.


TODAY: Michelle would like a meeting re Christmas Bazaar after 10.00am Service this morning.

Art Club this week will meet in the Cafe at Hall Place

Bible Reading New Daylight notes for Sept-Dec are available for those who’ve ordered them.

Hall work party: This will take place on Saturday 19th August 11.30am to 4.00pm. We will be tidying the grounds, cleaning gutters and painting. Do join us if you can, even an hour will help. Light lunch will be supplied at 1.30pm. Please let Clive know if you plan to come to the work party.

Would you like to look after a Rose Bed in the Garden of Remembrance? If so please speak to Michael Cooper at the 8.00am service, or Ruth Broad (01322 442078) at the 10.00am service. Thank you.

Confirmation: Anyone interested in being confirmed this year, please speak to Jane or Clive. Young people need to be over the age of 11yrs. If you're not baptised, it is possible to be baptised at the same service, or received into membership of the Church of England if you were baptised in another denomination.

Sunday Club: There is a questionnaire for parents to fill in and return to sidespeople or Ruth Alo.

Banner Booklet: Sue Moore has produced a booklet on our Church Banners, priced at £1.50. Do take a look – they are at the back of Church near the magazines.

Deanery Fun Day: Saturday 16 Sept 1-4pm @ St. Martin’s Barnehurst. Bouncy castle, Animal days out, BBQ, Face painting Come as a family £1.00 per person. Book with Laura on 07735410698

Showtime: Presented by Erith Operatic Society, Saturday 16 Sept 7.30pm in Church Hall. Join us for a selection from popular musicals and operetta, including Les Miserables, Disney’s Aladdin, Jungle Book and Lion King, Phantom of the Opera, and Chess, as well as ‘Antonio’ the 5 minute opera; and sing along to your favourites from Rogers & Hammerstein and other American blockbusters. Tickets £6 (on the door, in Church, or call Janette on 02083002990). All proceeds to be divided between EOS and All Saints.

“Over the last year, Bexley Foodbank have fed 2,428 adults and 1,661 children. We show no signs of slowing down but increasing. Many families have had benefits stripped to the bare minimum. Disability allowances have also been stripped. DWP take far too long and delay payments often. We also support those without recourse to public funds. Currently we are giving out more food than we are receiving, and need donations urgently. WE HAVE LOTS OF-pasta, beans, soup and tea, but very little of anything else in our storage unit. We are so grateful for your continued support. If you would like to know what our urgent needs are:- Tinned fruit & veg, Long life milk & juice, Squash, Tinned rice pudding, Noodles, Rice, Biscuits, Pasta sauce, Coffee, Sponge puddings, Sweet treats for kids, Mash potato, Toiletries

(toothpaste, body wash). Thank you once again for your support”.

Dates ahead

Sat 16 Sept 1.00pm-4.00pm Deanery Fun Day @ St. Martin’s Barnehurst

7.30pm Fund-raising concert in Church Hall

Sun 8 Oct Harvest Thanksgiving

Sun 29 Oct 3.00pm All Souls Memorial Service, followed by tea

Sun 5 Nov All Saints Sunday 10.00am Confirmation Service

The Charity Bowl - August

We will be raising funds for ‘Maggie’s. In May 1993, Maggie Keswick Jencks was told that her breast cancer had returned and was given two to three months to live. She joined an advanced chemotherapy trial and lived for another 18 months. During that time, she and her husband Charles Jencks worked closely with her medical team, which included oncology nurse, Laura Lee, now Maggie’s Chief Executive, to develop a new approach to cancer care. In order to live more positively with cancer, Maggie and Charles believed you needed information that would allow you to be an informed participant in your medical treatment, stress-reducing strategies, psychological support and the opportunity to meet other people in similar circumstances in a relaxed domestic atmosphere. In November 1996, the first Maggie’s Centre opened in Edinburgh and what Maggie had planned became a reality. There are two centres in London at Charing Cross Hospital, W6 and the Cancerkin Centre, NW3. Two more are planned at The Royal Marsden Hospital & St Bartholomew's Hospital.Chris Martin