Voegtlin June 2017

Journal #20 (The Last) English 1 Honors (The Best)

Journal #20: (FR) 06/02/17 “Thinking Back, Looking Ahead—Oh The Places You’ll Go!”

As you think back and ponder on that shy, nervous, anxious, excited, ecstatic (all of the aforementioned) person you were on August 29, 2016—the 1st day of your Freshman year at Peninsula High School, do you still see that same individual when you look in the mirror today?

How has this past year shaped you? How has your experience your first year as a Panther impacted you? What was your favorite, or best, moment/day/experience? What made this so impactful? And what about a down day, a difficult moment, a less than hoped for outcome? (And please think outside the proverbial box of grades on tests!) What did you learn from that experience? Have you become more resilient? More tolerant? More determined to succeed?

Most importantly, look ahead: like breaking in a new pair of dancing shoes, or soccer cleats, the unaccustomed and uncomfortable aspects of beginning high school are now behind you. It’s time to dance, to move, to really spread your wings and open your minds to the realization that you have the next three years to really explore who you are as individuals, and who you aspire to be. Are you ready? (I know you are!)

While I have had many memorable English 1 Honors classes here at Peninsula, and continue to enjoy interacting with many of those students, I have truly been blessed to share your Freshman year with all of you. You are a delight, you are deserving of every good and positive moment that comes your way, and you are shining examples of what learning should be all about— sharing your ideas and considering the ideas of others with open minds.

I purposefully planned the timing of this last journal entry in English 1 Honors to be one you complete at home, this weekend before finals. If I’d displayed this on the Smart Board, I would not have been able to keep the tears from coming. (And goodness knows you don’t want to see that again!)

Have a wonderful weekend! (Yes Zach, that is possible, even if you do have to study for a dumb old Period 0 math final!)

Ms. V.