Training and Exercise Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2010

Delaware Fire School


On October 6, 2010, the Training and Exercise Subcommittee meeting was held at the Delaware State Fire School in Dover, with representatives from the Training and Exercise Subcommittee and DEMA.

Attendees were:

a.  Robert Newnam, DSFS, Chairman

b.  Deidre Gleason, DEMA

c.  Thomas Nesbella, DEMA

d.  Tim Cooper, Sussex Co. EMS

e.  Suzanne Raab-Long, DE HC

f.  Matthew Higgins, DNREC

g.  Betty Decker, PHPS

h.  Claudette Martin-Wus, DTI

i.  Dwayne Day, DelDOT

j.  Robert Pflaumer, DEMA

k.  Edward Strouse, DEMA

l.  David Mick, Kent County

m.  Jack Anderson, Claymont FD

n.  Kurt Reuther, DSP/DIAC

o.  Bruce Von Goerres, DSP

p.  Larry Kibler, CAP

q.  Ed Klima, DIS

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Robert Newnam of the Delaware State Fire School at 8:30 a.m. The minutes were amended and approved from the September 1, 2010 meeting.

The September minutes were approved. (Von Goerres / Cooper)

Chairman Robert Newnam, asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Exercise Program

- USCG, TTX, 9/29/2010

- Port Wilmington, TTX, 10/4/2010

- Kent, TTX, 10/14/2010

- DTI, FE, 10/27/2010

Tom Nesbella, DEMA, briefed committee members on the upcoming exercise programs.

Training Program

-  2010 WMD Training Schedule

-  AWR-137 Critical Employee Emergency Planning course, 25- Aug, 94 attended

-  PER-230 & 231, IRTB & PRSBI, 2 Sept, 45 attended

-  MGT-312 Senior Officials Workshop, 14 Sept, 24 attended

-  MGT-345 Electric Power Systems, 15-16 Sept, 34 attended

-  PER-200 MCATI Basic, 28-30 Sept, DSP 43 enrolled

-  PER-220 Response to Domestic BIO Incidents, 5-7 Oct, 22 enrolled

-  MGT-341, Disaster Hospitals and Healthcare Org, or 12-13 Oct, 45 enrolled

-  MGT-311, Mayoral 20 Oct, 2 enrolled

-  AWR-160 WMD Awareness, 21 Oct, 14 enrolled

Tom Nesbella, DEMA, briefed on the 2010 WMD Training schedule. Tom Nesbella also brought up that Jeff Reed; DelDOT has made sure that his people are trained and up to date with all their course requirements.

After Action Report Improvement Plan

Tom Nesbella, DEMA, spoke that the AAR Improvement Plan will be reviewed for the up coming year.

Financial Statements

Tom Nesbella, DEMA, reviewed the FY08 Training & Exercise Budget. No comments were made.

Old Business

-  None

New Business

  1. Review Improvement Plans (IP’s)

-  Airport AAR should be final by the end of October

  1. WMD course Training requests

-  None

Training Request

David Mick requested the expenditure of $17,784.00 for TEEX, Structural Collapse Technician II for 4 people. The purpose of this course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skill and abilities to perform rescue at structural collapse scenes due to natural or human forces. This course is based on the FEMA 80 hour structural collapse technician course. The contact person for this is David Mick. The date(s) for the Trip are Nov. 29 - Dec. 8, 2010 The location: TEEX Collage Station, TX

Approved: (Von Goerres / Cooper)

Edward Strouse requested the expenditures of $1,375.50 for the Resource Unit Leader Position Specific Training. The purpose will allow the members to participate as a Resource Unit Leader on the Delaware IMT. This request is for 1 member of the team to attend. The date (s) for the Trip: Jan. 30 – Feb. 4, 2011. The location: Lake Mary, FL

Approved: ( Von Goerres/ Mick )

Edward Strouse requested the expenditures of $394.00 for Logistics Section Chief Train the Trainer Course. This class will allow the member to train new Logistics Section Chiefs for the Delaware IMT. This request is for 1 member of the team to attend. The date (s) for the Trip: Feb. 6-12, 2011. The location: Emmitsburg, MD

Approved: ( Von Goerres/ Mick)

Suzanne Raab-Long requested the expenditures of $6,976.00 for the approved Advanced Burn Life Support course to revert to funding for equipment. Justification: This amount would provide training for approximately 25, a small percentage of the over 200 to be trained. Since the course may only be funded three times, we will wait until there are more substantial sums are available.

Approved: ( Von Goerres/ Cooper)

Suzanne Raab-Long requested the expenditures of $3,498.28 for the Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness Course. This one-day course that is both didactic and interactive. It addresses core competencies a outlined by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Committee on Trauma (COT) Disaster and Mass Casualty Management Committee. Major topics addressed include planning, triage, incident command, injury patterns and pathophysiology, and consideration for special populations. The date (s) for the course: Nov. 19, 2010. The Location: Christiana Hospital.

Approved: ( Von Goerres/ Cooper)

Exercise Request

Other Subcommittee Business

- FY11 T&E submissions to the Working Group, Bob Pflaumer, Tom Nesbella

Bob Pflaumer discussed an earlier time line needed to be established, the Subcommittee discussed that the Statewide TEPW move to a September time frame for the discussion of courses and funding for the upcoming year. This year’s training requirements and DHS Grants funding will be based upon the State of Delaware Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan 2010-2012 and members need to be prepared to discuss them in November and December 2010.

- Speaker from DMV on fraudulent Documents, Dwayne Day

Dwayne Day introduced Kenneth Shock, Chief Fraud/Investigations Unit, Education and Training Administrator spoke about a possible course on identification of fraudulent documents.

- Outreach and training plan, Kurt Reuther

Kurt Reuther discussed the Homeland Security Outreach and Training Plan. This responder and government training is to target all statewide entities in finding other methods of presenting and tracking courses. The T&E Subcommittee will look into the purchase a management system statewide making alternative methods available to responders. A working group to look at Learning Management Systems has been formed members on this committee are as followed, Timothy Cooper, Claudette Martin-Wus, Robert Pflaumer, Ed Kilma, Betty Decker, Dwayne Day.

- Tom Nesbella reported the WMD printer used to make and reproduce course materials for classes is heavily used and approaching 5 years old and a replacement of the WMD printer needs to be looked at before it fails. Replacement of the WMD printer was discussed by the Subcommittee, keeping the cost below $10K and approved.

Approved: ( Von Goerres/ Day)


Meeting was adjourned at 10:33am. (Day /Cooper )

Next meeting will be held on Wednesday November 3, 2010 - Fire School, Dover @ 8:30 a.m.


Training & Exercise Subcommittee

October 6, 2010