DATE: March 11, 2018 7am–3pm
-5 fish limit per boat,
-Solo participants welcome
-Registration/Boat Check 5:30am-6:30am
$80.00 Cash Only at Ramp $10.00 Optional Lunker Bass Pool $5.00 Optional Pickerel Pool $5.00 Optional MISC. Pool
Limited to first 50 boats
For more information contact
Dylan @ , Jason @ , Corey @ r Chris @
Open Buddy Tournament Rules:
1. ALL boats must have a working aerated live well system.
2. All fish caught will be released back into lake after weigh-in.
3. Only Largemouth, Smallmouth bass will be weighed in and must be a minimum length of 12”
4. 5 bass per boat, Maximum 2 anglers per boat.
5. No trolling or fly fishing.
6. No live bait or prepared bait can be used. Artificial lures only. Pork bait type trailers will be allowed.
7. No culling of dead fish. Dead fish may be weighed with an 8oz, per fish penalty.
8. No fishing within 25 yards of an anchored boat with front trolling motor out of the water.
9. One rod per person may be used at any one time.
10. There will be a 4oz penalty for each minute late to weigh-in. 5 minutes late will result in DQ.
11. All NJ Fish & Game laws and Coast Guard rules must be followed.
12. All participants must be 18 years of age or older or accompanied by an adult.
13. All protests will be decided at Tournament site by a club official.
14. All fishing and landing of fish must be done from inside participant’s boat.
15. Winners will be determined on team’s total weight. Ties will be determined by the Teams Lunker Submission. Lunker ties will split lunker payout.
16. All fish must be brought to the scale in weigh-in bag filled with water.
17. Any short fish brought to the scale will result in a 1lb penalty each and loss of that fish. 18. Any Pools or Places not fulfilled will default to the club since this a fundraiser.
80% Payout
1-20 boats = 1st (60 %) and 2nd (40 %)
21-50 boats = 1st (50 %), 2nd (30 %), and 3rd (20 %) Lunker 100% Payout
Hope to see you there!
Registration Form:
Partner Name:______
In signing this participation form, I hereby release Lunker Hunters Penn • Jersey Bass Club, its members, officers, and sponsors from any and all damages or expenses resulting from participation in this event. I agree to abide by all tournament rules, and understand that I will forfeit my registration fee if I fail to arrive at the event by the stated registration period.
Circle Choices
$80 Tourney $10 Lunker Bass $5 Lunker Pickerel $5 Lunker MISC.