MissionviewSaddleClubState Wide Two Day Gymkhana
At the PimaCounty Fairgrounds-11300 S Houghton Rd. Tucson, AZ
Saturday and Sunday, April 28 & 29 –Grand Entry 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, show starts 8:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday
Welcome to Missionview Saddle Club’s two day State Show. The gymkhana will once again be held at the Pima County Fairgrounds during the last weekend of the Pima County Fair. Age groups will be as follows: 10& Under( definitive), with the other age groups being determined the week before the show. The number of riders will determine the number of age groups, with a maximum of the 10 & Under and 4 additional age groups. There must be 15 riders in an age group for a saddle to be given, this includes the 10 & Under. Cash and prizes will be paid out for each event and age group, with high point and runner up winners in each age group each day.. The number of riders in each age group will determine the number of places in an age group. For every 3 riders one place will be paid up to 5thplace. Please help us and submit your entries before the deadline as age groups will not be changed once set.
***Raffles and Pot of Gold Each Day***
$100 Entry Fee Per Rider - $50 For One Day Entry (Entry Deadline is April8th- $10 late fee)
Any rider who turns in $150 in advertising will have his/her entry fee waived. All sponsors ads will be in a program for contestants. Deadline for ads is April 8. Ads can be hard copy or be emailed to . Emails must be titled with riders name and the amount paid for the ad. Monies must be mailed in a timely manner. If you need assistance contact Bryn Fox 520-909-3197. Remember we also need donations for our raffle.
****More Sponsors=More Payout****
Please Note: All horses spending the night at the fairgrounds must be in stalls. You may not tie your horse or set up your own panels within the fairgrounds. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Since this show takes place during the fair please take notice that no one is allowed on the midway after the ferris wheel closes for the night.
All horses entering the Pima County Fairgrounds must be vaccinated against equine influenza.. There will be no exceptions. This policy has been put in place to ensure the health of all horses entering the Fairgrounds. This is being done on an honor system and your signature on the entry is all that is being required.
Once again be prepared to pay for stalls, camping, vehicle passes and entry passes at the entrance gate to the Pima County Fairgrounds. A $10 pass includes a vehicle pass and 2 admission credentials for the weekend. Other individuals in the vehicle may purchase the $10 pass or pay the daily admission fees to the fair. General Admission $9, Youth ages 6-10 $5, 5 and under free. Stalls will be $10 per stall per night. Outdoor turnouts will be $15 per night per horse.Campsites are $10 per night. Cash or check only! Payment for pass, camping and stall is to be made at the time of arrival to the Fairgrounds.
All vehicles must enter the Pima County Fairgrounds through the Green Gate, which is an entrance on the southwest side of the fairgrounds. Directions are I-10 to Houghton Rd. South on Houghton Rd to Brekke Rd. West on Brekke Rd to Harrison Rd. South on Harrison Rd to the Green Gate entrance. Signs will be posted.
The events will be run each day in the order listed. However, if conditions, circumstances or arena conditions warrant, they may be changed. This may include elimating an event(s) or substituting an event(s). All patterns can be found at missionviewsaddleclub.com.
Saturday – Barrels, Tailspin, Scurry, Double Bowtie
Sunday – Horseshoe Barrels, Open End Figure 8, Pylon, Bowtie
Thank you for participating and good luck!
Mail Entries/Advertising to: Kim GannonFor Information Contact: Bryn Fox 520-909-3197
9131 N Marathon Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85704
Make all checks payable to Missionview Saddle Club.
Please make copies as needed or go to our website at
Name______Birthdate______Age as of January 1, 2018______
Telephone Number______Email address______
Please include all monies with your entry. No one will be allowed to ride owing fees of any kind. Abusive action to animals, other riders, show personnel, etc. will not be tolerated. Parents and legal guardians are required to sign, authorizing entry of contestants under the age of 18. By signing this form I agree that members of the Missionview Saddle Club, the Pima County Fairgrounds and the Southwestern Fair Commission will not be held responsible for any injury or accident to me, my horse or my possessions. By signing this form I also certify that I have vaccinated my horse for equine influenza within the last year.
Rider______Parent/Legal Guardian______Date______