
QST Recognition- KD5PHQ and KE5LER

Oklahoma ARES Meeting

Oklahoma City Red Cross Request

Oklahoma City-County Health Department

Texoma Hamarama

Oklahoma Traffic Report

Upcoming Events

Praise in QST

The November edition of QST has two Oklahoma Section members’ activities worthy of note.

Claud-KD5PHQ wrote an article titled Laptop Computer Desk and Radio Support for your Pickup. Claud is an ARES emergency coordinator for Johnson County and is Chaplain of SOARES which is based in Ardmore. Congratulations to KD5PHQ whose article is on page 64-65 of QST. Robin-KE5LER is given words of praise on page 79 by being selected as one of the two Tulsa Mayor’s Citizen Corps Volunteers of the Year for 2006. Robin is a trainer for CERT and the American Red Cross. She assisted at Camp Gruber, OK in 2005 and previously as a FEMA disaster recovery worker.

Well done Robin and Claud!

Oklahoma ARES Meeting December 2 Perry, OK

This from Troy-KC5VML with email of

We would like folks to RSVP no later than November 15. Reasoning for that is we need to plan for course materials, and books. The IS100 course will be in the afternoon, so the ARES meeting will all be conducted before lunch.

Agenda is as follows:

Northern Oklahoma ARES meeting - Hosted by the Noble County Amateur Radio Group, Perry OK

Primary Focus: Vision and Organization of ARES Oklahoma

0900-0930 Sign in

0930-1000 Introductions - Recognize all of our Leadership, down to the ZEC's Ask SM (if available) to give his expectations of ARES, and of the SEC. SM to introduce SEC

1000-1030 SEC "ARES overview, and Expectations

1030-1045 Break

1045-1115 ZEC Break out. ZEC with collective DEC, and EC

1115-1215 Lunch

1215-1515 IS 100 Introduction to Incident Command System

Also, we decided, that we would not limit this to just northern OK, we are making it open to any one that wants to come. But we are going to focus our invitations to the Northern part of the state. We are focusing on ARES leadership, but anyone can attend.

Red Cross Request

The Central Oklahoma Chapter is participating in a Red Cross 5 State amateur radio exercise on November 18, 2006 from 0900 – 1300 hrs at the Chapter, 601 NE 6th Street, OKC. The Chapter will be sending and receiving messages from the simulated Disaster Relief Operation HQ location in Dallas. We may also be relaying messages for those who cannot reach the Chapter. Lunch will be provided for the participants. This is a great opportunity for operators to visit the Chapter and play with our equipment as well as bring their own to ensure we can accomplish the mission. Participants can go to for further details of the exercise. Please spread the word about the exercise and have anyone interested contact me so I can add their names to the list. The purpose of the list is to ensure we order enough lunch.

I am also looking for an experienced operator to take the lead for the exercise for our Chapter. Let me know if anyone is interested in attending or taking the lead.

Lenard Liebe

Assistant Director, Response

American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma

(405) 228-9521

Oklahoma City-County Health Department

needs 140 MRC Volunteers

to assist with Influenza Immunizations

at 2 Drive Through Vaccination Sites

on Tuesday, November 14, 2006.

Volunteers will report to our Staging Location at about 7:30 that morning and finish their work by 2:30 that afternoon. After receiving training some will be assigned (and transported) to the second immunization site. Most will be working out-of-doors or in tents and may be required to stand, walk, or sit for long periods of time. Volunteers are asked to bring ready-to-eat sack lunches not requiring refrigeration. Persons with the following qualifications are needed:

  • 5 RN's
  • 36 LPN's
  • 2 Certified First Aid
  • 2 Nurse Educators
  • 13 Mental Health
  • 23 Clerical Support Staff
  • 54 General Support Staff - must be able to lift 25 pounds
  • 8 Ham Radio Technicians

To participate you must have completed your MRC Orientation, and received a Background Check Clearance.

For additional information or to sign-up contact :

Candy Cernigliaro , Volunteer Coordinator

Oklahoma City County Health Department

(405) 419-4266 office; (405) 249-7235 cell;

Texoma Hamarama

Sure hope all enjoyed the event this past weekend. Thanks to Henry-K5BUG and so many others who work a good bit of the year to make this successful. Sorry, to have not been able to make it but thought of the event and attendees and pulled for a good time to be had by all.

Green Country Hamfest Tailgate & Swap Meet

It was a great turnout on a beautiful fall morning in downtown Tulsa. Thanks to all for the hospitality and fellowship of October 21.This event provided an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with numerous Oklahoma Section members and a new ham or two, including Jon, Aimee-KE5GEU and Peter-KC5RTI Sawyer of Broken Arrow.

Muskogee ARC

Joined with Section Assistant Emergency Coordinator Mark Conklin-N7XYO for an October 17 visit to the Muskogee Club. Club members offered a bountiful dinner and lively discussion. An index card project brought thoughtful answers to questions about ARRL and serving in emergency communications. This is an active, energetic club that serves its community well. Special recognition went to Net Manager Wayne Williams-AA5JJ.

Oklahoma Traffic Report by Arlyn-KK5GY

September 2006

Public Service Honor Roll Arlyn-KK5GY & Sam-W5CU

Station Activity Reports Cecil-KI5LQ O.C.-WA5OUV Arley-WB5NKC Pat-WB5NKD

Aryln-KK5GY & Sam W5CU

September totals

Sessions-236 Stations-2,313 Traffic-1031

January through September 2006

Sessions-2030 Stations- 20,507 Traffic-9,560

Upcoming Events

November 4 Enid Hamfest

Contact Tom


Oklahoma Statehood Day Special Event Station –Edmond Amateur Radio Society (EARS)

Don't forget to mark your calendars for Saturday, November 18th, when EARS will take K5EOK on the road to Guthrie for the next major operating event for the Society in commemoration of the 99th anniversary of statehood.

The place is the State Capitol Publishing Museum, 201 W. Harrison, which was the site of an original State Capital. The purposes are to commemorate the achievement of statehood by the Oklahoma Territory, to test EARS' portable operation capability, and to have fun. The time is 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Lunch at the BBQ place thereafter. Dress circa 1907- best costume and at least one contact at the station earns you a FREE LUNCH. Contact Sam-W5CU for further information. His email is

73, John-WB5SYT