New Patient Information Packet


1)  Review “Payment Terms and Agreements”, “Notices of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information” and “Online Communications Policy” located on this website

2)  Print the 2nd and 3rd pages of this packet to fill out

3)  Sign the following Consent/Signature sheet and the New Patient History form

4)  Arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment

5)  Call at least 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule

6)  Be sure to bring both the Consent/Signature sheet and New Patient History form with you to your appointment.

7)  You will also need to bring your insurance card, any applicable co-pay and a photo ID.

Summit Gastroenterology

Patient Consent, Contact and Signature sheet


Patient Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

Social Security #: ______

Present Address: ______Apartment #: ______

City ______State ______Zip ______

Telephone (#1) ______This is how we will contact you to provide results and appointment reminders

(#2) ______This is our backup number to reach you

Primary Language______

Race ______Ethnicity ______


In case of emergency please notify:

Emergency contact name ______Relation ______

Telephone ______



NAME OF PRIMARY INSURED (if different from above) ______

SS# OF PRIMARY HOLDER (if different) ______DOB OF PRIMARY HOLDER ______



(Please review the Patient Information Packet before signing below. Please note that we will leave normal lab or test results on your answering machine unless you specifically ask us not to)

1) I have reviewed the document, “PAYMENT TERMS AND AGREEMENTS, V 2/11/2011” and my

signature here indicates that I agree to the terms set forth: X______

Signature of patient or patient representative

2) I have reviewed the document, “Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information”:


Signature of patient or patient representative

3) I authorize the exchange of pharmacy information between my pharmacy and Dr. Aaron Burrows, MD P.C.:


Signature of patient or patient representative

4) I have reviewed the “Online Communications Informed Consent” and “Patient Portal Info”:


Signature of patient or patient representative

My email address is: ______(This allows us to notify you of test results and allows you access to the patient portal.)


Your Name: Your Age: / Patient barcode goes here
(do not write in this section)
Your Referring Doctor:
What is your Chief Complaint?
Regarding this illness, do you have or have you had:  Abdominal pain  Heartburn/reflux  Nausea  Vomiting Blood in vomit Difficulty swallowing  Loss of Appetite Constipation  Diarrhea  Fever Red Blood in stool  Black/tarry stools  Unintended weight loss  Regurgitation of food  Yellow skin/eyes
Have you ever had a COLONOSCOPY: Yes -when?______No
Have you ever had an Upper Endoscopy (EGD) : Yes- when?______No
Please list your past medical history:
Please list all your previous surgeries (and approximate dates):
Please list all your current medications. Include birth control, aspirin, over-the-counter, or homeopathic medicines:
Drug allergies and type of reaction:
Which Vaccinations have you had?:  □Hepatitis A-Year completed:  □Hepatitis B-Year completed:
Family Health (please list any health problems or cancers for your immediate family):
Mother: Father: Siblings: Grandparents:
Is there a history of colon polyps in your family?  Yes  No  I don’t know
Smoking? Yes  No  Former
How many years did you smoke? :______How Much?: ______/ Recreational Drugs? Yes  No Type:______
Alcohol? None Occasional Moderate Heavy
Occupation: / Caffeine use:  None  Moderate  Heavy / Diet: Regular  Vegetarian
Sexual History: Sexually active?  Yes  No  Heterosexual  Homosexual  Bisexual
Your Height: ______Weight: ______
Review of Systems (Please circle only those conditions below that you have or have had in the past)
Constitutional:  Fatigue  Fever  Night sweats  Weight gain (______lbs)  Weight loss (______lbs)
 Hearing loss  Nose bleeds  Sinus Problems  Sore throat  Bleeding gums  Snoring  Mouth ulcers
Cardiac:  Chest Pain/Pressure Arm pain on exertion  Shortness of breath  Palpitations  Heart Murmur  Angina /Heart Attack  Heart valve infection  CHF  Leg Edema  Abnormal EKG
Respiratory:  Cough  Wheezing  Shortness of breath  Asthma  COPD/Emphysema
Digestive:  Abdominal pain  Vomiting  Change of Appetite  Black or tarry stools Celiac Sprue/Gluten sens Lactose Intolerance Hepatitis C Hemorrhoids Diverticulosis Hiatal Hernia Ulcers  Pancreas problems Liver disease Gallbladder problems Inflammatory Bowel Disease  Irritable Bowel Syndrome  GI Cancers:______ Sensitivities to foods ______ Infection Fatty Liver Reflux/GERD  Colitis
Urinary:  Urinary loss of control  Difficulty urinating  Urinary frequency  Incomplete emptying  Kidney Stones  Urinary Infections  Chronic Kidney Disease
Muscles/Bones:  Muscle aches/weakness  Joint pain  Back pain  Osteoporosis
Neuro: Loss of consciousness Weakness Numbness Seizures  Dizziness Headaches Stroke  Multiple Sclerosis
Psychiatric:  Depression  Anxiety Mania  Sleep disturbances  Feeling unsafe in a relationship  Alcohol abuse  Schizophrenia Anorexia Bulemia
Endocrinology:  Increased thirst  Hair falling out  Increased hair growth  Chronically tired  Thyroid Disease Pituitary Problems  Adrenal Problems  Reproductive Problems  Diabetes
Hematology:  Swollen glands  Bruising  Bleeding problems  Anemia (low red blood cell count)  Low platelets  High/low white blood cells  Blood Cancers  HIV+  Blood transfusions  STD
Skin/Allergy: Skin rashes  Jaundice  Eczema  Bruising Itching Hives Sneezing