6th AMC DRR, Bangkok, Thailand Registration Form
The 6thAsian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangkok, Thailand
22-26 June, 2014
The Royal Thai Government is pleased to invite you to the Sixth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Bangkok on 22-26 June 2014 to be held in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference is hosted by the Royal Thai Government in collaboration with UNISDR. Participants from local and national Governments, Regional Intergovernmental Organizations, United Nations and International Organization, NGOs and civil society organizations, Private sector, Scientific and Academic community, development partners and media are expected to join this event.
All participants are required to register on-line through the registration link visit The focal point in the host country (Thailand) will validate each registration and confirm the participants accordingly.
If ‘ONLY’ you are unable to register on-line then please use this form to register. Please fill in all required details and send it to . All offline registration will be treated case-by-case basis and will be included in the on-line registration if approved by the secretariat. Please note that the processing of offline registration may take longer time and hence participants are requested to use it only in exceptional circumstances.
Obtaining visa to enter Thailand will be the responsibility of each participant.
Registration Form
(Please note all the * marked fields are mandatory and the form will be unusable if any of the mandatory field left blank)
Which delegation will you be a member of?*
Official government delegation Which government? ______
Other delegation
About You
Salutation*: ______
First Name*:______
Family Name*: ______
Gender*:Male/ Female
Where You Work
Type of Organization*: ______
Organization Name*:______
Please enter the full name of the organization where you work and avoid using acronyms. If you work for a government, please provide the exact department
and not, for example, 'Government of Thailand'.
Number of Staff/ Employees (globally)*:______
Job Title*:______
Work Email*:______
Confirm Work Email*:______
Please include country code in Phone, Mobile and Fax number
Work Phone Number*:______
Mobile Number*:______
Organization Website*:______
Organization Address
County of Location*: ______
Street Address*:______
City/ Town/ Village*:______
Postal Code*:______
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