A Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) needs to be selected for its suitability to both house a Regional Response Team and be able to operate before, during and after an event has occurred. This will require a combination of buildings, hardware and software.
Venue/Location Considerations / üLocation is in an area that is unlikely to be affected during an event (No flooding, very low bushfire risk etc.)
As close to the regional office as practicable (if not using the regional office)
Main work area has adequate space, good lighting, low ambient sound level
Area is accessible 24 Hours/ 7 Days a week /Year round
Adequate 24 Hour accessible car parking available
Adequate reliable communication infrastructure available e.g. landlines, faxes, access to internet/email, good mobile phone /wireless coverage etc.
Appropriate kitchen/drinking water, toilet and bathroom facilities
An entry/reception area that can be physically secured
Relevant furniture and equipment available/in situ
Adequate required storage space
Air-conditioning/ ventilation
Good TV/Radio reception
Multi-purpose area (conference, briefing) available
Backup power/ generator/UPS
Following is a suggested list of equipment and documentation for the RCC. Items can be added and/or deleted to suit the needs of each RCC. The need for particular items should be judged against the need to make the centre as efficient and as effective as possible.
Equipment Considerations / üTelephones – with appropriate line capacity
Satellite phone and Facsimile machines - with appropriate line capacity
Computers / Laptops/IPads – networked
Printers - networked
Key phone numbers/ email addresses/ website details including School and Principal Contact details, ESMU Disaster Management Phone Directory etc.
Key reference documents e.g. ERP’s, Regional Emergency Response Plan/School ERPs and Regional Business Continuity Plan.
Appropriate tables and chairs
Clock (24 hour type preferable)
All necessary keys/ access cards etc.
Whiteboards and Markers
Public radio receivers (with spare batteries)
Adequate Stationery
Data projector and screen
Auxiliary power (if not already installed in the building)
Auxiliary communications (two-way radios, mobile phones)
Mobile phone/ Laptop chargers
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