Emily Meschter Early Learning Center
News from Ms. Emilie and Ms. Jessica
Week of January 22-25, 2018
Love of Reading Month: February is Love of Reading Month at the preschool. In order to show our students how important and fun reading is, we invite you to read in the classroom. Our goal is to have a special guest reader each day of the month! Readers can be anyone interested in sharing a love of reading. Reading times will be 11 am or 3 pm. Please sign up on the calendar in the classroom or by contacting Ms. Emilie or Ms. Jessica.
Book Orders: Book orders are here for a February order. There are some wonderful books at reasonable prices, even books for $1.00! If you are interested in ordering, you may submit your order with a check or online through scholastic.com. If you order online, please use our classroom code NJYYC so our school can earn free books for the library! If you have any questions please contact Ms. Jessica.
Important Dates:
-Cafecito, Wednesday, January 31, 7:30-8:30 am and 11:30-12:30 pm
-Raising Special Kids, Workshop for parents of students with special needs, Wednesday, January 31, 5:00-7:00pm
-Half day, Thursday, February 1, AM Class-8:30 am-10:00 am, PM Class 11:00 am-12:30 pm
-Caring Parents Meeting, Tuesday, February 20, 3:45 pm
Daily Notes for the week of January 22-25, 2018:
Monday 1/22 / Tuesday 1/23 / Wednesday 1/24 / Thursday 1/25Library- Ms. Emilie’s class / Library- Ms. Jessica’s class
Unit Focus: Math
Theme: Love and Laughter
Weekly Learning Goals:
1. To identify pairs of rhyming words.
2. To compare 3 bear species and their biological needs.
Books: I’m Going to Give You a Bear Hug by Caroline Cooney
Our Amazing World: Bears by Kay de Silva
Vocabulary (literacy): hug, mane, waddle, drippy
Vocabulary (math): species, American Black Bear, Panda Bear, Polar Bear
Ms. Emilie’s Room (Literacy): Day 1: Children will discuss rhyming words and find examples in the book, then take a picture walk through the book. In learning centers, children will create a rhyme in their journal and draw pictures to go with it. Children will also enjoy sensory play with bears and boats in the water table.
Ms. Jessica’s Room (STEM): Day 1: Children will create a chart to compare the food and habitat needs of 3 species of bears. In learning centers, children will create a journal entry describing what a bear needs for food and shelter. Children will also make a bear mask to use during our dramatic play.
Ms. Emilie’s Room (Literacy): Day 2: Children will read the story and identify rhyming pairs. In learning centers, children will play a matching rhyme game and create a collage relating to a bear.
Ms. Jessica’s Room (STEM): Day 2: Children will solve a design challenge and create a habitat for an American Black Bear. In learning centers, children will continue to create journal entries and make food and shelter props to use during bear dramatic play.
**Please see the full lesson plan posted in the classroom if you would like to know which Arizona Early Learning Standards are being emphasized in this week’s curriculum.**
Lo sentimos que no somos capaces de traducir nuestros boletines informativos en español. Esperamos que usted puede encontrar a un familiar o amigo para ayudarle a traducir, pero por favor llame a la Sra. Emilie si tienes preguntas sobre el contenido del boletín.