The subscription of £12 is due annually in January If you are joining mid year please contact the office or 01372 749955 and we will tell you how much to pay.

Please make cheques payable to Through the Roof

You name will now be added to our database and you will also receive a regular copy of our news letter The Vital Link.

Please indicate if you would prefer to receive this in standard print

large print Vital Link

audio tape.

Or I do not wish to receive a copy of the Vital Link

We look forward to hearing from you

Disabled Christians Fellowship is part of

Through the Roof registered charity 1087788.

01372 749955

Come Fishing Ministry

“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men”

The Come Fishing Ministry has been a popular and important part of Disabled Christians Fellowship for many years having begun in 1976.

Come Fishing is now available on CD as well as audio tape.Lasting for one hour,it contains news, poems, music, prayer items as well as a down-to-earth insight into Bible stories and teaching.

Recorded by DCF Coordinator Jenny Edwards, they provide vital companionship and spiritual fellowship to many who are lonely, unable to get out or simply in need of support and love from caring Christians.

If you would like to receive a copy regularly please fill in the application form. We do ask for a contribution towards postage of £12 per year, which also allows you to keep your copy.

If you are joining part way through the year please contact the office or 01372 749955to check the subscription.

Your copy should arrive on or around 15th of each month

Please send your completed form to:

DCF Tape Ministry

PO Box 353,

Epsom KT18 5WS

Name ______

Address ______

______Postcode ______

Phone no: ______

Please indicate which format you would like



Please tell us a little about yourself below


