Unpacked Content

I.  Functions of the digestive system

A.  Mouth

1.  Tongue

2.  Teeth

3.  Salivary glands

4.  Palate

5.  Uvula

B.  Pharynx

C.  Esophagus

D.  Stomach

1.  Fundus

2.  Body

3.  Pylorus

4.  Cardiac Sphincter

5.  Pyloric Sphincter

E.  Small intestine

1.  Duodenum

2.  Jejunum

3.  Ileum

F.  Pancreas

G.  Liver

H.  Gallbladder

I.  Large intestine

1.  Cecum

2.  Veriform appendix

3.  Ascending colon

4.  Transverse colon

5.  Descending colon

6.  Sigmoid colon

7.  Rectum

8.  Anus

II.  Processes of digestion

A.  Chemical

B.  Physical

C.  Absorption

D.  Elimination

III.  Relevance of nutrition to the digestive system

A.  Electrolytes

B.  Vitamins

IV.  Common disorders of the digestive system and their treatments

A.  Anorexia

B.  Caries

C.  Cholecystitis

D.  Cirrhosis

E.  Cleft palate

F.  Constipation

G.  Diarrhea

H.  Gastroenteritis

I.  Gastroesophageal reflux disease

J.  Hepatitis

K.  Irritable bowel syndrome

L.  Peptic ulcers

1.  / Functions of the Digestive System
·  Distribute the handout.
·  Present the Power Point presentation, slides 1-22.
·  Student will record notes and classroom discussion on the handout, identifying the functions of the digestive organs. / Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the functions of the digestive system. / 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system Power Point presentation, slides 1-22
2.08 Functions of the Digestive System Handout
2.  / Match the Function
·  Distribute the handout.
·  Students will match terms with the appropriate response.
·  Note: This can be used for homework or class work.
·  Grade the handout and review with students.
·  Students will use the handout as study tool and resource. / Students will REMEMBER (A1) the functions of the digestive system. / 2.08 Match the Function Handout
3.  / Process of Digestion
·  Distribute the handout.
·  Students may use textbook to answer the questions in their own words.
·  Allow appropriate amount of time for students to complete the handout.
·  May collaborate with a partner, if desired.
·  Facilitate class discussion for students to share their responses. / Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the functions of the digestive system. / 2.08 Process of Digestion Handout
4.  / Common Disorders of the Digestive System
·  Distribute the handout.
·  Present the Power Point presentation, slides 23 - 37.
·  Student will record notes and classroom discussion on the handout.
·  Facilitate discussion by asking students which specialists may be involved to treat disorders of the digestive system.
·  Students will use the handout as a study tool and resource.
·  Students may use the back of the handout as necessary to record responses. / Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) disorders of the digestive system. / 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system Power Point presentation, slides 23 - 37
2.08 Common Disorders of the Digestive System Handout
5.  / Mystery Diagnosis
·  Distribute the handout.
·  Students will read the scenario and answer the questions.
·  Facilitate discuss of by asking students to discuss possible preventative measures for gastric disorders.
·  Students will use handout as a study tool and resource.
·  Students may record class discussion on the back of the handout as necessary. / Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) disorders of the digestive system. / 2.08 Mystery Diagnosis Handout
6.  / Choose MyPlate
·  Assign students to explore SuperTracker at chooseMyplate.gov.
·  Students should complete the inventory options to develop their personalized nutrition and physical activity plan.
·  Follow the directions as given at the web site to assess their current nutrition, activity and general health status.
·  Student will use My Reports to document completion of this assignment.
·  Discuss the body’s use of nutrients. / Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the digestive system’s use of nutrients. / Computer access
7.  / Body Processes and Nutrients
·  Distribute the handout.
·  Students will use the textbook, reference books, and/or internet sources to complete the chart.
·  List the nutrients that are needed to carry out the body function and foods that contain the nutrients.
·  Facilitate discussion and clear up misconceptions. / Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the digestive system’s use of nutrients. / 2.04 Body Processes and Nutrients Handout
8.  / 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system Assessment
·  Distribute the assessment.
·  Allow students the class time to complete the assessment.
·  Grade papers and return to students as soon as possible. / Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the digestive system. / 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system Assessment as prepared by the teacher or as provided
9.  / 3.01 Remember the structures of the integumentary system preparation
·  Assign students to use their textbooks to read about the integumentary system.
·  Students should be given an assignment to complete to facilitate learning.
·  Note: This could be an assignment from the materials provided or as provided by the teacher.)
·  Review and return these materials to students prior to beginning the next objective. / Students will REMEMBER (A1) the structures of the integumentary system. / Textbook
Materials provided

7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 181

7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 181

2.08 Functions of the Digestive System Name______

Handout Date______

Directions: Record notes and classroom discussion of functions of the digestive system on the handout while viewing the PowerPoint presentation.

Processes of Digestion

A.  Chemical ______

B.  Physical ______

C.  Absorption ______

D.  Elimination ______

2.08 Match the Function Name______

Handout Date______

Directions: Match the terms in Column A to their meaning in Column B.

Column A Column B

7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 181

______1. Absorption

______2. Trypsin

______3. Mastication

______4. Peristalsis

______5. Bile

______6. Flatulence

______7. Glycogen

______8. Liver

______9. Enzymes

______10. Cardiac sphincter

______11. Pyloric sphincter

______12. Gallbladder

______13. Chyme

______14. Palate

______15. Large intestine

A.  Regulates food passage from the stomach to the duodenum

B.  Contractions of smooth muscle that helps move food through the digestive tract

C.  Stores vitamins A, D, and B complex

D.  Emulsifies fat and is produced by the liver

E.  Polysaccharide stored in the liver

F.  Passing of substance into the body tissues & fluids

G.  Helps digest fatty foods

H.  Pancreatic enzyme that breaks down proteins into amino acids

I.  Excessive gas in the digestive tract

J.  The act of chewing

K.  Chemical substances that promote chemical reactions during digestion

L.  Circular muscle; controls passage of food into stomach

M.  Semi liquid food found in the large intestine

N.  Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity

O. Water re-absorption

7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 181

2.08 Match the unction Name______

Handout KEY Date______

Directions: Match the terms in Column A to their meaning in Column B.

Column A Column B

7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 181

___F___ 1. Absorption

___H___ 2. Trypsin

___J___ 3. Mastication

___B___ 4. Peristalsis

___D___ 5. Bile

___I ___ 6. Flatulence

___E___ 7. Glycogen

___C___ 8. Liver

___M___ 9. Enzymes

___L___ 10. Cardiac sphincter

___A___ 11. Pyloric sphincter

___G___ 12. Gallbladder

___N___ 13. Chyme

___O___ 14. Palate

___P___ 15. Large intestine

A.  Regulates food passage from the stomach to the duodenum

B.  Contractions of smooth muscle that helps move food through the digestive tract

C.  Stores vitamins A, D, and B complex

D.  Emulsifies fat and is produced by the liver

E.  Polysaccharide stored in the liver

F.  Passing of substance into the body tissues & fluids

G.  Helps digest fatty foods

H.  Pancreatic enzyme that breaks down proteins into amino acids

I.  Excessive gas in the digestive tract

J.  The act of chewing

K.  Chemical substances that promote chemical reactions during digestion

L.  Circular muscle; controls passage of food into stomach

M.  Semi liquid food found in the large intestine

N.  Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity

O.  Water re-absorption

7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 181

2.08 Process of Digestion Name______

Handout Date______

Directions: Answer the following questions in your own words. Participate in class discussion to share responses.

1.  Compare mechanical and chemical digestion.

2.  Describe the process that saliva is responsible for in the mouth.

3.  Explain what happens to the food in the stomach.

4.  Chyme leaves the stomach and enters into the small intestine. Describe the chemical reactions that occur.

5.  The gall bladder and pancreas are 2 accessory organs that assist in digestion. Explain how the pancreatic juice gets to the duodenum and what the enzymes do at this point.

6.  Describe the location and function of the 3 main accessory organs.

7.  Explain how the large intestine finishes the digestive process.

2.08 Common Disorders of the Digestive System Name______

Handout Date______

Directions: Use this handout to record notes and class discussion while viewing the PowerPoint presentation.

Disorder / Signs & Symptoms / Treatment
Cleft palate
Gastroesophogeal reflux disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Peptic ulcers

2.08 Mystery Diagnosis Name______

Handout Date______

Directions: Read the scenario and answer the following questions. You may record class discussions on the back of the handout as necessary.

CC: A 50 year-old woman presents with chest pain and burping exacerbated by eating.

HPI: The patient states that her symptoms are worsened when she lies down.

She has a 30 year history of smoking (1/2 pack per day), and is currently being treated with diltiazem for hypertension.

PE: VS: BP = 146/92, HR = 82, RR = 18. Physical examination reveals a tender epigastrium on deep palpation.

Labs: Endoscopy obtained mucosal biopsies show changes to the normal esophageal mucosa.

Imaging: A barium swallow study reveals refluxed barium back into the esophagus from the stomach.

1. What does the word “exacerbated” mean?

2. Where is the epigastric region of the abdomen?

3. Which of the vital signs is abnormal? What is the correct medical term for this normal vital sign?

4. What is an endoscope?

5. Is this patient’s chest pain caused by a cardiac (heart) condition? (Give your reasons)

6. What conditions other than cardiac disease can commonly cause chest pain?

7. Why does this patient’s pain worsen when lying down?

8. What is your diagnosis for this patient?

2.08 Mystery Diagnosis Name______

Handout KEY Date______

Directions: Read the scenario and answer the following questions. You may record class discussions on the back of the handout as necessary.

CC: A 50 year-old woman presents with chest pain and burping exacerbated by eating.

HPI: The patient states that her symptoms are worsened when she lies down.

She has a 30 year history of smoking (1/2 pack per day), and is currently being treated with diltiazem for hypertension.

PE: VS: BP = 146/92, HR = 82, RR = 18. Physical examination reveals a tender epigastrium on deep palpation.

Labs: Endoscopy obtained mucosal biopsies show changes to the normal esophageal mucosa.

Imaging: A barium swallow study reveals refluxed barium back into the esophagus from the stomach.

1. What does the word “exacerbated” mean?

2. Where is the epigastric region of the abdomen?

3. Which of the vital signs is abnormal? What is the correct medical term for this normal vital sign?

4. What is an endoscope?

5. Is this patient’s chest pain caused by a cardiac (heart) condition? (Give your reasons)

6. What conditions other than cardiac disease can commonly cause chest pain?

10.  Why does this patient’s pain worsen when lying down?

11.  What is your diagnosis for this patient? GERD

2.08 Body Processes and Nutrients Name______

Handout Date______

Directions: Use your text, reference, and/or internet sources to complete the chart. List the nutrients that are needed to carry out the body function and foods that contain the nutrients.

Body Process / Nutrient
Lipids / Vitamin / Mineral / Food(s)
Normal bone & teeth
Normal blood clotting
Nucleic acid synthesis
Cellular respiration
Night Vision/Vision
Nervous System
Normal growth
Red blood cell synthesis
Primary source of energy
Wound Healing

2.08 Body Processes and Nutrients KEY Name______

Handout Date______

Directions: Use your text, reference, and/or internet sources to complete the chart. List the nutrients that are needed to carry out the body processes and what foods contain the nutrients.

Body Process / Nutrient
Lipids / Vitamin / Mineral / Food(s)
Normal bone & teeth / Protein / C, D / Calcium
Phosphorous / Milk; cheese; dark green vegetables; dried legumes; sardines; shellfish; meat
Normal blood clotting / K / Calcium / Green leafy vegetables; cereal; milk; cheese; shellfish
Nucleic acid synthesis / B12
Folic Acid / Milk, liver, brain, beef, egg yolk, salmon, yeast, green vegetables, mushrooms, veal
Cellular respiration / B2 (riboflavin)
E / Cheese, eggs, milk, fish, meat, cereal, enriched bread
Night Vision/Vision / A,C, E / Omega-3
Zinc / Margarine; green & yellow vegetables; milk, eggs, liver; citrus fruits; tomatoes; potatoes; whole wheat; shellfish
Nervous System / B1, B12 / Calcium
Sodium / Chicken, fish, meat, whole grain cereals & breads, egg yolk, salmon; cheese, vegetables, fruits, table salt
Normal growth / Protein / A, B3(niacin)
Folic Acid
C, D / Magnesium
Zinc / Whole grains; green leafy vegetables; citrus fruits; meats; nuts; eggs; legumes; milk; cheese;
Red blood cell synthesis / B12
C, E
Folic Acid / Iron / Citrus fruits; milk; salmon; beef; dark green vegetables; whole wheat; eggs; mushrooms; shrimp
Primary source of energy / Carbohydrates (CHO’s)
Lipids / Chromium
Magnesium / Meats; clams; whole-grain cereals; vegetable oils; green leafy vegetables; nuts; fruit; brown rice/pasta
Wound Healing / Protein / A, C / Sulfur
Zinc / Meats; eggs; milk; cheese; nuts; shellfish; wheat bran; butter; green & yellow vegetables

2.08 Prototype Assessment Items

Note: These items illustrate the types of items used in the item bank for this objective. All items have been written to match the cognitive process of the understand verb in the objective. Questions require students to interpret, summarize or explain safety procedures. These exact questions will not be used on the secured test, but questions in similar formats will be used.