NJ-L2L On-Line Resources

Usewebsiteto: 1) take self-assessments, review self-assessment results,

2) evaluate the NJ-L2L program and 3) download required forms.

To Log-on:

  1. Using your Internet browser, go to the
  2. In the left menu box, click on “Mentor/Resident Login.”
  3. Enter your username and password in lower-case that was provided in your NJ-L2L confirmation letter then click on “login.” Make sure you type the information accurately, making sure the letters are entered correctly.
  4. You will know you have logged in correctly because you will see the “welcome” and your name message in the center of the screen.
  5. All features are listed in the menu box on the left side of your screen. (Note: You may change your assigned password by using the “Change Password” link in the menu box.)

To Take the Pre- and Post- Self-Assessments: (Pre-Assessment is taken during the first month of your program and the Post-Assessment is taken the last month of the program.)

  1. Click on “Complete Self-Assessments” in the left-hand menu section.
  2. You will see the four self-assessments located in description boxes. Click on the “start assessment” button at the bottom of each assessment description.
  3. Each self-assessment has multiple sections based either on standards or leadership categories.
  1. You can enter your individual self-assessment item ratings by clicking on the appropriate scoring buttons for each question. Once you click on Next Section, you CANNOT GO BACK to previous sections.
  2. Continue through the sections until the last one, and you will then be prompted to click on “Submit Assessment.”
  3. At the next screen, you will see your scores for that self-assessment.
  4. PRINT THE SCORES for your records.
  5. You now have the option to click on the link to return to the assessments selection page in order to complete another assessment.
  6. Make sure you can devote enough time to complete one complete self-assessment at a time. You cannot stop in the middle of an assessment, leave the website, and return. It will start you from the beginning. Assessment times run anywhere from 40 minutes up to 90 depending on your degree of reflection.

To View Your Self-Assessment Results:

  1. Click on “View Self-Assessment Results” in your personal webpage on the left side of your screen.
  2. It is from this Results section that you can print out your Personal Leadership Profile (PLP) which you are expected to share with your e-mentor.

To View the Self-Assessments, Item-by-Item:

  1. From the left menu of the website, select “Download Required Forms.”
  2. Scroll to Section 7: Mentor/ResidentsResources and print out the four self-assessments. For future reference, you may wish to indicate on the printed assessments how you rate the statements as you take the assessments online. (A second option would be to print each screen as you take the assessments so that you have a record of your individual responses.)

To Evaluate the NJ-L2LProgram:

  1. Click on “Complete Program Evaluation” in the left hand menu and follow the directions.

Revised: 11/3/2018