Unit 5 Test Plate Tectonics

____1.A caldera is a ____.

a. / violent volcanic explosion / c. / large depression in a volcano
b. / type of volcano / d. / very large volcanic bomb

____2.According to the property of paleomagnetism, ____.

a. / iron-rich rocks show the location of the magnetic poles at the time of their formation
b. / all rocks, regardless of when they are formed, have the same polarity
c. / all rocks have a reversed polarity
d. / rocks do not possess magnetic properties

____3.When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source, which is called the ____.

a. / epicenter / c. / fault
b. / focus / d. / seismic center

____4.Volcanic island arcs are associated with what type of plate boundary?

a. / divergent boundary
b. / convergent continental-continental boundary
c. / convergent oceanic-continental boundary
d. / convergent oceanic-oceanic boundary

____5.Which of the following factors helps determine whether a volcanic eruption will be violent or relatively quiet?

a. / amount of dissolved gases in the magma
b. / temperature of the magma
c. / composition of the magma
d. / all of the above

____6.New ocean crust is formed at ____.

a. / divergent boundaries / c. / continental volcanic arcs
b. / convergent boundaries / d. / transform fault boundaries

____7.Magma tends to rise towards Earth’s surface primarily because ____.

a. / water is abundant in magma
b. / rocks become less dense when they melt
c. / silica is abundant in magma
d. / rocks become more dense when they melt

____8.Most of the active volcanoes on Earth are located in a belt known as the ____.

a. / circum-Atlantic belt / c. / Ring of Lava
b. / Ring of Fire / d. / East African Rift Valley

____9.The particles produced in volcanic eruptions are called ____.

a. / laccoliths / c. / pyroclastic material
b. / calderas / d. / volcanic stocks

____10.The supercontinent in the continental drift hypothesis was called ____.

a. / Panthalassa / c. / Mesosaurus
b. / Pangaea / d. / Africa

____11.The Himalayas in South Asia are an example of what type of plate boundary?

a. / convergent oceanic-continental boundary
b. / convergent continental-continental boundary
c. / divergent boundary
d. / transform fault boundary

____12.Tsunamis are ____.

a. / often generated by movements of the ocean floor
b. / waves that are produced by tidal forces
c. / waves that cannot cause damage on land
d. / also known as tidal waves

____13.The amount of shaking produced by an earthquake at a given location is called the ____.

a. / intensity / c. / epicenter
b. / magnitude / d. / Richter magnitude

____14.What forms when one oceanic plate is forced beneath another plate?

a. / an ocean basin / c. / a subduction zone
b. / an ocean ridge / d. / a rift valley

____15.Continental volcanic arcs are associated with what type of plate boundary?

a. / convergent continental-continental boundary
b. / convergent oceanic-continental boundary
c. / transform fault boundary
d. / convergent oceanic-oceanic boundary

____16.Which of the following was NOT used in support of the continental drift hypothesis?

a. / fossil evidence / c. / ancient climate
b. / paleomagnetism / d. / fit of South America and Africa

____17.Which of the following causes earthquakes?

a. / elastic rebound / c. / release of heat
b. / Richter scale / d. / frictional heating

____18.Major earthquakes are sometimes preceded by smaller earthquakes called ____.

a. / aftershocks / c. / surface waves
b. / focus shocks / d. / foreshocks

____19.A divergent boundary at two oceanic plates can result in a ____.

a. / rift valley / c. / continental volcanic arc
b. / volcanic island arc / d. / subduction zone

____20.Magma forms when solid rock in the crust and upper mantle ____.

a. / melts / c. / crystallizes
b. / vaporizes / d. / cools

____21.What kind of plate boundary occurs where two plates grind past each other without destroying or producing lithosphere?

a. / divergent boundary / c. / transitional boundary
b. / convergent boundary / d. / transform fault boundary

____22.Lava plateaus form when ____.

a. / the top of a volcano collapses
b. / fluid basaltic lava flows out of fissures
c. / lahars create new landforms
d. / pyroclastic flows erupt from volcanoes

____23.Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting how violently or quietly a volcano erupts?

a. / magma’s composition
b. / magma’s temperature
c. / concentration of dissolved gases in the magma
d. / size of the volcano’s cone

____24.Which type of landform develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?

a. / rift valley
b. / volcanic island arc
c. / mountain ranges formed by a batholith
d. / lava plateau

____25.Which seismic waves travel most rapidly?

a. / P waves / c. / surface waves
b. / S waves / d. / tsunamis

____26.Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis stated that all the continents once joined together to form____.

a. / two major supercontinents
b. / two major supercontinents and three smaller continents
c. / one major supercontinent
d. / three major supercontinents

____27.Highly explosive volcanoes tend to have what type of magma?

a. / magma with high silica, high viscosity, and higher gas content
b. / magma with low silica, low viscosity, and lower gas content
c. / magma with low silica, high viscosity, and lower gas content
d. / magma with no silica, high viscosity, and no gas content

____28.What was the main reason Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis was rejected?

a. / He was not well liked by other scientists.
b. / He could not provide a mechanism for the movement of the continents.
c. / He could provide only illogical explanations for the movement of the continents.
d. / His evidence was incorrect.

____29.The geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provides evidence that ____.

a. / Europe was covered by a shallow sea when Mesosaurus lived
b. / a land bridge existed between Australia and India
c. / South America and Africa were once joined
d. / the Atlantic Ocean was wider when Mesosaurus lived than it is now

____30.An earthquake’s epicenter is ____.

a. / the place on the surface directly above the focus
b. / a spot halfway between the focus and the surface
c. / the spot below the focus
d. / any spot along the nearest fault

____31.The broad, slightly dome-shaped volcanoes of Hawaii are ____.

a. / composite cone volcanoes / c. / pyroclastic volcanoes
b. / shield volcanoes / d. / cinder cone volcanoes

____32.The Hawaiian Islands were formed when the Pacific Plate moved over ____.

a. / a subduction zone / c. / the Aleutian Plate
b. / an ocean ridge / d. / a hot spot

____33.Which of the following affects the amount of destruction caused by earthquake vibrations?

a. / the design of structures
b. / the intensity and duration of the vibrations
c. / the nature of the material on which structures are built
d. / all of the above

____34.What type of volcano is built almost entirely from ejected lava fragments?

a. / cinder cone / c. / shield volcano
b. / composite cone / d. / pahoehoe volcano

____35.A fault is ____.

a. / a place on Earth where earthquakes cannot occur
b. / a fracture in the Earth where movement has occurred
c. / the place on Earth’s surface where structures move during an earthquake
d. / another name for an earthquake

____36.In general, an increase in the confining pressure results in what change in a rock’s melting temperature?

a. / Melting temperature stays the same.
b. / Melting temperature decreases.
c. / Melting temperature increases.
d. / Melting temperature is not related to confining pressure.

____37.The scale most widely used by scientists for measuring earthquakes is the ____.

a. / seismic scale / c. / moment magnitude scale
b. / Richter scale / d. / epicenter magnitude scale

____38.One kind of evidence that supports Wegener’s hypothesis is that ____.

a. / the same magnetic directions exist on different continents
b. / major rivers on different continents match
c. / land bridges still exist that connect major continents
d. / fossils of the same organism have been found on different continents

____39.What type of boundary occurs where two plates move together, causing one plate to descend into the mantle beneath the other plate?

a. / transform fault boundary / c. / convergent boundary
b. / divergent boundary / d. / transitional boundary

____40.Earth’s thin, rocky outer layer is its ____.

a. / core / c. / outer core
b. / mantle / d. / crust

____41.Overall, which seismic waves are the most destructive?

a. / P waves / c. / compression waves
b. / S waves / d. / surface waves

____42.What instrument records earthquake waves?

a. / seismogram / c. / Richter scale
b. / seismograph / d. / barometer

43. Which of the following is the best evidence that Earth’s continents were once in vastly different positions than they are today?

A Penguins are found only in the Southern Hemisphere.

B Fossils of tropical plants are found in Antarctica.

C Volcanoes encircle the Pacific Ocean.

D Major rivers form deltas from continental erosion.

44. Which of the following provides evidence for plate tectonics?

A sea-floor topography B ocean currents C Coriolis effect D atmospheric temperatures

45. The convergence of two continental plates would produce

A island arcs.B rift valleys. C folded mountains. D trenches.

46. Which of the following is most responsible for the formation of new crust at the edge of a tectonic plate?

A mountain building at a continent-continent convergent boundary

B magma rising up from the mantle at a divergent boundary

C two tectonic plates sliding past one another at a transform boundary

D subduction of one oceanic plate under another at a convergent boundary

47. Earthquake vibrations are detected, measured, and recorded by instruments called

A sonargraphs.B seismographs.C Richter scales.D magnetometers.

Diagram A

48. In Diagram A, at which location would earthquakes be leastlikely to occur?

A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

49. Which type of volcano would be the least explosive?

A cinder coneB stratovolcanoC shield volcanoD composite cone

50. Scientists have found fossils of tropical plants in Antarctica. How could tropical plants have grown in Antarctica?

A At one time, Earth’s entire surface was a tropical rain forest.

B At one time, Antarctica was located closer to the equator.

C The rotation of Earth has increased, causing cooling of the atmosphere.

D Catastrophic volcanic eruptions melted the ice and exposed the soil to sunlight.