Thanksgiving Sunday

October 11th 2009

We Gather in Jesus’ Name

(*indicates people will stand if able)

Prelude Music

*Processional Hymn #326 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

Welcoming and Announcements

Call to Worship

We come to the good land bringing in the sheaves of harvest.

We come to the good place bringing in the fruit of our labours.

We come to the good table bringing in the dreams of heart.

We come to the good song bringing in the instrument of our voice.

We come to the good word bringing in the eager listening spirit of our mind.

We come to the good prayer bringing in the challenge and joys of our days.

We come to the good church bringing the legacy of our forebears.

We come to the good pew, and God brings us to the moment to be still, be held and be bold.

Prayer of Thanksgiving (said in unison)

We sing our praises and thanksgiving to you, most holy God, in response to your gracious activity in our lives. You have gathered us here today to remind us that although you are the one to whom all power belongs, you care for the fearful and the anxious, the weak and powerless.
You care for us. You bless our lives with a peace that we can never attain on our own and we praise you for joining your story to ours in such a special way through Jesus, prince of peace. May this time of worship be a true expression of our praise and adoration. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

We have raised just shy of $2000 dollars for the Organ Fund thru the Car Rally, a great time was had by all!!!! Thank you to everyone who helped organize this event, see you next year!

Happy 70th Birthday to Terry MacPherson

from you family at St. Paul’s!

Prayer Matters: Please keep the following people in your prayers: Ted Watson in HDH, Kathie Ingram (sister to Bob McVean), Marj Burton in Hillcrest, Joan Doolittle in Hillcrest, & Evelyn Banks has moved to Hillcrest. Please keep in your prayers anyone else who is in need at this time.

Lasagne Supper on Friday Oct 23rd from 5pm to 7pm at St. Paul’s hosted by the “Order of Eastern Star”. Adults are $12.00 and children $5.00. You can purchase tickets thru the church office, Gary Price or Joy Edwards. See poster for more info.

Stand Up and Speak Out against poverty. Peter Thomas from the Salvation Army will speak on Oct 16th at 12:30pm at the Midland YMCA. Donation of a non-perishable food item for the Salvation Army’s food bank would be appreciated. See posters for more info. Oct 17th is the international Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

Ministers: All the People of God

Service Leader: Andy Ahrens

Lay Reader: Sheila Thompson

Christian Education Coordinator: Andy Ahrens

Director of Music: Paul Sloan

Pre-Service Music Rick Taylor

Administrator Judy McConnell

Custodian Mary Ellen Petticrew

308 King St, Midland, ON L4R 3M6

Office hours Mon-Fri 9-12 & 1-4pm

Phone 526-6077, Fax 526-4020

Email: stpaulsunited@


*Hymn #412 This Is the Day

Time with Children/ Prayer with Children

The Lord’s Prayer

(children may go up to Sunday school after the prayer)

We Hear God’s Word for Us

Prayer for Illumination (said by all)

Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of the Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen.

First Lesson Joel 2:21-27

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church

Thanks be to God.

Responsive Reading Psalm 126 (VU pg. 850)

Anthem Come With Glad Thanksgiving Michael Sharp

Gospel Lesson Matthew 6: 25-33

This is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks be to God.

Message: The Look of Love

We Respond to God’s Word

Prayers of the People

The Offering of Our Gifts and Tithes

Hymn #236 Now Thank We All Our God

*Doxology We give you but your own,

Whate’er the gift may be:

All that we have is yours alone,

We give it gratefully.

Prayer of Dedication

We Go Forth in God’s Name

*Hymn #213 Rejoice, the Lord is King


*Choral Benediction Go in love; have no fear.

God will guide you, He is always near.

Go in love; take His hand.

God will hear you, He will understand.

May His light forever shine upon you.

May His peace be always in your heart.

Go in love; face each day.

God will lead you, He will show the way.

Go in love and live in faith. Amen.


Welcome to St. Paul’s! A special welcome to all new friends as we gather as one in faith, hope and love. If you are a guest, visitor or newcomer, please make yourself known to us. If you

have any questions, our greeters should be able to help you. Please put your name and mailing address and email address in our guest book, so we may have a record of your visit. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to share in our life at St. Paul’s. Please join us for coffee after the service today compliments of the UCW.

Thank you to Andy Ahrens for leading our service today. Next Sunday our service leader will be Andy Ahrens and Jean Bennett.

Foodgrains Bank Sunday is October 18th here at St. Paul’s. Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of Canadian Churches working together to end hunger. Our congregation supports the work of Canadian farmers who are attempting to feed the hungry of the world. Your gift is matched 4 to 1 by the Canadian Government. St. Paul’s gives generously to feed the hungry.

Harmony Unit of the UCW meets on Tuesday Oct 13 at 12:30pm in the parlour, bag lunch. The program is “Memories of where you were born”

The Alpha course is an 18 week Bible study thatdeals withthe big questionsof life and faith. The course will be starting on Wednesday October 21.It willrun from7:00 pm until 8:30 pmin the parlour.Everyone is welcome! Come check it out on the 21st and see if it's for you.

Food For Thought We will be starting up again on Tuesday October 20 at 6:30 pm at the home of Andy and Martha Ahrens. Interested? Feel free to give us a call: Andy and Martha at 361-9931.

Update: ---Organ & Chancel renovation campaign, the project now has approval from the Official Board to start the renovation. As a congregation we have raised $70,550 dollars towards this project but we still have $54,450 left to raise to meet the congregational share of $125,000. Please plan to attend and support this project by taking part in the following event which is to raise money for the project: October 24 – Concert with our Choir and Orillia Silver Band, see bulletin for more information

See poster on trip to see Dead Sea Scrolls in Toronto on Oct 21st, cost is $78 for adults and $75 for seniors. Sponsored by St. Mark’s Anglican Church tickets by Oct 14 at 526-6562