Unapproved SEC Draft Minutes
6 December 2016
David Law
Jeff Handal
Yatin Trivedi
James Irvine
Glenn Parsons
Howard Wolfman
Fred Surre
Susan Tatiner
Samantha Bradley
Jonathan Dahl
Jamie Moesch
Christopher Sanderson
Kristen Weiss
Tracy Parker
Jennifer McClain
- Call to Order (Law)
- Introductions (Law)
- Approval of draft agenda (Law/Handal)
- Approval of draft minutes from 8 November 2016 (Handal)
- Information Item: SEC 2016 Reports to EAB and SA BoG (Law/McClain)
- Staff Announcements (Tatiner)
- Standards University NIC Year 3 Plans (McClain/Tatiner)
- 2016 Year-End Report to NIC
- Strategic Planning in 2017 (Handal/Tatiner/McClain)
- Refreshing the ISU Ad-hoc Review/Editorial Committees (McClain/Tatiner)
- IEEE and Texas State University Modular Courseware Project (Tatiner/McClain)
- Review of Integrating Standards into Telecomm Engineering Education (Trivedi/McClain)
- Presentation
- Syllabus
- Paper
- Prairie View A&M University Opportunities (Handal/Sanderson) @ 12:00 PM
- Updates of Standards University projects
a. Content Review Team (Surre/Tatiner)
- New Partner
b. ISU Site Stats (Tatiner/Weiss) @ 1:00 PM
c. eZine (Trivedi/McClain/Tatiner)
1. Promotional Efforts (McClain/Parker)
d. Videos (Surre/Tatiner)
e. Workshops (McClain/Tatiner/Law)
1. ICES recap and Young Professionals event in 2017 (Tatiner) ***Added on 5 Dec 2016
f. MOOC (McClain/Tatiner)
g. Standards Simulation Game (Law/McClain/Tatiner)
14. Opportunities in China (Tatiner/Walter Sun) @ 2:00 PM
15. Review of SA's 3D Medical Imaging Webinar (McClain/Bradley/Tatiner)
- Review process for webinars
- Update on change for Corresponding Members to SEC Charter (McClain)
- IEEE Policy Paper on Role of Standards in Curriculum (McClain)
- New Business (Handal)
- Scheduling Next Meeting (McClain)
- Adjourn
- David Law called meeting to order at 9:00 AM Eastern.
- All attendees introduced themselves.
- Motion to approve the agenda was made by Yatin Trivedi and seconded by Howard Wolfman. Agenda was approved.
- Motion to approve draft minutes from 8 Nov 2016 was made by Howard Wolfman and seconded by Yatin Trivedi. Minutes approved.
- Jennifer noted that there are end-of-year reports for the EAB and SA BoG attached to the agenda as information items.
- Susan provided a couple IEEE professional staff announcements. Tara Gallus and Jennie Steinhagen will not be available to help with standards education efforts going forward. The SA is hiring a full-time Standards University Program Manager who will report to Susan. Duties will include working on the eZine. Hope to hire the new person in first quarter 2017.
- The 2016 final report to the NIC is attached to the agenda item #7 and includes plans for how we will spend the 2017 NIC funding. Susan walked the group through the year 3 plans, which include:
· 10 videos and no eLearning modules for 2017.
· Another MOOC.
· Creation of a 4th type of workshop. Could be a virtual workshop. Right now we have the Demystifying Standards Workshop, Consensus-Building Workshop, Young Professionals Workshop, which is to include a Meet Up.
· Marketing for the eZine that will include recruiting new SME’s to write. Marketing for the game too.
· Tips for Professors.
- Group discussed strategic planning in 2017. Susan presented slides attached to agenda item #8. Many ideas were generated during this discussion. Jennifer has captured the full list and it will be revisited for strategic planning session(s) in 2017.
- Review of the Current SEC Ad-hoc and Editorial Committees. Group reviewed the current list of sub-committees of the SEC and made the following recommendations:
- MOOCs: Hybernate
- ISU Platform Committee: Stays. Action: rename as the Wireframe/Website Design Committee)
- eZine Editorial Board: Stays. Yatin noted that he hopes the existing people will continue. More active participation is needed. The job of editorial board members is to review the articles that come in and recruit authors. Howard Wolfman volunteered to join.
- Workshops ad-hoc: Stays.
- Standards Simulation Game: Hibernate.
- Content Review Team: Stays. Action: rename it as “Library Content ad-hoc”.
- Group discussed obtaining partners. We think we will get 4 to 6 articles per partner and exhibit for 3 months as featured content with 6 to 9 partners per year.
- Videos ad-hoc: Stays.
- Webinars and Tips for Professors also need to be reviewed. SEC needs to address this next year. Maybe the webinars belong in Video ad-hoc.
- Printed content goes to Content Review.
- Action: Staff review ad-hoc lists and provide ideas for the team structures.
- Content Review team will do the Tips for Professors that is ready now for review.
- Discussion about SA Webinar was addressed under agenda item #15.
- Texas State University Modular Courseware Project explained by Susan. This is a modular version of the game. Concept sheet is sort of the 3rd version of the consensus-building workshop:
a. Workshops
b. Game
c. Educators Edition. This version is an effort to meet the ABET criteria. Focus will be on the US market, which uses ABET. Will give professors the ability to break the game up into different modules and run it over the course of a semester. Will also develop specific assessment materials to link it to the ABET criteria. Texas State will critique the material and when it is ready. They are going to pilot it at the university and give us feedback. They will get a grant to run the pilot.
- Group discussed the Jackson State courseware on Integrating Standards into Telecomm Engineering Education.
a. Members did not think that this competes with our new standards game materials. It appears to be a standardization course with workshops. The course appears also to be video recorded.
b. SEC subcommittee will review all material. Action: Jennifer ask Tarek for rest of the course work. Subcommittee will review for their next regular call.
c. Next Steps:
1) Action: eZine Editorial Board will review the paper for publication.
2) Action: Content Review Ad-hoc will review the current content.
3) Action: Discuss the NIST Grant next steps with Tarek. Jennifer, Susan, James Irvine and David Law will be the call.
a. James noted that we should develop materials that are adjuncts to courses that don’t take up a lot of time and target individuals who want to specialize in the area. We should publish this as a resource. It would be one of many.
- Prairie View A&M University Opportunities
b. Christopher Sanderson from Prairie View A&M dialed into the meeting to talk about the need for standards education in the universities and how SEC can support the effort.
c. There are opportunities for seminars on standards education for the student branches at the universities in Texas.
d. At Prairie View they conducted a program that included standards education material through the Student Branch.
e. SEC Resources were provided for the videos, where presentations were, grant information, etc. Christopher put together a 4-part program.
Ø 1st part: History of Standards
Ø 2nd part: What are IEEE Standards, using presentation and videos.
Ø 3rd part: Specific to a topic area, such as networking. (802.1aq)
Ø 4th part: Guest speaker from the area.
Ø Senior project to explore a standard and the future of where it is going. 30-minute presentations were given per group. Guest speaker gave feedback on the presentations.
Ø This was part of a lab class for networking. Had 6 to 12 students.
Ø Offered in 2 parts (fall and semester class).
· Jeff and Fred will follow up with Christopher.
Ø Christopher would like to create a survey for students. He has a proposed list of questions.
· Students could take the Standards MOOC available on IEEEx.org to obtain a certificate of completion.
Ø Action: Jennifer follow up about adding CEUs and PDHs to the MOOC.
· Christopher is also interested in a student competition, maybe for Region 5.
- Updates for Standards University Projects
a. Content Review Team:
· SEC approved a content development strategy. We have a process to rapidly increase content on the ISU site. This includes external and internal content.
· First, we will look for external content that is copyright free or obtain copyright so we can put it in our library.
· Second, we will find Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) partners to become featured partners. They will choose some items from their portfolios and we will exhibit the content for 90 days. There will be up to three partners at a time.
· We currently have IEEE volunteers as 4 reviewers. For anything related to patents, reviewer(s) need to be a member of the IEEE SA BoG since they have fiduciary responsibility. 25 items have been reviewed and gone through the full process. 18 have been added to the library.
· We have also started reaching out to potential partners and will target some of the National Bodies who may be open to this idea. The Featured Partners web page is designed and completed.
· ASTM has agreed to be our first partner. MOU with ASTM is to be completed.
· Howard noted NEMA may be an option. He could facilitate introductions. Illuminating Engineering Society and SA already have an MOU. This may be a partnership opportunity.
b. ISU Site Stats updates. Kristen Weiss walked group through the presentation attached to agenda item #13b.
· Don is interested in tracking how the eZine traffic is coming from the societies. Tracy noted that when we are pushing out through social media we are using a different URL to begin tracking better.
· Action: Work with Tracy and Don to set up an outreach for the eZine to the societies.
· Action: Kristen to track how people are going to the eZine and then where do they go after. Are they going to the main ISU page or other pages? Which way is the traffic going?
· Yatin asked Tracy how we can get the numbers for tracking eZine promotion results. For the November, for social media, we had 47 clicks and 150 clicks so far through our social media sites only. Other outlets through IEEE launches at the end of this month.
· Group discussed how to help identify topics for the eZine. Is there a way to use the data to figure out what themes we might focus on? Kristen suggested looking back at our own content and to see what did well. Could do some additional keyword research in a search for new content.
Ø Another area is through the Public Visibility and Corporate Activities when they release “Hot Topics” to identify a calendar and topics. IEEE bases a lot of promotions and events around this calendar. As soon as the 2017 list is it ready we will make it available to the SEC.
c. Fred provided video update. We have completed the work for 2016 for all videos. See the video section of the ISU site.
· Don suggested showing in a video how someone uses a standard in their work or project. From start to finish of a project, including all the way through to compliance. How people interact with work teams, finding the standards needed, testing to the standards, and regulations, etc.
· Another possible video about building reputation within industry, opportunities to build a career by engaging in standards development.
· David noted that the Portuguese standards association developed a Simpsons-based video that includes standards. Action: David will send links. This is for a pre-university audience. We can consider it and maybe link to it.
d. Yatin led the eZine discussion. Our statistics show that we are doing well and building an audience.
· 4 issues came out in 2016.
· Editorial Calendar needs to be set for 2017. Proposed topics include: Ethics, Consumer Electronics, Industrial Automation/Smart Manufacturing/3D Printing, Compliance for the 4th Quarter issue.
· SA is developing a policy paper for release in early January. If we can switch the order of our topics so Ethics becomes the first quarter topic, Konstantinos may be able to help provide 5 to 6 articles. Yatin will follow up with him.
· Don suggested that EMC Society may be able to contribute.
· Yatin noted that Glenn has given us visibility through the Communications Magazine Supplement. Glenn noted that next year it will be a separate publication. He would like to continue the standards education series and would like to assign someone who is willing to work on this from the Communications Magazine. Maybe they could be on the eZine editorial board (from ComSoc). Action: Yatin and Jennifer will follow up. Glenn sent an email with the person’s name.
· Tracy reviewed a list of what she is doing for eZine promotion.
Ø This month attending a promotional forum at the IEEE for all activities of the IEEE.
Ø The Institute had article devoted to Standards Education as part of an Education issue this fall. This goes to all of the membership.
Ø Promoted the eZine through the Society Sentinal, which goes to all Sections Chairs.
Ø Through all EA social media channels and to the IEEE social media groups.
Ø Working also with the China office for them to promote through their channels.
Ø EA doesn’t focus much on communicating outside the IEEE.
Ø EA has always had difficulty reaching societies and gauging results. Plan to launch a campaign for the eZine and are working to find individual contacts within the societies, such as the Presidents, people who manage the newsletters, etc., Will include special URL’s to track this.
Ø eZine also has our own subscriber list. For EA, we need to develop our own connections, since we do not own the membership lists, etc.
e. Workshop updates were discussed, including:
· Results of the Young Professionals pilot workshop in Germany. Successful event to be used as a model for future Young Professionals Workshops. The follow up is to create an MOU with Young Professional group in MGA for 1 event for next year.
· Fred was at ITU Kaliadoscope meeting. Gave a talk on how do we see academics in standards. Action: Fred to send short summary on the opportunities. He has been invited also to go to Ecuador where there is another university with opportunities. Fred will follow up on the leads.
f. MOOC “Innovation & Competition: Succeeding through Global Standards” is running for the second time in 2016 now. Report to the IEEE Foundation indicated that we will run it two more times in 2017. SEC will need to plan for what we want to do next with MOOCs.