The meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 9.00pm.
Present:D Chick- Chairman
C Watkins- Vice Chairman
K Bearcroft- Parkstone Bay Association
R Boot- Spinnakers Residents Association
J Boot-Bakker- Poole Resident
Councillor D Collier- Borough of Poole
L Cooper- Membership Committee
E Gault- Poole Resident
Councillor D Gillard- Borough of Poole
J Gillingham- Parkstone Bay Association
C Gorman- Friend of Poole Park
M Graham- Park User
M Heckford- Treasurer of Friends of Poole Park
J Jones- Parkstone Bay Association
R Jones- Poole Borough Band
B Lister- Publicity officer – Friends of Poole Park
E A Marsh- Poole Resident
R R Mountford- Friend of Poole Park
M Muir- Poole Resident
T Muir- Poole Resident
C Smith- Leisure Services, Borough of Poole
T Smith- Events Co-ordinator
(Park Lake Road Resident)
P Steer- Parkstone Bay Association
A G Vincent- Denison Road Resident
G Wilson- Poole Resident
M Saunders- Democratic Services, Borough of Poole
The Chairman welcomed the members to the meeting and announced that the postcards were on sale at 10p.
The Chairman informed the meeting that the planning application relating to 68 Twemlow Avenue had been deferred by the Planning Committee.
Apologies for absence were received from Mrs Arscott, Mr Cattano, Mr Humphries, Mr Soloman and Mr Trimmer.
The Minutes of the meeting of 9th June 2003 were agreed subject to the following amendments being made:
Page 3 – M.2 – paragraph 2 “Councillor Wilson explained to the meeting that he was attending the meeting as a Friend of Poole Park when previously he had been in attendance as a Borough of Poole Elected Member”.
Page 4 – M.4 – “Toddlers Swings” – Delete paragraph “A resident …… etc. and substitute
“A resident asked why the number of toddlers swings had been reduced. Mark Humphries explained that in order to comply with legislation the maximum number of seats allowed were two per bay.”
Page 6 – M.5 – Poole Park Update – Paragraph 15 – delete “The Cygnet Café ….. etc.
Substitute “The ice-cream kiosk might be moved closer to the water’s edge and the current kiosk was used for rangers etc …….”
Cleaning Machine
Clive Smith reported that he had received statistics for June, July 2003 from the contractor who was responsible for cleaning the park. Cleaning took place on 9 days during June, he added that the machine was used in the central area, around the Swan Lake Café and the Lake area in general. He reported that July was busier with the machine being used 19 out of 31 days, this included the cleaning of the hard and grassed surfaces. The machine was not used at weekends as it was used mostly on Mondays and Fridays. There had also been a slight increase in the random checking of the cleaning of the park and Clive Smith concluded that Leisure Services would continue to encourage further cleaning of the park.
The Friends discussed the condition of the park and the view was expressed that standards generally had to improve. Clive Smith explained that there was a fixed level of resources for this work and he added that he would pass these comments on to the relevant staff. Ken Bearcroft suggested that the Park might have to be closed down due to the levels of pollution and the health and safety concerns involved for the park users. Clive Smith assured the meeting that the park was not in condition to be under threat of being closed, and informed the meeting that he had liaised with Environmental Services regarding the geese droppings.
Clive Smith acknowledged that, of course a clean park would be everyone’s ideal aspiration, however, the cost to maintain Poole park per square metre was the most expensive in the Borough. The Chairman suggested Planning Obligations Funding, which had been created for the benefit of open spaces, could perhaps be applied for.
Councillor Collier explained that the Planning Obligation Funding in one area would have to be limited and that most of this money had already been allocated.
Geese Fouling
The question was raised as to why fencing could not be erected to prevent the geese from polluting the grassed areas. The Chairman stated that whilst he was sympathetic to this suggestion, this would need to be funded from somewhere. Councillor Collier felt that this would not work, as the geese might still fly into the fenced areas.
Terry Smith suggested that the park needed to invest in labour to operate the cleaning machine. Councillor Collier sympathised with this and stated that the algae problem in the lake could be related to the use of the machine. He highlighted that the major issue was the number of geese at the park and that a strategy needed to be produced.
Clive Smith replied that the goose droppings were a cleaning problem and he had taken advice from the Environment Agency regarding this issue. However the effect of the machine washing goose droppings into the lake was minimal to the condition of the park. He informed the Friends that a management Plan would shortly be presented to the Environment Overview Group and then to Cabinet.
He informed the meeting that over £100,000 was available to spend in accordance with the management plan. It was highlighted that this was not a great deal of money, when reviewing all of the problems in the park.
Lottery Bids were discussed and Clive Smith explained that smaller grant bids were usually more successful these days and that partnership matched funding would be needed. Progress had been delayed due to the Election in May 2003. Clive Smith advised that when funding became available in line with the management Plan the necessary work would be actioned.
Lorna Cooper remarked that during the last two weeks of August the Park had been in a terrible condition, it was reported that this could have been due to staff holidays. Lorna was concerned at the risks for children if they tripped up and had fallen on the droppings and debris all over the park.
The meeting noted that there was limited resources, but at weekends the Cricket Club had suffered from the sheer amount of goose droppings as the park was not always cleaned on Fridays. The meeting requested cleaning to be done every Friday in future.
The meeting raised the question as to whether the contractors were obliged to pickup litter from the water’s edge. Clive Smith informed the meeting that this area is included in the contact for cleaning.
The following options were recommended on how to deal with the geese:-
- Identified area allocated and fixed for the geese only.
- Culling the geese, previously the committee had been against this option.
- Fencing to restrict goose movements.
The Chairman responded that there was limited resources available and he acknowledged that all work carried out needed to be in accordance with the draft Management Plan.
It was suggested that there was a noticeable decline in Poole Park since May 2003. The numbers of geese had increased and resources would be needed to address the problems of geese droppings.
The comment was made that resources would not solve the problems associated with the geese and that culling would be the only solution. The Chairman reminded the Friends of Poole Park that there had previously been a democratic decision made by this Committee not to cull the geese and that he had followed this decision. The Chairman asked the Friends of Poole Park if they felt the same way.
The meeting stated that a temporary solution needed to be found and requested recommendations from the Friends of Poole Park.
It was proposed and seconded that a small area be fenced, to encourage the geese into a designated area that has signs stating “Please feed the geese here”.
On being put to the vote the proposal was lost.
Councillor Collier informed the meeting that the resolution would not work as less than 20% of the geese use the Park for food, stating that this was an issue for Purbeck District council as this was where the geese were bred. English nature do egg wiping, but this had a detrimental effect on other wildlife. Councillor Collier informed the meeting that the geese had a long life span and in order to reduce the number of birds, hedges need to be formed to stop them having the ability to land. He concluded by stating that to continue feeding the geese would only exacerbate the problem and that fencing would not stop the problem.
The meeting agreed that a strategy needed to be written to outline how to deal with the geese.
It was suggested cancelling the original agreement of no culling. It was noted that this proposal would contradict the Management Plan. The meeting suggested that it would not be sensible to action culling in the Park as it would be inappropriate. If it was done, it would need to take place outside of the Park. The chairman explained that culling already took place outside the Park.
It was highlighted that the Friends of Poole Park should not be linked with the suggestion of culling, as this had been previously agreed by the Friends of Poole Park.
It was proposed and seconded that “culling would take place early in the morning and be controlled with a silent revolver.
The chairman requested a recorded vote:-
For: 8
Abstentions: 3
On being put to the vote, the proposal was lost.
Rat Run
The Friends were advised that there was nothing new to report, and that this would need to be reviewed at the next meeting.
The Friends were informed that a meeting would need to take place in September 2003 with the Police Authority and Transportation Services to discuss the speed checks in the Park.
It had been agreed on 16 April 2003 that parking in Cygnet Café Car Park was limited to a period of four hours. However all day parking was still taking place. Transportation Services needed to be informed so that signs could be erected and also to monitor the situation.
The meeting acknowledged that the west end of the Park had a 1 hour restriction, however the east end had no restrictions.
The meeting agreed that this matter needed to be investigated by Transportation Services and to also consider the possibility of having a temporary speed trap in the park.
Draft Management Plan
Clive Smith informed the meeting that a Draft Management Plan summary of consultation responses was needed for the Friends of Poole Park and Council Members. Formal adoption of the Plan was needed so that money could start to be spent on improving the Park.
The Chairman stated that there was no fundamental change needed to the Plan that was agreed by the Committee arising from the consultation. Clive Smith stated that he would make a presentation to Councillors for approval before the next meeting of the Friends of Poole Park in December 2003.
The meeting agreed that the changes did not need to be debated and that the Committee could deal with the consultation document.
Clive Smith responded to a question that there was an existing bye-law, and that permission was required to use the lake for boating, and there was an issue with public liability insurance. Clive confirmed that the Borough of Poole could restrict the use of boats on the lake due to the bye-law.
The Committee had not yet met to discuss the issues concerning litter, this would be referred to the next meeting.
It was suggested that a Litter Officer be appointed by the Borough of Poole who had the authority to fine offenders. It was noted that the Police Authority had not been supportive of the recommendation in the past. A Bye-law would mean that any fines collected wo9uld be the property of the Police Authority. Clive Smith stated that he would investigate the law involved and report back to the next meeting.
Compost Heap
Clive Smith reported that Mark Humphries would investigate the compost heap and report his findings back to the next meeting. He informed the meeting that it had been treated for weeds. The idea of designated recycling areas would be investigated.
The meeting discussed insurance and whether members of the Friends of Poole Park would be insured when carrying out voluntary work in the Park. Clive Smith advised the meeting that when a Friend of Poole Park was working in conjunction with a Borough of Poole Officer he/she would be covered, however if they were working on their own they would not be covered. Clive Smith suggested that the Friends of Poole Park should consider obtaining their own insurance.
The meeting identified that a Park Ranger had been invited to attend the meetings but unfortunately had had to send apologies.
The Chairman advised that a kiosk and a new café had been proposed to be built in the old boating storage area, and he notified the meeting that Committee Members would be looking at the proposal on 11 September 2003 to discuss this further.
Adrian Forte would submit the plans to the Members of the Environment Overview Group and to the Friends of Poole Park; feedback would be reported to the next meeting. The Friends stated that if the proposals were agreed that they would not want to see a substantial building.
Water Quality
Clive Smith referred to the policy for the condition of the water in the park, and stated that when the sluice gate was being repaired, flushing was not possible, this factor, along with the hot weather and lack of rainfall had not helped and had affected the quality of the water.
The Environment Agency had reported a high level of algae in the lake and had asked for flushing to be stopped. The lake was monitored and once the algae had gone maximum flushing would take place.
In response to a question asking if the flushing would be done on a monthly basis, Clive informed the meeting that the tides and atmospheric pressure would determine the timing, but monthly would seem realistic.
The Friends agreed that high levels of algae had been present in the lake in the past, but had not recently been such an issue due to the fact that the lake was now dredged regularly and was deeper than in the past.
Clive Smith reported that dredging was considered in the Management Plan as this would have been expected to have had a positive effect. The issue was disposing of the waste.
The following factors caused levels of algae to increase:-
- Depth of water
- Temperature
- Nutrients
- Salt water
The Friends were informed that the sluice gate had been repaired.
Clive Smith reported that pedalos had been purchased to offer further facilities, and that the Park would be used for boating next year.
The issue of asbestos was raised, and the difficulties involved in removing the boatyard. Clive Smith indicated he would like to get the new café and kiosk open and that the funding would be required from an external source.
The Friends discussed the implication of the algae. Clive Smith advised that it would be sensible to deal with the issue during the winter when the lake was not in use. The meeting acknowledged the costs involved. Clive Smith suggested a partial dredging of the lake and planting around the edge. The meeting agreed that they would have to look at the existing funds. The Friends were informed that the toxins were not harmful to the plants.
The Chairman suggested that Clive Smith seek advice regarding the issue of algae in the lake.
The Treasurer reported that the balance stood at £890.10. The Friends were provided with the financial statement.
The Friends were informed that leaflets had been produced, for visitors, which provided information on the families and history of the park. It was reported that more copies were planned to be produced that would be more descriptive in order to keep people informed of activities in the Park and a membership Form slip would be enclosed in an attempt to increase the membership of the Friends of Poole Park. Copies of the leaflet would be circulated at a future meeting.
The Friends thanked Leisure Services who had given help and guidance and also funding towards the leaflet. The Friends acknowledged the efforts of all parties involved in the production of the leaflet and expressed their thanks.
It was mentioned that there was no reference to the Bowls Club, which can be used by the public. The Chairman suggested this should be taken on board and would be included next time the document was produced. The friends acknowledged that an additional attraction that needed to be promoted was that free parking was available for users of the Park.